avtt 手机版 天堂网

Chapter 104: I, Your Father, am in Control

Chapter 104: I, Your Father, am in Control

Never one to miss an opportunity to cement things in his favor, Wu responded to Yukie’s greeting by kissing the top of her head, asserting, “Last night was amazing. Thank you for entrusting yourself to me…”

Furrowing her brows slightly, Yukie felt compelled to say she hadn’t entrusted herself to anyone. Instead, she returned her head to Wu’s chest, remaining absolutely silent and just listening to his heartbeat for several minutes.

Just as Yukie was considering going back to sleep, the paradoxically tense yet peaceful silence was disturbed by Wu’s clone entering the room with a pushcart full of food.

As it was her first time seeing ‘any’ clone, much less Wu’s, bewilderment marred Yukie’s face as she looked between the two of them. In response, Wu took the initiative to explain, “One of the fundamental arts of a Shinobi is the ability to produce clones. If you continue permitting me to train your body, you’ll eventually be able to create clones of your own and transform your body, just like Sakura, Kaia, and Fu…”

Though Wu’s words sounded ridiculous, Yukie had personally witnessed the girls’ ability to transform. Sakura had even replaced her stunt double, matching her make-upped appearance down to the tone of her blush and individual strands of her hair. It was honestly ‘very’ annoying, as she had to spend nearly an hour having said makeup applied, sometimes multiple times a day…

Before Yukie could make a decision, Wu interrupted her train of thought, advising, “You should eat quickly. There are still a few hours until the ship is scheduled to depart, but it’s better to arrive early than late. I still need to inspect your cabin and the ship’s hull before it sets sail.”

As she had been trying not to think about the impending voyage, Yukie issued an annoyed groan when she heard Wu’s words. She still ate the food he provided for her, but she had a grumpy expression on her face until he asked, “Want to take a shower together…?” near the very end of breakfast.

Though she would have vehemently refused in the past, Yukie took a moment to consider Wu’s proposition before nodding in approval. She suspected that Wu would be even more ‘caring’ now that they had had sex, and she wasn’t wrong. Not only did he give her body a ‘thorough’ cleaning, but when she deliberately rubbed her butt against him, he gave her a lot more…



Seeing Yukie arrive ‘early,’ a look of disbelief marred the faces of several people, none more so than the bespectacled Sandayu. He wasn’t planning to go to the hotel for another two hours, and they had even informed the ship’s Captain and Harbormaster to expect considerable delays. Thus, for several seconds, the middle-aged Manager couldn’t believe what he was seeing with his own two eyes…

Noticing everyone staring at her with dumbfounded expressions, a frown marred Yukie’s face as she exclaimed, “What are you guys staring at!? Do your jobs…!”

Not wanting to be on the receiving end of one of Yukie’s tirades, everyone but Sandayu immediately returned to work. The latter hurried over as fast as he could, surprise still coloring his face as he expressed, “I’m glad you came of your own accord, Miss Yukie. Shall I show you to your cabin and prepare some tea?”

Regaining her usual apathetic look, Yukie replied, “You can show me the way, but I can do without the tea. I’m already wide awake. Besides, the tea Wu prepares tastes better.”

Smiling wryly, Sandayu directed his squinty-eyed gaze to Wu, a hint of suspicion in his dark-brown, nearly black eyes. Pretty much everyone had noticed how close he and Yukie were getting, so Sandayu was beginning to suspect Wu knew the Actress’s true identity and was preparing to take advantage of it.

Though he noticed the look in the man’s eyes, Wu pretended not to as he turned to Sakura, Kaia, and Fu, advising, “Remember, if an enemy attacks while we’re out at sea, take the fighting away from the ship. I can escort everyone to safety if the ship sinks, but we’ll lose all the filming gear and supplies.”

As the most responsible, making her the de facto leader among the trio, Sakura nodded her head and replied, “Right. Just leave it to us, Wu-kun. We won’t let anything disrupt the filming under our watch.”

Nodding in approval, Wu took the time to caress all three girls’ heads before turning to Yukie and Sandayu, the latter leading the way to what would ordinarily be the Captain’s cabin. The middle-aged sailor had been forced to relinquish it to Yukie while Wu, Sakura, Kaia, Fu, and most of the production company, were given bunks in one of the crewmans’ quarters below deck.

While Wu spent a bit of time teaching the girls how to search for traps and sus out record devices, his clones gave the ship’s interior and outer hull a comprehensive sweep to ensure there weren’t any explosive tags or seals lurking where they shouldn’t. Fortunately, the only thing they found was a simple tracking seal attached to the ship’s rudder. The clone that found it assumed it was to help track the vessel if it was lost at sea, but he erased it just to be safe…



As the Land of Snow was even further away from the Land of Fire than Kiri, roughly 3100 Nautical Miles(5700 km), the voyage was expected to take between 3-4 weeks. To account for this, part of the movie had been scripted to take place on the ship itself, giving the cast and crew plenty to distract themselves from the tiresome journey.

Fortunately, at least for Wu, the first half of the ship’s journey brought it closer to Kiri, or, more accurately, the Land of Water. Yokohama was also pretty close to the easternmost point of the Land of Fire, so Wu only had to fly around 2500kms if he wanted to visit Mei from the port. By the time the ship was halfway through its voyage, it wouldn’t even take him a full ten minutes to fly over to Kiri and say hello.

As a precaution against any surprise attacks that might occur while he was away, Wu had his clones flying ahead to investigate every island or large chunk of ice near the ship’s path. Sandayu and many members of the cast and crew had been behaving suspiciously since the mission first began, so Wu was starting to believe there was some truth to the rumors stating that Yukie was actually the missing Princess of the Land of Snow, Kazahana Koyuki.

All but confirming Wu’s suspicions, the nightmares that had plagued Yukie since he first started observing her became more frequent and intense as they drew nearer to the Land of Snow. The only time she didn’t have them was when they slept together, so the raven-haired woman began ‘forcing’ him to sleep in her cabin. Then, instead of simply going to sleep, they had intense sex and ‘trained’ until she had thoroughly exhausted herself.

Though Wu took steps to prevent his and Yukie’s tryst from becoming known to the cast and crew, only informing the girls about it, the raven-haired Actress openly admitted to it when Sandayu confronted her to ask if anything was going on.

To say the middle-aged Manager was angry was an understatement, but, as the mission was formally requested by the Fire Daimyo, he couldn’t annul the mission or fire Wu. He also wasn’t in charge of the filming, so all he and several others could do was grind their teeth as Yukie quit holding back her voice and became a lot more active in the bedroom…



As Wu cradled her from behind and peppered her neck and shoulder with kisses, Yukie broke the prolonged silence that had settled in the wake of their lovemaking, asking, “If I were to ask you to, would you take me away from this place…?”

Without needing to consider his response, Wu replied, “My mission is to keep you safe until the end of your filming abroad. If it never concludes, I suppose I’ll just have to keep you safe forever…”

Adopting a faint smile, Yukie turned toward Wu and pushed him onto his back, straddling him with her hands on his shoulders as she brought her face progressively closer and asked, “And what about your village and the Fire Daimyo? Are you willing to offend them on my behalf…?”

Revealing a smile of his own, Wu cupped Yukie’s ass as he answered, “I don’t mind playing politics, but I generally tend to do my own thing. Even if the Fire Daimyo gets upset or his little niece throws a fit, that’s where it will end. My power and status aren’t a joke, Yukie…if push came to shove, I will ‘always’ be the one who comes out on top…”

Narrowing her eyes slightly, Yukie resisted the urge to point out that Wu was currently ‘beneath’ her. Instead, she adopted a serious expression as she revealed, “I think I may be an actual Princess. Everything is still hazy, but I’ve been having flashbacks about living in a palace and fleeing with a boy from your village…”

Sitting up straight, Yukie grabbed the crystal necklace nestled between her breasts, revealing, “In one of my memories, there is a man I believe to be my father. I can’t recall what he said clearly, but I think this necklace is the key to the Land of Snow’s greatest treasure…”

Yanking the necklace from her neck, Yukie placed it against Wu’s chest and said, “If you promise to protect me…my body, this key…everything I have will belong to you. I’m tired of living the life others have decided for me…I’m tired of living in fear…”

Meeting Yukie’s gaze directly, Wu asked, “Are you sure about this? I’ve already explained some of my situation to you…you know I can never be with just one woman. If you truly are the missing Princess from the Land of Snow, that makes you the rightful Daimyo. If you ascend to the throne, you’ll be the one dictating the lives of others…”

Shaking her head, Yukie asserted, “I have no idea what it takes to run a country, and without a powerful backer, I would be at the whims of my Advisers, Ministers, and the Merchants that have spread their influence through the region. The people who attacked my father and chased me from the palace should belong to Yukigakure, the Village Hidden in the Snow. You said the Hidden Villages were the most powerful military force of a nation, so how could I hope to rule if they want me dead…?”

Adopting a slight smile, Wu remarked, “Seems to me like you’ve already found your answer…”

Nodding her head in affirmation, Yukie took a moment to welcome the tip of Wu’s cock into her, guiding it to her depths before exhaling a contented sigh. Then, as she began to sway her hips, she explained, “If I ran away, I think I would live in fear the rest of my life. I also can’t forgive the people who killed my father and chased me from my home, so I want to use your power to crush them. Do that for me, and you can have the Land of Snow. I will even rule it at your behest… ”

Adopting a playful smile, Wu remarked, “Sandayu is going to be pissed…”

Snorting through her nose, Yukie’s movements began to intensify as she loudly proclaimed, “I…don’t care…what Sandayu…or anyone else thinks…! This is my life…and I plan to live it however I please…!”

Punctuating her words, Yukie bent down to kiss Wu on the lips, her ass rising and falling as fast as she could manage, causing a loud clapping to echo through and beyond the room. It frustrated her to no end when she realized there was a possibility that Sandayu and several members of the cast and crew were basically ‘forcing’ her back to her homeland without revealing the truth. She believed they wanted to use her as some prop to stage a revolution and seize control of the Land of Snow, so this was her way of getting ‘revenge.’ She might be powerless on her own, but with Wu and Konoha as her benefactors, who would dare to tell her how to live her life? From now on, she was in control…



(A/N: People don’t like being lied to and deceived…even if you’re doing it ‘for their own good’….)

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