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Chapter 103: I, Your Father, am Experimental

Chapter 103: I, Your Father, am Experimental

(A/N: Patrons voted in favor of the One Piece Fanfic, but I’ll still be releasing daily chapters of Your Father until the backlog is used up. Once One Piece: Wild Hunt reaches 100 chapters, I will either swap back to Your Father or switch to daily releases for both.)

Without meeting Wu’s gaze, Yukie asked, “What’s the furthest you’ve ever gone with a woman? I’ve seen how close you are with those three girls on your team…have you done it with them?”

Raising his brows, Wu replied, “If you’re asking if I’ve had sex, then yes. I’m young, handsome, powerful, and part of a profession that requires me to put my life on the line. Making the most of every opportunity and living life to the fullest are the only ways to balance such a lifestyle.”

Exhaling a sigh through her nose, Yukie raised her eyes to meet Wu’s gaze as she argued, “At least you have a choice…for the past ten years, all I’ve done is live the life others have decided for me. And for what? Do you know the fate that awaits most Actresses…?”

Without waiting for Wu’s response, Yukie explained, “While they’re young and gullible, they’re given a taste of success, showered with praise, and treated like Princesses. Then, the moment they mature and start wanting to make decisions for themselves, they’re forced into a corner and made to ‘ingratiate’ themselves to sponsors just for a chance at receiving a role. They become addicted to drugs and alcohol just to cope before ultimately ending up as playthings for affluent men who see them as little more than trophies to flaunt about their inner circles…”

Running her fingers up her body, Yukie narrowed her eyes as she asked, “How many so-called ‘Nobles’ do you think have tried to buy a night with me by threatening to pull funding in the middle of production? How many sponsors do you think I’ve been asked to pour drinks for while they ogle and attempt to take liberties with me?”

Understanding that Yukie didn’t actually want an answer, Wu lowered his head slightly and remarked, “You must have had it rough…” in a soft tone and with a sad, ostensibly apologetic smile on his face.

Not expecting Wu to empathize or offer compassion, Yukie found herself at a momentary loss for words. She expected him to stare at her breasts or argue that she could simply pursue another profession, ignorant of how even a brief period of fame followed living Actresses like a curse. So long as their movies existed, there would ‘always’ be people who coveted and wanted to claim them. Retiring without some kind of ‘backing’ was a good way to get yourself kidnapped, or worse…

Realizing she was getting in a tiff over a ‘kid,’ Yukie exhaled a tired sigh, massaging her forehead for a few seconds before proposing, “Let’s make a deal. You’re some big shot in the Shinobi world, right? Important enough that even the Fire Daimyo makes requests of you…?”

With Wu nodding his head in affirmation, Yukie narrowed her violet-blue eyes and added, “Then let’s do it like this. Promise me that you’ll come to my rescue if anything bad happens to me or I go missing. In exchange, I’ll let you do whatever you want with my body until filming wraps…”

Matching Yukie’s expectations, Wu’s peculiar golden eyes widened as he asked, “Anything…?” in a hopeful, excited tone.

Though Wu’s reaction caused her opinion of him to diminish considerably, Yukie nodded her head and parrotted, “Anything…”

Flipping Yukie’s ‘expectations’ on their head, Wu adopted a genuine smile as he said, “Then, for the remainder of filming, we’re going to train to get you as healthy and fit as possible. I’ll even teach you a few self-defense techniques so you won’t have to worry about anyone trying to ‘force’ you in the future. Sound good…?”


Tilting her head to the side as if she was looking at some kind of strange creature, Yukie responded with a perplexed, “Pardon…?” before pointing at herself and asking, “Are you slow in the head? A woman bares herself in front of you, and the first thing you think about is…training?”

Shaking his head, Wu replied, “Trust me, it doesn’t even make the top ten of things I’d ‘like’ to do to you. Unfortunately, I’m here to protect you, not to take advantage of you. I might have gone with the flow if you were just horny, but that story about the fates of Actresses…I’d rather not be one of the people you ‘ingratiate’ yourself to in order to secure your future. I’d much rather provide you the means to protect and secure it for yourself…”


Not expecting such a ‘heartfelt’ response, Yukie fell into a prolonged bout of silence. She wasn’t really thinking about anything, though. Instead, she just stared at Wu with a blank expression on her face, her mind unable to process just how ‘genuine’ he was behaving…

Breaking the stoic-faced woman from her trance, Wu tilted his head to the side and asked, “You okay…?” in a concerned tone.

Blinking back to awareness, Yukie replied, “I’m…fine…” before furrowing her brows slightly and averting her eyes. Things weren’t developing at all the way she was expecting when she unfurled her yukata. As a result, she was beginning to feel a little sheepish? Ashamed? She wasn’t really sure…

Interjecting before Yukie could succumb to another reverie, Wu adopted a wry smile as he proposed, “If exercising sounds like too much of a hassle, there are other methods I can use to help you get stronger. They can get a little…intimate, but, considering the circumstances, I don’t believe you’ll mind too much.”

Raising her gaze to meet Wu’s, Yukie asked, “What do you mean? Don’t tell me all of this was just the lead-up to you justifying sex as a form of training…”

Shaking his head, Wu replied, “While sex is most certainly a form of training, it isn’t what I had in mind. Instead, I’m planning to stretch and contort your body while channeling energy into your muscles, bones, and joints. It’s going to make you indescribably sore, but a hearty meal and a massage should be more than enough to treat any lingering discomfort.”

Though Wu’s words made her incredibly suspicious, Yukie asked, “What do you need me to do…?”

Adopting a smile, Wu answered, “As much as you’re willing or nothing at all. You can even let your body go slack and treat it as a very intense form of massage therapy. In a way, that’s what it is. It just has the side-effects of making your muscles denser and your bones a lot sturdier.”

Putting Wu’s claims to the test, Yukie sprawled out onto her bed, allowing her body to go slack as she stared up at the ceiling and replied, “Let’s see it…” in an apathetic-sounding tone. In response, a mischievous glimmer briefly appeared in Wu’s eye as he made his way over to the bed, sitting next to her as he replied, “Gladly…”

Running his hand up and along the interior of Yukie’s thigh, Wu gave her the impression he was about to do something ‘very’ inappropriate. While that was true, it was nothing like what she was expecting. Instead, as his hand got closer to her panties, he shifted course, caressing the top of her thigh before pressing his index and middle finger into one of the Tenketsu Points of her pelvis. He couldn’t see them, but that wasn’t really important for what he had in mind.

Feeling a tingling sensation spread through her left leg, followed by it abruptly raising against her will, Yukie’s eyes widened in shock and equal parts fear. Before she could panic too much, Wu whispered, “Relax…I’m just channeling my energy through your Chakra pathways, muscles, and bones. It provokes an involuntary response, similar to when a doctor taps you on the knee with a hammer. If you try to move it of your own accord, you’ll realize I’m not really ‘controlling’ you…”

Though he ‘could’ control her if he wanted to, Wu didn’t want to spook the raven-haired Actress. She was the perfect test dummy for a procedure he had been thinking about ever since Hiruzen informed him of the Raikage’s failure of a daughter. He had learned from Hashirama that Natural Energy was 10-100x more potent than simple Chakra when it came to enhancing a person’s physique, and he had already tested its ‘amplification’ abilities during the battle against Yagura. With 1-3 months to refine the technique, he could potentially ‘bestow’ Yukie with a physique she might not even be able to acquire with years of training.

After bending her knee and wiggling her toes a few times to confirm she still had control over the appendage, Yukie took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and said, “Continue…” in a firm tone. In truth, the tingling in her leg was beginning to affect ‘other’ parts of her body, but she ignored it as Wu had already warned her things would get ‘intimate.’

With Yukie expressing her consent, Wu moved his hand from her upper thigh to her lower abdomen. Her body tensed in response, but nowhere near as much as it did when he began manipulating her legs to perform flutter and scissor kicks. Her face went crimson when he compelled her legs to spread, but she kept her eyes closed and did her best to endure despite a rather prominent stain spreading through her panties…



Despite resolving himself to wait until Yukie had fallen completely, Wu greeted the morning with the naked beauty using his chest as a pillow, a contented look on her sleeping face despite a rolled-up blanket bearing traces of her blood off to the side.

Though she did her best to endure, persisting for nearly two hours, Yukie eventually lost her shit and basically ‘attacked’ Wu. Natural Energy was a powerful stimulant, enough to make Wu feel amazing while using it. It had the effect of amplifying all senses and emotions. This included feelings of arousal and pleasure, so Yukie’s horniness compounded until she ‘had’ to do something to alleviate it.

After ‘insisting’ she wasn’t trying to ingratiate herself to him, Wu gave in to Yukie’s attempts to pin him down and pull off his pants. She regained a bit of her senses when she saw the not-so-little monster he was packing but quickly succumbed to her instincts a few moments later, running her ruby red tongue along his shaft with an intoxicated look on her face. She gave him a pouty glare when he began to rub her head, but that didn’t stop her from doing her best to lubricate his lethal-looking weapon.

Unfortunately, though it ultimately worked out in her favor, Yukie was not able to impale herself on Wu’s pike. She tried, but he quickly stopped her, ignoring her protests as he flipped her onto her back, holding her hips up to his mouth as he made absolutely certain she was ready to receive him. When he was finished, Yukie’s violet-blue eyes were swimming around in their sockets, but she quickly regained a hint of awareness when he lined himself up at her entrance, closing her legs around his waist as a form of consent.

While it was difficult to say Yukie was a ‘good woman,’ Wu was confident he could turn her into one. Thus, without any real hesitation, he claimed the twenty-two-year-old Actress’s coveted virginity. She turned her face to the side when he attempted to kiss her but ultimately yielded even that in the slow, half-hour lovemaking session.

Yukie’s body was, unsurprisingly, a lot less durable than even the weakest Kunoichi, so Wu made sure to be exceptionally gentle with her. Not just because he wanted to avoid hurting her, but because it was an effective method for replacing a woman’s reservations with feelings of certainty. If she awoke the following day and her first thoughts were about how fierce or violent he had been, it would create an unnecessary barrier around her heart. Inversely, if all her memories of the previous night were about how gentle and attentive he was, she would subconsciously ‘convince’ herself there was a real connection between them. Humans were base creatures, so it simply didn’t process in their minds that another person, especially a member of the opposite sex, could be gentle and thoughtful toward them without the complications of ‘love.’

With Wu’s clone making breakfast for them in the hotel room’s attached kitchenette, Yukie’s nose twitched as she slowly stirred awake. Her eyes briefly widened when she realized the position they were in, but shortly after finding Wu staring at her with a smile, she adopted one of her own and offered her first, “Good morning…”



(A/N: Wu has a lot of parallels with a young Orochimaru…”

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