
Chapter 8 Getting Supplies (II)

After offloading from the truck, it drove out and the doors were locked once again.

\'Now, it\'s time to get to work, and help these guys tidy this place up.\' Dustin said in his mind.

He was being conscious of time, and didn\'t want to do things disorderly. There should be the least evidence that someone was here, he thought to himself just before he began.

After going around to mark what he needed, he realized one fatal mistake he had made. Sil was going to laugh hard at him if he knew about it, he thought. He had come to rob, but didn\'t bring a bag to carry what he stole. Truly stupid, he thought to himself.

\'What should I do? How can I solve this?\'

"Damn it. Is there really no way!?" He whispered in a frustrated tone.

-System inventory available.

\'Inventory? Bless the, heavens!.\'

Dustin wasted no time and opened the inventory. It had around 100 slots, so he was sure to take a lot. But even with that, he needed to test something first. He turned around and found a can containing fish in it, so he used that for the test.

"Canned fish, perfect."

He hadn\'t thought of how the inventory worked and how he was supposed to place things inside. Even so, if there was one thing he was sure of, it was that anime and manga would not fail him.

He stretched out his hand and picked up the canned fish, and then he imagined it inside his inventory window, and boom! It worked. After figuring out how to work the thing, he picked up another can and did the same.

"It works." Dustin said with a little smirk.

What he wanted to test was if the same items would stack up when placed into the inventory. The test turned out positive. Although he didn\'t have time, he still went ahead to try out some other things he was sure were essential.

First was the stacking of items, and that was successful. Second was the range in which he needed to be in before he could put something in his inventory. Using the same canned fish, he gradually moved backwards while placing them in his inventory until he reached the limit where he could no longer put it into the inventory.

"Not bad. The range\'s actually good." Dustin said, as he looked at the distance between him and the stack of cans. He needed to be around two metres of whatever he wanted to place into the inventory, which was a suitable distance.

He also did a test for the size limit and weight, and it came out positive, for now. The biggest thing there was a drum, and the heaviest didn\'t weigh past 100kg. With the testing complete, Dustin moved around and picked everything he thought was needed, and after he was done, the place surely looked half of what it was.

Dustin wasn\'t entirely stupid, so he knew to moderate how much he took so that it wouldn\'t look suspicious when the guys in the trucks came, so he only took from the back. He took some things from the front, but as for the back, he nearly cleaned it up.

\'Oh, these guys will be so pissed and frustrated when they finally find out about this.\' Dustin chuckled to himself.

After taking everything, he waited for the doors to open so he would be able to leave, but it seemed like something was wrong. He waited and waited, and after close to an hour, he decided to find another way. He remembered the window by one side of the warehouse, and luckily for him, it was more easily reachable from inside.

He wasted no time in climbing towards the window, and with the stack of boxes right beneath the window, it was super easy. The problem now was how to get down from outside. This problem was also solved relatively easily.

As soon as he came out of the window, he stepped on the loose metal frame, and without hesitation, it gave out beneath him. Before he could even think of what was happening, Dustin saw himself falling, and in the matter of the second, he was already on the ground. The height of the fall itself was about 20 feet high, and his body hitting against the floor alarmed the guards around.

Before he picked himself up, two guards were already there.

"Hey! What are you doing here!? One of them barked.

Seeing his current situation, Dustin picked himself from the floor and ran for it. He had never been a parkour guy, but as for jumping a few fences and such, he had done his fair share. Before the guards could reach him or even raise an alarm, he had already scaled the fence behind the warehouse.

The guards followed him of course, and seeing as these weren\'t your typical guards, but thugs. They too easily went over the fence, but it was useless. Dustin was already far gone.

"That scrawny guy\'s pretty fast!" The guard exclaimed.

In reality, Dustin wasn\'t too far off. He was actually very close by and had used his illusion skill to enter stealth mode, after which he casually just walked away like the badass antagonist.

\'Alright? That\'s done and dusted. Time for the second faze.\'

Dustin continued walking back, out of the territory of the other group. He wanted to go out into the nearby woods, but it was a bit far. Without hesitation, he grabbed a bicycle from where it seemed to have been abandoned close to a shop building, just before he left the other group\'s territory.

He continued riding the bike down south until he had left the town completely and was now on a road that lead elsewhere. They lived close to the city, just around the outskirts, but there were some small towns and villages around. It took a bit of time, but 4 to 7 hours of driving would land you in one.

He\'s destination wasn\'t one of these villages, rather it was the forest that surrounded that whole place. The forest stops some distance just before the city, so he needed to go closer to the village a bit, but still not as close. He just needed to reach a place where he could enter the forest proper.

It didn\'t take up to 40 minutes of full speed cycling, and he got to a safe place where the road was even surrounded by the forest on both sides, as it cut through it.

"Looks good." He said after getting off the bike and parking it close to a tree just by the roadside.

Dustin hadn\'t used his taming skills since he got the system, so he was quite excited, wondering how much it had improved.

As soon as he found a small lizard, he activated the skill to tame the animal, but what followed next surprised him.

A ton of information flooded into his head and stunned him a bit. It was totally unexpected. There was information on how to use the skill and how it worked, and many other things about the skill.

After activating the skill, a system windowed popped up, detailing the location of all the animals nearby within a certain radius. On the window that appeared was a radar projection that showed Dustin\'s location in real-time and also detailed the location of animals around.

Dustin himself appeared to be the centre of the radar, while the animals appeared as red dots. According to Dustin\'s understanding, the bigger dots were bigger animals, and the smaller dots were smaller animals.

The lizard appeared to be one of the small dots, which meant insects and other small animals were not included.

Following the information he got a while ago, he stretched his hand towards the lizard and said calmly. "Tame."

Immediately, a window appeared before him that read the notification, which also rang in his ears.

-Tame successful. View animal information?


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