
Chapter 368

Weng ~

The Associate Chief physician’s face turned pale when he heard the news, and he fell back into his chair.

On the other end of the line, link frowned. After a moment, he said,”Let him report to me personally.”

The Deputy Director quickly brought the phone to the staff and gestured for him to speak directly to Lin Ke.

Knowing that the person on the other end of the phone was his superior link, the staff member gulped nervously.

Link could hear the staff’s uneasiness from the microphone and comforted them, don’t be nervous, tell me all the information the Inhumans have gathered at the front line.

Lin Ke returned to his office from the balcony and sat on the boss’s chair, waiting for the report from the staff.

“Sir, a mutant has accepted a mission to investigate at the front line. When he came back to verify the mission, he brought back first-hand news from the Gobi. according to the inhumans, they found the mechanical zealot and the wasteland gang’s mercenaries building watch towers and blockhouses in the desert. Based on what this mutant had detected, this cooperation was no longer a small scale. He could see the wasteland gang’s trucks and all kinds of construction machinery from the machinery faith. This Inhumans even used the recording equipment we gave out to record the situation, and then exported the video data and sent it to the officer as soon as possible.”

“It seems like the machinery faith and the wasteland gang have joined forces,” link instructed.”The situation is not optimistic. at the same time, increase the investigation and destruction of the gobi desert. try to hinder their actions before we figure out what is going on. ”


Link heaved a sigh of relief after he hung up.

In his previous life, the machinery faith and the wasteland gang had their own camps, and there were many conflicts between them.

In this life, because of him, the butterfly that flapped its wings, the situation in Sand City changed greatly. The machinery faith and wasteland gang South of the sand City also felt a lot of pressure. They actually joined forces. This was something link did not expect.

It seemed that because of his appearance, the timeline had also been distorted.

Not long after, link received a compiled report in his military mailbox.

In the video, the construction project in the desert was in full swing. The lights lit up the scene as if it was daytime. In addition to the zealots wearing exoskeleton armors, there were many mercenaries of the wasteland gang in camouflage suits and half-covered masks. Both sides commanded the construction of the fortifications together and patrolled the area together.

There were quite a number of zealots and wasteland mercenaries in the video, at least 20 to 30 people.

After watching the video, link opened the analysis file from the Military Intelligence Division.

It stated that the two sides were building a kind of lifting heavy fire bunker.

With a life support system, the pillboxes would usually descend to the water level of the Gobi Desert.

Once it detected a threat approaching, it would rise from the ground to suppress and stop the enemy.

Furthermore, with the technology of the machinery faith, there would definitely be a network connection between the forts. When one of the forts entered an attack state, the other forts would also receive the message or maintain a link.

according to the analysis file, the connected bunkers not only had defense functions but also communication functions, so the order from the floating mech city could appear in any corner of the desert. Once the communication network was complete, link and John’s plan to attack the city would fail.

He was afraid that he would be detected by the enemy the moment he entered the desert and be exposed to the enemy’s tight defense system.

Although this was only the analysis of the Military Intelligence Division based on the videos they had captured, link knew that their deduction was close to the mark.

In his previous life, the players had often fought guerilla warfare near the Goria Grand Canal, and the machinery faith had been forced to build similar lifting bunkers on both sides of the canal, with great results.

in this life, with the help of the wasteland gang, the machinery faith’s ambition was obviously even greater. they were prepared to cover the entire desert with bunkers and build an iron wall that even sand could not break through.

in the report, the military intelligence division gave this lifting bunker and link project a very high evaluation and a very high threat level.

Once the machinery faith was built, the sand City would face the fate of being sealed off.

the machinery faith and the wasteland gang could attack the desert at any time, but their own team could only passively defend and had no way of entering the desert.

The rhythm of the war had completely fallen into the hands of the other party, which was extremely passive for Shandu.

Link read to the end of the report. The name of the Scout was [ bombarding chicken ].

link furrowed his brows. the name seemed familiar. he seemed to have seen it somewhere before.

After thinking for a long time, Link’s brows finally relaxed. He remembered who this [ explosive chicken ] was.

This guy was the first player that he had tricked into choosing the Druid in Saint Maria’s Cathedral in shadu that day. At night, he was also the one who led more than a dozen players to join the God Tree of Noxi. In the process of building the God Tree of Noxi, he had put in a lot of effort and also obtained the most benefits. He was the first person to really try the crab.

” i didn’t expect him to be the first to enter the desert to do the scouting mission. ” Link was surprised.

A Druid who didn’t mingle with the divine Tree in the sand City and went to the desert alone.

Thinking back to the last time this guy had led a group of people across the Gobi at night, he had actually retreated unscathed twice. She didn’t know if this guy was bold or lucky.

After reading the report, link immediately gave orders to the Military Intelligence Division.

While the purge in Shandu continues, increase the investigation work. At the same time, arrange more ambushes, destruction, and guerrilla missions. We must hinder the enemy’s plan and break the blockade of Shandu by the extremist forces.

After arranging the work, link looked at the time. It was almost midnight.

After some consideration, link called Benjamin and gave him a new mission.

Benjamin, inform the four commanders that we are having an emergency meeting at the military Region as soon as you get to work tomorrow morning.

Benjamin was stunned for a moment, “emergency meeting? What happened?”

” i can’t explain it over the phone. you’ll know at the meeting tomorrow. ” link knew that if he were to tell benjamin the whole story now, he would not be able to sleep tonight.

okay, I’ll remember that. I’ll contact the secretaries of the other commanders and give them a heads up.

Not only was Benjamin the Deputy battalion commander of the Shatu Special Forces, but he was also Link’s Secretary in the military’s external communications.

“You’ve worked hard!”

“Brother Lin, what are you saying? isn’t this part of my job?”

benjamin and link exchanged a few words before they hung up the phone at the same time.

After that, link fell into deep thought.

The game’s open beta had only started half a month ago, but the plot and situation were already like wild horses that had been out of control, and it was a little hard to pull them back.

The Alliance between the machinery faith and the wasteland gang was beyond Link’s expectations.

Originally, link had even planned to keep putting pressure on the machinery faith and ‘flirt’ with the wasteland gang, creating a dog-eat-dog situation. He would let the two sides fight each other, and then he would come out and reap the benefits.

He just didn’t expect the two to hook up so quickly.

The reason was obvious. The sand City under Link’s control was a huge threat. All of its actions made the desert forces feel threatened.

Link had to take the blame for this.

he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Should it be said that he was now strong enough to influence the situation on wasteland planet, or was it that his life was failing, and he had to face the Alliance of the machinery faith and the wasteland gang just as he was about to achieve his great ambitions?

Lin Ke opened a well-hidden document on his computer.

After thinking for a moment, he also entered the name of [ bombarding chicken ].

If one looked closely, they would find that the names recorded in the document were all famous players.

drifting rou, thief liangren, dragon rants, eat lemons when hungry, lost mo wen, yaoyao ling, leng feng, tang jiu, lang lang.

These players were all extremely famous players on wasteland planet in his previous life.

On one hand, they were almost all guild leaders of large guilds. On the other hand, they were all outstanding players in their respective classes.

There’s no need to say more about the first few. I believe everyone is already very familiar with each other.

Yaoyao Ling was the Vice President of the Calan heart Guild. In his previous life, he had taken a genetic mutation potion and activated his rare telekinesis talent. He had also combined telekinesis with pugilist to create a unique ‘Saiyan’ game, which had made him famous for a time.

Leng Feng was the leader of the northern desert Wolf, a retired Special Forces soldier. It was rumored that he had participated in an anti-mercenary mission at the Chinese border, fighting the Pirates of Mali alone, and annihilating a transnational criminal organization with his own strength. He was known as the war Wolf. In the game, his profession was also Special Forces, and he managed to bring an obscure profession to the public’s attention.

tang jiu, the president of the friendship guild, was a professor in mechanical engineering and automation in reality. In the game, he was the number one mechanic.

Compared to the top few, bombing chicken seemed to be unknown.

At the very least, link had never heard of this name in his six years of gaming.

however, for now, this guy was quick-witted, had a unique way of thinking, and the key was that he had good luck.

It was worth nurturing.

After tricking so many players into choosing Druids, if he didn’t introduce a star player, where would he put his face?

At this time, the burping chicken wrapped in linen sniffled and headed towards the desert again in the cold night wind.

After completing the D-rank reconnaissance mission alone, he had a full 5000 experience points and 1k wasteland gold coins as a reward.

Ever since he had experienced the sweetness of the mission, he was no longer willing to work with others.

He was now level 12, and he needed 10100 experience points to level up to level 13. He had received half of the experience points from a D-rank mission, so he could level up directly after two trips.

If he were to complete this with other players, he would only get 2500 experience points after working hard for half a day. It was a huge loss.

The cold wind was bone-piercing.

the whistling sand suddenly hit his cheeks, and he felt a needle-like pain.

Bombarding chicken clutched the linen cloth that was dancing in the wind tightly and walked toward the light source in the distance.

The reason why bombarding chicken was the first to complete the reconnaissance mission was also because of this linen.

The light green grade was the bonus reward he received from the [ gunfight hotel ] dungeon. It had a certain concealment and disguise effect. As long as one covered their body with this piece of linen, they would look like a rock from a distance. It would blend in well with the desert and would be very confusing.

very quickly, the bomb chicken arrived at another bunker that was under construction.

There were nine tents set up around it, and each tent had a light on.

In the bunker under construction in the Gobi, three zealots of the machinery faith were operating the machines. Near the camp, three wasteland gang mercenaries in military coats were patrolling with guns.

Bombarding chicken crawled forward while wrapped in linen. At the same time, he activated the skill [ tracking humanoid creatures ] and instantly marked the enemy’s specific location on the system map.

After finding a good spot, Bomb Chicken took out the camera he had been given when he accepted the mission and began to record the construction of another bunker in the cold wind.

Seeing that the available shooting time of the equipment was gradually decreasing, fried chicken could not help but grin, as if the experience points were close at hand.

He was now level 12, the number one Druid player in the sand City.

Due to his outstanding performance in the construction of the divine Tree Nohi and Shenmu City, many Druid NPCs had already remembered this Druid Inhumans with strange names. Furthermore, there was another secret to Bomb Chicken. While he was chatting with an elite Druid, he had accidentally activated his class advancement mission.

Others might not know, but at the very least, bombing chicken had been following the forum every day and had not seen anyone mention the profession change on the forum.

There were definitely some players who had received the class change mission and kept it a secret, but according to his observation, most of the players had not received the class change mission.

The Druid’s class advancement mission was to advance, and choose one of the specializations from the various basic skills to learn in depth.

Placate wild beasts, natural rage, human-like creature tracking, nerve-breaking roar.

The four initial skills each had a corresponding mastery.

Beast taming, nature magic, tracking, and transformation.

Bombshell had chosen to transform. His ultimate dream was just like his game ID. He hoped that he could transform into a Raptor in the future and become a bombshell that could fly in the sky.

explosive chicken’s gut-breaking roar had already reached level 8. he only needed to level up two more times to meet the class advancement requirement.

Therefore, this mission was not to level up, but to level up skills.

Ka ~

As the storage of the recording equipment was full, the equipment shut down automatically.

Bomb chicken’s heart also took flight.

Now, as long as he took the equipment back to Muye’s Military Intelligence Office, he could receive 5000 experience points.

“With these 5000 experience points, I’m left with only 1000 or so experience points to level up [roar] to level 10. I’ll go back to the [gunfight at the hotel] instance dungeon and get enough experience ~”

Bomb Chicken tried his best to suppress the excitement in his heart.

Just as he was about to take the time to slip away, the sound of metal breaking suddenly came from the construction site.

The bombarding chicken took a closer look and realized that the concrete mixer had stopped working due to a malfunction. From his position, he could still see black smoke rising from it, which was blown away by the whistling wind as soon as it rose into the air.

then, a conversation at the construction site could be heard in the wind.

the mixer truck is out of order. We don’t have spare parts, so we can’t proceed with the construction of the bunker.

“Are there any other construction teams around? Let’s see if we can borrow a spare part. this star chain project was decided by the higher-ups together. neither you nor i can bear the cost of delaying the completion of the project!”

“Then we can only search through the night! Quick, wake up the people in the tent and spread them out to the nearby construction points to borrow spare parts!”

When bombarding chicken heard this, his two ears perked up like radar.

the star chain project and the parts borrowed from nearby teams.

Suddenly, a bold idea came to his mind.

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