
Chapter 35

Ago had already taken it close to the bonfire and he himself also sat close.

After leaving the medical tent he found the fire was also unstable.

Due to some cold winds it looked likely to go out in a few hours.

Taking the knife carried by Wang he moved towards a tree some distance and used his sword technique to cut it down.

He could avoid damaging the knife in that way, and after all the dry wood from the tree, was pushed into the fire while the other parts of the tree used to make a cover over the fire like an oven.

This was indeed veey useful and the smoke produced from this was too much thankfully it was diverted to another direction.


Sitting there on the fire, he was already on the carriage but the heat from all around was enough.

As for Ago he sat below the carriage, but due tp the heat being just enough he fell asleep.

Wang did not bother about it but kept using his consciousness to search the radius around them.

Be managed to discover many things that were edible but did not match his appetite except for another direction.

But he could see the cow like beast seemed injured by something.

He however decided to approach the direction as he might have enough food to eat and cultivate fist technique without any worries.

After having moved for half an hour he arrived wt the location.

Looking around he failed to find an6 other animals in the vicinity.

When je wanted to move against the wild cow hidden in some trees, he looked up in surprise.

A huge object was coming towards him with claws , and he see it was more like an eagle, but the shape of its body and color of feathers were all brown.

But the more it descended one could see it had some real strength.

He had a solemn look in his eyes, as the monster was too big.

Even the bull that pulls his carriage was not able to compare with it.

The more it approached the perception of it improved and he put his hand on the knife he had ‘borrowed’ from Ago.

But something told him it might be impossible to fight this beast head on.

He went out of his way to do this to temper himself and also see if his combat strength can handle it.

The most important reason was he was sure the eagle is the cause of the wild Cows injuries.

If he could chase it away then, he might Have some luck dealing with the cow.

But killing the huge beast is almost impossible even if he utilized his spiritual consciousness.

The eagle is capable of flying and thua could easily move away before he could even make his move.

Besides hw could see this huge eagle seemed different from other animals he has seen.

In that case, he just observed the eagle approach before he moved back hurriedly, tp avoid it’s attack.

This infuriated it and it soared again and this time descended in a very fast speed.

He wanted to also avoid it but some kind of force seemed to hold him in place.

He had always had it easy when fighting others by use of his strong consciousness if the enemy is stronger he destroyed their spirit.

The same might not work for this bird monster.

He was rapidly thinking of ways out, and nothing seemed to come to mind.

He took the knife and with some sword force in it, he immediately attempted to divert the attack.

This was however all in vain as he couldn’t understand the principles behind it and when the collision happened he was flung more than forty meters away.

He collided with a tree and even had some of the muscle in the body torn.

At the same time, the pain he experienced was very immense.

After difficulties standing up, the eagle was already ready for another attack but he forced himself to move away, but the huge tree was not lucky enough.

He could see it’s movement trajectory but hia body failed to keep up with the speed of the bird.

After several running around to avoid being attacked, he seemed to have remembered something he heard in his previous life.

‘Be still like water, flexible with terrain, harder than steel and sharper than blades’. This was some talk about characteristics of water by a martial arts expert.

He seemed to have some insights based on tjis gibberish.

The same time his mind moved back to when he was at the waterfall using it to refine his body.

Observing the way water behaves he immediately got something and not, but the state of one with nature did not end.

When the eagle attacked this time, he was holding the broken knife, seeing its trajectory, he swung the knife in its direction in a strange manner allowing him to divert ita attack.

When the attacks missed the huge eagle was very angry so it moved upwards before descending again.

This time Wang seemed to have a huge sea of water surging towards his feet from all directions.

He gently swung the knife towards the eagle approaching and the sea under his feet moved in line with his hand.

Then when the huge bird monster arrived in front of him, it was bisected into two parts.

When he came back to his senses he had already gone of being one with nature.

But at the same time some memories of events replaying in his mind made him somewhat scared.

Not because of the bird moster, rather the power be wielded.

It was not even something complete, but he fekt how terrifying it is.

Thinking about meeting those in the same league is indeed scary.

But that was put behind him, amd he looked towards the direction the cow was still hiding before shaking his head.

That cow seemed to have some intelligence, and it could even hide from the eagle under trees instead of fighting head on.

This was the first time he saw it, but he was not shocked as the eagle was also very intelligent.

From its actions he could already tell, but also he started to take the world seriously.

Even with his puny strength he had started to get arrogant.

And he was certain some people might also have the ability to interpret the ancient texts taking advantage of their records to cultivate powerful techniques.

In that case, he could only think of ways to keep improving himself too.

His fist techniques were now the best direction to put focus on.

Furthermore he had a new addition to the panel but this time he seemed to have no shortcuts with it.

Aparently it was meaning of water and it was less than one percent.

He couldn’t help but marvel at the same time understand something immediately.

Some things couldn’t be improved by attributes alone, one had to comprehend them by oneself.

But that state waa mysterious he wondered if he could call it enlightenment. But looking at the panel, after meaning of water it has been written, no entery.

In that case he had to work harder to get the meaning of water.

He also immediately let go of his obsessions with sword intent.

The meaning of water could be utilized with everything and all he needed to do was divert his consciousness to comprehend it.

He already had a plan, that is let his body continue to punch, if necessary find a region with water while his consciousness takes care of understanding the meaning of water.

But he seemed to be facing some kind of blockade whenever he started to attempt, something that got him thinking.

He however out such thoughts aside, once hia body strengthening succeeds perhaps it can be confirmed.

With such huge parts of a bird, he had to move them back.

Looking around he sat cross-legged and started to run his golden internal strength..

It took close to an hour and half to recover partially.

He then cut some trees to create some carriage using his previous life science knowledge.

The huge bird corpse was dragged all the way back, it even woke Ago up.


Seeing such a huge bird he couldn’t help but be shocked.

Thankfully Wang took care of some meat and after they ate it he started to practice fist technique.

The effect was indeed better and the energy from the huge beast was slowly being pushed into the muscles, bones and areas of the body.

It was able to repair some of the damage that had been caused from the fight.

After that the rest of the meat being roasted kept being used as nourishment for his martial arts practice.

After consuming close to hundred kilograms of meat, he had already reached his limit.

Both in practice and consumption.

The rest of the meat was also cut by him and roasted to preserve it.

Ago ate some but couldn’t keep up with Wang, but it was already enough benefit.

As it is good fir nourishing the body and as a martial artist, his blood energy is increased.

After preparing all the meat, he entered the carriage to rest.

The thing he started to do was look through the formations knowledge he had accumulated, wondering if a way to strengthen weapons could be found.

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