
Chapter 391: Thousand Beast Valley

Chapter 391: Thousand Beast Valley

Bastian and the rest of the Centaur Warriors marveled at William’s Thousand Beast Domain. Although it couldn’t compare to the size of the Whimsical Forest, it was still spacious enough to fit their entire Tribe, and still have space for more.

Bastian looked at the towering Erchitu, who was looking back down at him. The two stared at each other for a while before introducing their names to each other.



After that brief exchange, they chatted with each other, while William purchased log houses for the centaurs to live in.

Fortunately, each house only cost him two God Points each. After careful consideration, William placed the Centaur Camp in the South where the Quiver Trees were located. Since the Centaur Race were also proficient archers, William bought seven more Quiver Trees that would supply them with normal and elemental arrows.

This made Bastian and the other Centaur Warriors look at William more favorably.


God Points: 2,080


Because William had been too busy in the real world, he wasn’t aware of the changes that had happened inside the Thousand Beast Domain.

When the Hidden Valley was relocated to William’s Domain, some of the animals weren’t able to flee and had been trapped inside ever since. Naturally, these Beasts had nowhere to run and were forced to submit to the Thousand Beast Domain’s local tyrants.

Ella personally visited the valley, which had been renamed the Thousand Beast Valley and talked to its inhabitants. Although the animals that had been trapped in the valley numbered almost three hundred, the good news was that all of them were magical beasts!

William was pleasantly surprised as he looked at the list that the System had prepared for him and checked its contents with anticipation.


[ Class D Beasts ]

Vicious Hunting Swines = 23 Individuals

Red Horned Rabbits = 47 Individuals

Malevolent Berserker Bees = 168 Individuals


[ Class C Beasts ]

Black Winged-Panthers = 10 Individuals

Crimson Cavern Wolf Spiders = 38 Individuals


[ Class B Beasts ]

Supreme Killer Koalas = 6 Individuals


“Very nice!” William exclaimed as he saw the list of monsters that were now part of his Beast Domain.

Aside from the Black-Winged Panther, that had tried to eat him when he was doing his archery training, the rest of the Beasts in the lists were unknown to him. He was very curious to meet them all, especially the Supreme Giant Killer Koalas whose name made William wonder if they were really the cuddly Koalas he remembered back on Earth.

William didn’t waste any time and visited the Valley to see the new additions to his King’s Legion. Ian followed behind him because she was also curious about the Beasts that had been added to William’s Domain.

When the two of them arrived at the Valley, they he saw several blood-red bees that were at least a foot long. The Flora of the valley had been untouched, so the Malevolent Berserker Bees had no problem with their food supply.

These beasts were omnivorous and preyed on both flowers, and beasts alike. Naturally, they still prefered flowers over meat, but they would not hesitate to kill in order to protect their Hive from any intruders.

William marveled at the Hive that was as big as a three-story house. The bees immediately encircled him when he approached their hive, but none of them attacked him. Ella had forbidden them from attacking anyone inside the Thousand Beast Domain and the Queen Bee agreed to her orders.

Since they were now part of William’s Kings Legion, he was able to communicate with them even though they weren’t part of his herd.

William talked to the bees and asked them if he could get some of their honey. The Half-Elf was very curious about what kind of honey the bees produced. However, before he could even get what he wanted, several bees returned to the hive carrying goblin body parts.

William watched as the bees chewed on the goblin flesh before flying to the hive to produce their honey. After seeing that scene, William’s craving for honey vanished completely. He then bid the bees goodbye, while the latter insisted that he take some of their honeycombs with him.

William shuddered when the bees gave him two honeycombs filled with honey that they produced from eating goblin meat. The Half-Elf wasn’t able to decline their kind offer and hurriedly stored the honey inside his storage ring.

He didn’t plan to eat this honey personally, but since he already had it in his possession, he might as well use it as a syrup for pancakes that he would serve to pesky guests that come to annoy him!

The next place he visited was the nest of the Crimson Cavern Wolf Spiders. Just as their names suggested, they lived in the caverns that were located in the caves of the valley. The Half-Elf didn’t have any Arachnophobia.

Even so, he still wasn’t able to stop himself from shuddering when the two-meter-tall, black and red striped, spider wrapped its hairy legs around his body when it gave him a hug as a greeting.

William endured its warm greeting for half a minute before he politely backed away and bid it goodbye.

Ian stayed over twenty meters away from the spider because she was not fond of insects, especially spiders the size of a carriage.

The Black Winged Panther’s Den was at the heart of the valley. William was already aware of how strong this beast was because he had fought against it inside the forest. If not for Blitz, the Hawk and John’s animal companion, he might not have been able to escape its pursuit in one piece.

Panthers didn’t usually live in groups. But, Black Winged Panthers were different. They were prized for their cubs and blacksmiths liked to use their steel wings as ingredients when forming weapons and armor.

William’s arrows were forged from the wings of a Black Winged Panther and they were very durable. Adventurers usually captured them because of this, so these Magical Beasts had forsaken their solitary ways and banded together to repel anyone who would dare to hunt them down.

After meeting the Alpha of the Panthers, William made his way to the last creature on his list, which was the Supreme Killer Koala.

They were located in the Western part of the Valley where Giant Eucalyptus trees could be found.

Ian’s eyes became gentle when she saw the meter-tall cuddly beast gnawing on leaves as they leaned their backs against the tree. The Koala had grey-brown fur that seemed very soft to touch. Ian was very tempted to touch it, so she approached it without thinking much.

Ian had completely forgotten that the name of this beast was Supreme Killer Koala, and not Supreme Gentle Koala.

As soon as Ian was ten meters away from the cuddly koala, it immediately bared its fangs and grew in size. The meter-tall koala transformed into a three-meter tall giant with razor sharp fangs and claws.

A wall of ice appeared in front of the Supreme Killer Koala and stopped its mad charge towards the panicked Ian who was caught completely by surprise.

William summoned his wooden staff and didn’t show any mercy. He pummeled the beast’s head left and right until it returned to its original form.

Just like the Malevolent Berserker Bees, the Supreme Killer Koalas were omnivores. However, when given the choice, they would happily eat meat instead of leaves.

After regaining its senses, the Koala hurriedly apologized to William and Ian whom it had attacked earlier. It insisted that it lost its rationality for a moment because it hadn’t eaten meat for a long time.

Because of this, WIlliam gathered all the Koalas in the Western Part of the Valley, and transferred them into the Goblin Crypt. This way they could feast to their heart’s content and no longer lose control of their blood thirsty nature.

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