
Chapter 145 - 144: Shy Honda

"Here it is, one armor for each, there\'s that too." Nero handed a bag of clothes to each of them.

"These are my gifts for you, maybe in the future, I hope we\'ll see," Nero said with tears in her eyes.

Everyone\'s heart starts beating faster, their faces are anxious.

"Nero? What is happening?" Choko was already threatening to shed tears.

"Hahaha, I\'m just kidding, I\'m not going anywhere." Nero laughed.

"Nero..." Honda said slowly, "The friendship boat could be tipped if you act like that."

"Hahaha." Nero chuckled in response.

"Aren\'t you going anywhere? I don\'t want you to leave me!" Yui clung to her like a koala.

Nero rubbed Yui\'s white hair and said with a smile, "It was just a bad joke, don\'t worry, if I go somewhere I\'ll make sure I take you all together."

"Speaking of going somewhere." Jair said, "It\'s pretty close to Hunter Academy enrollment now, should we go out today?"

"Yes, we just need to wait for my big sister, and then we can go, so go pack your bags," Nero said.

"Okay." With nods, they started to leave to get ready.



Almost an hour later Nero and the rest finished putting away their things.

After tidying up the previously messy room, they went to the living room to wait for Elsa.

"While we wait, how about we play cards?" Jana suggested.

"Okay." Choko nodded.

"Leave me out of this." Jair said, "I\'ll train with my sword outside."

"... I\'m going out and training with my spear, I\'m close to a breakthrough." Breno followed Jair.

"Okay, so it\'s just us girls." Honda smiled.

"By the way, does anyone have a deck?" Jana asked.

They shook their heads.

"Wait, I\'ll see if any of the employees have it." Nero got up.

Walking down the hall, she spotted Samantha wearing a white outfit with classic maid gray, "Hello, Samantha."

"Oh, Lady Nero, do you need help?" She asked with a gentle smile.

"Mm, do you have a deck?" Nero asked.

"Hehe, yes, just a moment." She laughed a little before leaving.

Minutes later, she returned with the deck.

Handing it over to Nero, she said, "This deck might be a little different from what you\'re used to, so it\'s well-educated if you don\'t know how to play with it."

"Thanks." Nero thanked her with a smile.

"You\'re welcome." She said: "If you need anything else, just talk about the deck, after using it, you can leave it on the living room table."

"Okay," Nero said goodbye to her and returned.

Upon returning, Nero swung the deck in her hand: "I got a borrowed deck." She smiled.

"Good!" The girls were excited.

"Do any of you know how to play?" Nero placed the deck on the table.

"Mm, I\'ve played, but I was too young, I don\'t remember very well," Honda said.

Jingu, Choko, and Yui shook their heads in denial.

"Well... There\'s instruction here, let\'s read and learn while we play." Nero opened the paper with the instructions and began to read.

\'When the rings arrive, I\'ll give it to Choko and Yui later.\' Nero thought to herself.

She still wanted to see if she could improve the alliances, if she could make them become a magical accessory, that would be ideal. Although after using a piece of the level 32 boss\'s core she managed to get a small improvement in the user\'s defense, Nero wasn\'t completely satisfied with that.

"What are you thinking about?" Choko nudged her waist when asking.

Nero looked at her and said with a mysterious smile, "It\'s a surprise."

Then she said, "Oh yeah, before when I went shopping, I bought some things for everyone."

The bell rang.

"It is for me." Nero got up.

Handing the game instruction to Choko, she left.

"Who is she waiting for?" Jana was a little curious.

"Not another woman, right?" Honda chuckled a little at the thought of it.

"Honda, the friendship boat is fragile, if you\'re careful, it can capsize!" Choko told her.

"Haha." Honda gave a dry laugh, then fell silent.

"Hehe..." Yui\'s eyes shone with a strange light as she looked at the Honda.

"Okay, okay, I won\'t say something like that again, tsk." Honda shivered a little.

Jingu laughed upon seeing this.

"Maybe the gifts she talked about?" Jana tried to guess.

"Possibly." Choko nodded as she nodded.

Jingu asked: "Nero will be back soon, why is waste time guessing, degozaru?"

"Jingu, you don\'t understand, the fun part is trying to guess and get it right if you can get it right – the satisfaction is very good," Jana said.

"Is that so?" Jingu seemed to have learned something new, so she said, "So I guess it\'s the gifts she bought when she left."

"What makes you think like that?" Choko looked at her with a hint of curiosity.

Jingu said with a sweet smile, "Well, she said she went out earlier and bought some things, which means there\'s a good chance the presents arrived, there\'s also the reason we\'re leaving town today, I think she should have bought thank you souvenirs for the mansion staff too, degozaru."

"...I think Jingu is right." Honda sighed. She couldn\'t believe she lost to Jingu in reasoning.

"Hehehe, admit defeat degozaru?" Jingu looked smugly at the Honda.

"Yes, I admit, you are a genius, the most beautiful, the samurai that will rock the world, so smart that it makes the wise ones jealous, damn it, I\'m jealous myself now anyway, you\'re a genius without equal. " Honda said in a single breath.

"Hehehe, it\'s good that you know that, degozaru." Jingu had a shy smile, and said, "But you\'re not bad, I consider you my rival, so you\'re as good as I am, hehe~" She stuck out her tongue.

"Honda fell into its own trap." Choko laughed.

"Honda fell into her own +1 trap" Jana giggled.

"Honda fell into her own trap +2" Even Yui understood that it was pure sarcasm, but the fact that Jingu didn\'t understand made Honda fall into the grave she dug herself.

Hearing that, Honda\'s face was tinged with red clouds, it was the first time they had seen her so shy, it was a very unique sight, even wanting to tease her even more.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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