
Chapter 129

I sighed. “Putra Semesta, or can I call you Putra? Surely you don’t want me to call you Semesta, right?”

Putra glared at me even more viciously. “Putra Semesta. Don’t even think to call me just one word!” He spat out angrily.

“Well, Putra, what is this chain?” Obviously, I ignored his warning. Putra Semesta was just too long to say! There’s no way I would tire myself with calling him Putra Semesta all the time. Like it or not, he must accept it!

As I predicted, his face scrunched up in anger when he heard me calling him Putra. “Don’t make it short! It sounds like I’m such a weak human and I don’t like it! My name is Putra Semesta, I’m the terrifying Death Volcano, how could you call me like I’m a tiny puny weak human child?!”

I nodded. What he said did make sense. But, this child seriously had a bad temper. How could he shout and yell as he liked?

A thin layer of smoke emitted from the boy’s body as the red markings on him glowed. He really was similar to the chain in this aspect.

“Just accept it. Calling you Putra Semesta is too long. Either I call you Putra, or Ireng, your choice.” I smirked.

The boy stopped emitting smokes as he stared at me suspiciously. “What is Ireng?”


“It means Black.” My grin turned wider as I watched his already dark face darkened even more.

“Don’t you dare! My name is Putra Semesta!” He bellowed.

“Ireng.” I casually said.





“FINE!” He shouted and I grinned. “Putra is fine.” He gritted his teeth and I watched his changing expressions in amusement.

“That’s a good boy! Now tell me, what is this chain?” I tugged on the chain around his body.

Putra snorted. “It was made from the rock from the deepest volcano that was always surrounded by the hottest magma of Death Volcano. The first Guardian picked it up and turned it into chains to bind the next Guardian of Death Volcano. It is also to bind some immoral humans who only know to create trouble on mountains, to be the source of heat for Death Volcano.”

This kid was unexpectedly obedient after I tamed him. Even though he still put on angry face, but he spilled everything I needed to know in one go.

“Does it have consciousness?”

Putra shot me a look as if I was an idiot by asking an obvious question. “Of course. Do you think it is an ordinary chain? How do you think it could find you?”

I arched my left eyebrow. Can somebody explain to me how a mere rock could have consciousness?

Putra must have known what I had in mind as he sneered. “How could a rock have a consciousness. Of course it didn’t have consciousness, you stupid human. It has consciousness only after the first Guardian made it into chains and put some enchantments in it. My first Guardian was that powerful, it was a piece of cake for him to turn an ordinary object into mystical weapon.”

Even though he sounded like he was scolding me, I could detect a hint of proudness in his tone.

“So, this chain is used to bind the next Guardian and immoral humans. Which category am I in?” I knew I was not immoral, but I could never assume the right answer for now.

Putra didn’t even hide his expression when he rolled his eyes at me. He looked at me as if I was the stupidest human alive.

“Did I manage to eat you? No, right? Then, it only means you’re my Guardian. Is it so hard for you to understand that? What a stupid human!”

I gritted my teeth in annoyance. Since I brought it upon myself, I needed to endure it.

Who told me to ask that question?

“How do I return, then?” Skipping all the questions about Guardian, I picked the one that I needed to know the most.

“Release me first, then I’ll show you!”

I tugged at the chain lightly. “Release.”

Just a simple command, yet the chain did release Putra. Putra jumped and stood upright. He was still glaring at me resentfully.

“So?” I tilted my head, waiting for his answer.

“Just command the chain to take you back.” He grunted.

That simple? I looked at the chain in my hand. “Take me back.” I said. Half of my heart didn’t believe, but when the chain moved, I was startled.

The chain moved like a snake, rolled itself neatly and nudged on my bottom to sit on it. As I sat on it, it shot upwards and in a flash, I had already left the ground.

“Don’t come back!” I heard Putra shouted.

If I were not too surprised with how the chain took me, I would have yelled back at him.

The chain moved faster and faster, and in no time, I could see something open up and I saw the sky with golden streaks as a sign of the sun was rising.

It’s dawn already when I stepped my feet in the solid ground, this time it was in human world. The chain coiled itself around my wrists and disappeared. I looked around and found that I was sent outside the hospital where I was staying.

‘Great, what should I say to them if they noticed me missing from my bed?’ I grumbled.

‘Should I say I took a walk outside because I felt so stuffy inside? I don’t think that reason is valid since I still have difficulties in walking too far.’

My mind created a scenario of what I should say the moment those nurses asked me. But then, something clicked inside my mind.

Difficulties in walking? I stared at my bare feet. I had jumped and run on the Death Volcano, I didn’t feel any difficulties. Even my bare feet looked fine without any blisters or wounds. I didn’t feel any uncomfortable feeling like I would feel during therapy. Instead, I felt energetic and healthy.

What happened?

I inspected my legs. The thin legs from the night before had gone! It was as if I had never been in a comma for two years. I could see the shape of my calf, feel the muscles in my thigh, it felt amazing!

Not only my legs, I also noticed my arms had formed their muscles. No more weak chicken arms! My grip got even stronger. Even the color of my skin which was previously pale white like a sickly boy, turned healthy bronze color.

Was it because of the Death Volcano?

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