
Chapter 119 Report, Coming Wave

Just like that, a month passed, and as the new month came by, new things and developments came with it.

During this time, Victor had slacked off a bit when it came to raiding dungeons, as he started seeing a pattern in them, and they no longer benefitted him. He had gotten all the evolution materials he needed from the dungeons, and since the dungeons had similar monsters in the ones that were similar, Victor really didn’t have any use for them anymore, except for the experience points he got. There were two ways Victor knew to get stronger, and it was either to kill and get experience points, or to evolve himself.

Of course, during this month, Victor had collected plenty vampire evolution material from the vampires that were supplied to him. The vampire material wasn’t enough for what he planned for, but it was enough for him to use to achieve what he wanted. Victor had also been sitting on dragon material seeing if he would be able to find other dragons before he evolved using it, but that didn’t happen. He wanted to get adequate material from dragons, so that he would do the same thing he was planning with the vampire evolution materials, but in the end, it seemed like the dragons would have to wait still.

Victor enquired from Werzelya ways for him to find a demon, but that ultimately failed. Werzelya for one wasn’t knowledgeable about any magic that could achieve a dimensional effect, not did Victor or any other person he could think of. He did try to ask the vampires, but they didn’t have anyone who could do such magic. In the end, Victor left the research to Maggie who was very eager to take it on.

While these were some of the more important things that happened within the time frame, there was something major that was going on in this new month they were in. The previous day, Victor got a call from the vampires, through Damien, they requested an audience with him, so he scheduled it to take place the next day.

The next day, Victor teleported directly into the vampire castle, only that this time he didn’t appear right in the throne room and just appeared somewhere else before proceeding to walk to the throne room. The vampires were to produce for him 200 bodies of vampires on this day also, overall it was the best day to visit.

When Victor got to the throne room, the doors opened before him and he walked in. It seemed like the vampires had been waiting for him, and unlike the previous times that he would come uninvited, this time a spot for him was well prepared in advance, and he took the luxurious seat closest to where the Vampire Lord and the three Eldest Elders sat.

Greetings were given, and just like Victor had instructed the other times he came, they kept everything brief and got to the main reason why they summoned him.

“It’s about the experiment that was reported to us some time ago.” The vampire lord said. Normally, he wouldn’t be the one to be giving such reports, but given the fact that Victor was the one these reports were presented to at the moment, anyone lower than himself would be an insult. At least, the vampires were cultured enough not to be told something so simple.

The vampire lord did move the explanation to one of the eldest elders to continue, the most important thing was for him to start.


[In the vampire society and household, these are some of the positions there, I will be keeping these only in the house

Master (Head of the family)

Eldest Elder (The oldest and most respected apart from the Master. They can be more than a single. They can be referred to as elders sometimes, like in a sentence.)

Elder (The elders and respected vampires of the family)

Ascendant (They are the elites in the society or family, and can be in charge of Service ranks)

Service Rank (They are like soldiers. Vampires strong enough to be mobilized if needed. They are first in line if a force has to be sent)

Fledgling (newly turned vampires or vampires that are not more than 25 who are still young and learning)



As it happened, the girl who was placed in the laboratory where the experiment was taking place had reported the completion of the experiment, and that it was a success, to an extent.

After the elder was done with what he had to say, which he also made sure to keep brief, the girl was called forward to explain herself what she had relayed earlier. They could do so themselves, but since the girl was present at the meeting, it was better she be the one to do so.

“As I remember, you are Mina, right?” Victor asked as his eyes locked unto the young looking vampire.

“Yes, I am.” She responded a bit casually, though her tone and manners were still pretty formal and respectful. A few of the vampires’ breath almost ceased for a second as they listened to her speak in such a casual way. Perhaps she didn’t know who was before her? It was even more of a mystery seeing that Victor didn’t mind it. Not like this brought any of them the thought to act this way, perhaps her beauty and feminine charms worked in this case?

“Go on then, tell me everything, and why you are here instead of being there al giving updates.” Victor asked in his usual calm voice that sounded a bit cold. If he was still human, he would complain about this voice and characteristic of his current self, but now he really couldn’t care much of it.

“Right.” She responded before beginning her talk.

The experiment, the girl named Ann, was the main component of a project the government conducted with something, a material that was found that could repel undead and all negative energy, and even dispel them. The scientists, after somehow getting a church to see the piece of stone, called the energy that was exuded from it Holy Energy.

The church tried to harness this holy energy, and the government allowed it as it gave them a shot at harnessing this foreign and powerful energy, and surprisingly, the church was able to produce members that could do so. These people who could harness the energy from this stone could go further to heal, buff, debuff, and even cast some offensive and defensive spells with it.

This, was the very first appearance of magic after the world changed.

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