
Chapter 163 - Villain Without FL (2)

Along the long road, a van was being driven through the highway in secret. The van was completely black to the point it camouflaged with the dark sky, hiding in plain sight. Even the lights were turned off, making it nearly impossible for someone to see it with plain eyes.

The van slowly entered the forest, hiding behind the trees. A group of men came out of it. They were all wearing black masks and matching uniforms. Holding rifles and guns in their hands, they lined up in front of the van while a blue eyed man briefed them.

"The task is simple," SD said. "We need to blow up the security can which will drive by in a while. Team A, are the explosives ready?"

"Yes sir!" Team A exclaimed. Jonghyun also got out of the car. He was holding a small monitor which was attached to a drone which was flying around the area.Â

"The van is approaching," he said. "Men, take your positions!"

Everyone scattered all throughout the forest. Some of the men climbed the trees to hide their presence while Team A took their positions to blow off the van. They placed some pebbles on the road. The pebbles were not very large but could fit a palm and the men placed the stones on the road in strategically advantageous spots. They then went back into the forest to hide.Â

SD was holding a remote in his hands while Jonghyun was standing next to him. They were watching the monitor intensely, waiting for the van.

Finally, another black van came into view. The van was stealthily driving along the road, not making any noise. Not even a horn was hnked as it made its way towards the main road.

As soon as the van crossed the first pebble, SD pressed a button.


Several explosives were activated, exploding in a series of bombs. The pebbles were explosives which SD\'s team had created in order to take out enemies during emergencies. On their own, the explosives were not enough to take down a large van but when put together, several of the bombs could take out an entire town.Â

The van burst into flames, skidding off the road. The metallic surface withstood the force of the bombs but a large portion of it caught on fire. Instantly, the van was ambushed by the men.

SD fought off the flames, charging through the smoke to break the doors open. Several of Choi\'s men were injured inside but tried to grab their weapons.Â

But SD was faster. He shot at them with his rifle while his men attacked the other guards, killing them in one swift motion. The sounds of the gunshots echoed through the desolated road.

Smoke and flames soared high and the remaining men from the Cho\'s clan were being burnt to death.

"AHHHHHH!" Their screams resonated in the area but no one would come to help. The road was empty and lifeless except for the predators who were about to kill their prey.Â

Panting and gasping for fresh air, SD\'s men finally killed off the guards. One of them was trying to crawl towards a phone but SD shot him point blank in the head. He then spoke into his walkie talkie, huffing a little. His face was darkened by soot but he did not care. Sunye\'s life was in danger.

"Phase one is complete," he told Jonghyun over the walkie talkie. "We can proceed with phase two."

"Good work, Haein," Jonghyun said. "Let\'s get going."

SD signaled his men to get rid of the bodies and put out the flames. He then proceeded towards the van which was emerging from the forest. Jonghyun was in the driver\'s seat while the rest of their men were in the back. The van was large with the ability to hold almost a hundred men. Made of impenetrable metal, Jonghyun had designed the van to be able to ward off such external threats. It belonged to his trusted aide, Yang and the army only had one of these vehicles.

Unbeknownst to Jonghyun, SD also had another ace up his sleeve. He was not going to let Jonghyun take Sunye away either.Â

"Let\'s go," Jonghyun told his secretary. SD put on his full face mask, got into the van and they headed off towards Choi Taek\'s mansion.

As they drove on, SD\'s eyes were full of a cold rage. With his face hidden by a mask, he was seething with the fury he had held in for so long. From the moment he was born, he lived on the edge everyday. Any minute, he could be killed or worse. There was not even a single moment of peace he remembered other than the times he spent with Sunye.

His fingers curled into a fist and he slowly looked at Jonghyun. The last remnant of the very monarchy he loathed. There was no love between the brothers and SD would not hesitate to cut Jonghyun down if needed. After all, he was the one who represented the cursed Company which destroyed the lives of millions.

But SD was patient and calm. He knew that in order for Sunye to be safe, he needed to trust her. This was all her plan to get the map to Jonghyun. She was desperate for answers.

SD took out a coin and stared at it. Jonghyun, who was next to him, noticed that his secretary was awfully quiet.

"What are you thinking, Haein?" he frowned. SD held out the coin.

"I\'m thinking, sir," SD finally said.

"What are you thinking?"

"Heads or tails?"Â

"Huh?" Jonghyun was surprised by SD\'s question. Why was he asking that?

"Heads," he said. SD flipped the coin and caught it with his palm.

"Tails," SD said, showing him the coin.Â

"Why are you asking me this question?" Jonghyun asked.Â

"I was confused about something," SD admitted. "Whether to tell my girlfriend the truth."

"The truth about what?"

SD looked at him, his hatred for the man hidden by the mask. "To tell her the truth that I was the one who chose the blue tiles for our kitchen," he lied. "She\'ll be pissed\'¦"

"So, will you tell her?"

Jonghyun was slightly curious. Haein never spoke of his girlfriend. Why was he talking about her all of a sudden?

"I will," SD revealed. "Only if we manage to save Ms. Han tonight. Afterwards, I\'ll tell my girlfriend the truth."

Jonghyun was confused but nodded. "I hope she can forgive you!" he sighed. "Sunye doesn\'t even want to look at me. She only stares at Choi Kibum\'¦"

SD did not reply but inwardly, he had his brother to thank for his decision. If he rescued Sunye, then he was going to tell her the truth.Â

But before that...he thought. I\'ll wreak some serious havoc.. This\'ll be fun.

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