
Chapter 94 - One Day (1)

She put her palm on her heart, feeling the beats. Sometimes she wondered if there was something wrong with her. She was a lawyer who was supposed to uphold the law whereas SD was a shady man who twisted the law. How did she even end up being his accomplice? And on top of that, even developed a strange connection with him?

The day she had requested from him was merely a way to sort out her own thoughts. She hoped that if she spent time with him outside of work for a while, maybe she would stop feeling that way. His annoying side might irritate her to the point that she would stop harboring these silly things in her head.

But there was another task which he had promised her he would fulfill: his surname. He had promised that he would tell her his surname if she won the case. Sunye had not forgotten their bet and what other way than to make him reveal something about himself than this?

She slowly got up and began to ready herself. Stepping into the bathroom, she chose her best toiletries before entering the shower. She washed her hair with a light scented strawberry shampoo and thoroughly cleaned herself with scrub and soap. The warm water helped her to relax her muscles as she tried not to think too much about her request.

What is he thinking now? She wondered. Was he as nervous as she felt?

Sighing loudly, she turned off the tap and wrapped a towel around herself. Sunye glanced at the mirror. Her already fair skin was shining brightly thanks to her rigorous scrubbing. She dried her hair using a blow dryer and left the bathroom.

She had already laid down her dress on the chair the night before. It was a simple light pink midi dress with white and orange flowers intricately sewed on it. She had recently bought it from a small designer boutique as she was attracted by its simplicity. The dress was modest as it reached till her ankles and was a perfect fit for her.

Sunye put it on and checked herself in the mirror. The color complemented her skin tone, giving her a more youthful look. She wore a simple silver chain with a square pendant around her neck and dabbed a light amount of BB cream on her face. Putting some red lipstick on her lips, she glanced at the clock.

SD was supposed to pick her up for breakfast and he would arrive any minute. As if on cue, the doorbell rang.

Sunye picked up her purse and quickly brushed her hair. Deciding to let it stay loose, she hurried towards the shoe rack. She picked out a matching pink ballet flat and put them on before answering the door.

SD stood there wearing a cream colored shirt with grey pants. He was leaning against the doorstead, typing something on his phone.

"I\'ll be out of touch all day today," he was writing to Orea, still not looking up. "If there\'s an emergency, handle it on your own. My phone will be off."

He clicked the send button and looked up only to almost lose his balance in shock.

Sunye felt self-conscious when he did not speak. Am I looking weird? She wondered.

Unbeknownst to her, SD was stunned at the ethereal beauty standing in front of him. Sunye looked like an innocent fairy in that attire and the light makeup on her face only enhanced her sharp features, giving a soft glow to her face. She had let her hair loose around her shoulders in light, wavy curls. SD lost count of how many times he was blown away by her but he could not help it. The sight of her made his heart ache and it took him all his willpower not to kiss her on the spot.

"Uh...er…" he began, fumbling to say something. "Let\'s go?"

"O-okay," Sunye stammered, feeling a little disappointed. He would usually make some snarky remark about how she looked but now he was not saying anything.

Maybe this dress isn\'t that good after all, she thought in dismay unaware that SD had gone completely red in the face.

They walked together towards the elevator. Once inside the lift, a palpable tension was forming between them. Sunye was suddenly aware of how close he was standing and even though there were times when they were in more intimate postures, this seemingly innocent position seemed to have more depth.

For the first time, they were spending time together for fun, not because of work. Other times, it was easy to shrug off their closeness because it was always professional but now, she was having a dejavu. It was as if they were the strangers from the pub who acted upon an instant connection.

SD was also feeling the same as her. He was aware of her stealthy glances but did not make any comment to ruin the moment. The invisible current between them was only increasing with every passing second. He fidgeted nervously as the lift descended to the lower floor.

He knew why Sunye had made such a request. She was trying to figure out her own feelings. He was not blind to their mutual attraction; it had been there since they were children.

But they were treading on a dangerous territory. His world was tainted and dark, filled with only isolation. She did not belong in a place like that. He was using her as a safe pawn for his bigger goals but could never put her in any more danger than she already was in.

The lift finally stopped on the ground floor. Sunye turned to him and flashed a rare smile.

"Shall we start our day then?" she asked. SD did not reply but smiled back and nodded. She stepped out of the lift while he was in his spot. One day, huh?

He watched her back as she headed for the exit. As he followed her, he was lost in his own thoughts about the day they were going to spend. She had not specified how she was going to pay him but SD did not want to know. He was afraid that if he asked for payment, he was going to ask for something which he kept out of his reach.

I\'m not a good person, he mused. My hands are stained with blood and my heart filled with vengeance.

His eyes were still on her, not moving nor blinking as he thought of the forbidden desires which were overwhelming his mind.

But for today...Just for one day, can you free me from my shackles and hide me in your arms? Can you give me your heart for one day?

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