
Chapter 88 A Show Of Power (2)

I\'m can\'t seem to sleep.....well I can\'t say I\'m surprised since today was kinda weird in a way.

It must be because of that skill....

I open up my status screen to once again view my new skills.


Name : Adam Creed

Age: 15


Strength: D-

Agility: D-

Stamina: D-

Intelligence: D-

Mana Grade : D+

Vitality : Unable to determine.


Job: Spear Warrior lvl: 1

You have a innate understanding and talent for using the spear.

Techniques: None.


1. Sub-Space [SS- rank]

An pocket dimension where you can store objects of different sizes and shapes.

2. Disguise [ A- rank] Lvl:1

Able to transform into anyone you touch and know, has a time limit of one hour.

3. Incite [ A- rank]

You\'re speech will be more polished and the user will be able to distract people with low mental strength with words...people will trust you more.

4. Weak Body [ S-rank] [Passive Skill]

You\'re appeal to both genders have increased, you get to be the damsel in distress at all times.

5. Hell Fire [ SS- rank]

Able to summon the flames of hell in exchange for vitality, the flames of hell cannot be extinguished until the user allows it to. The flames can be utilized in any way necessary....the only limit is your imagination.



All my new skills were shit except for [Hell Fire] which felt like it was tailor made for me.

But it seems that learning all that skills allowed me to break through to D rank, so I suppose it isn\'t all bad.

\'I should probably go to sleep...\', I think closing my eyes.


It\'s no use.

I get up from my bed, unable to sleep for some unknown reason.

If I can\'t sleep either way, it was probably better to just study. I sit at my table and use the light from the lamp to study.

About two minutes in, I started feeling sleepy.

\'That always works..\', I think going back to my bed.


The next day, I wake up early and revise for the \'General Knowledge\' exam which was a few hours away.

I feel calm because nobody really cares that much about \'General Knowledge\' around here.

Why learn about the president when you save more people than the leader of a country ?

After about an hour of prepping, Eric and I get ready for school and start walking to our classroom. As usual, on the way, we meet up with the others who all seemed carefree even though none of them had studied all that much yesterday.

I tell them about the \'incident\' with John yesterday and they all had a good laugh at my expense.

" Wow...you\'re breaking so many hearts ,now huh ?", Jennifer says wiping away the tears which had accumulated from laughing far too much.

" Meh..", I say revising the portions for the exam in my mind.


The exam went great.

But sitting next to John didn\'t help all that much, I did try to make conversation but the dude refused to even look at me...as if I was the weird one.


A sigh involuntarily escapes my mouth as I think about the discount that had been lost...ehh who cares...the car I have now is good enough.

Usually I would go meet up with the others in a café on campus grounds after an exam but I\'m not in the mood today.

I head to my room and use my key to open the door.

I\'m surprised to see Lecia and Eric in the room, they were playing some sort of weird multiplayer game on a phone.

" What are you guys doing here ?", I ask confused.

It had become somewhat of a custom to visit the cat café after our exams to discuss...the said exams.

" Well...we could ask you the same thing." , Eric says concentrated on the game.


A sound rings out and Eric groans in frustration.

" How are you so good ?", Eric asks Lecia who just shrugged in response.

I shake my head and go to the bathroom and come out after changing into more comfortable clothes.

By the time, I came back Eric was once again groaning as he lost...again.

" Can we talk ?", Lecia asked me with a slightly satisfied expression from winning on her face.


" So, how\'s the hero course treating you so far ?", I ask Lecia curiously.

I\'ve been wanting to catch up with her for awhile now, since we hadn\'t gotten a chance to really \'talk\' since I got discharged from the hospital but that didn\'t mean that I didn\'t notice the calluses on Lecia\'s hands.

She was overexerting herself...

We had come to the park and was sitting on the same bench as back then.

" It\'s been good so far.", she answers back with a smile.

" Well if you need any help, I would be happy to help my junior.", I say feeling little smug.

Lecia chuckles a little and says,

" Don\'t worry, Eric\'s been helping me a lot."


Eric\'s the one she asks for help ?.....

What about me ?

"That\'s good then...", I say pouting.

" I\'m gonna catch up with you soon....", Lecia says patting me on the head.


Of course...she thinks of me as a rival...I get it now.


We talk about this and that for awhile and until I say something that\'s been on my mind for awhile,

"Hey Lecia, do you hate my name ?"

" What ?", she asks looking a little lost.

This has been bugging me for awhile now...when Dr, Ken asked for a name, I used the name \'Adam\' because it was Lecia\'s brother\'s name, the brother who had been brutally murdered by humans during the war.

This name...must remind her of all that pain. It took me some time to realize what an insensitive jerk I am...but hey at least I\'m realizing it now right ?

That\'s classic character development.

" I mean, \'Adam\' was your brother\'s name....does it hurt to hear it all the time ?", I say trying to be more clear.

Lecia thinks for a minute before she started speaking,

" Well....not really."

" Why not ?", I ask a little relieved.

Lecia turns away from me and looks at the peaceful park..

" Adam was a brave kid....he always wanted to be a hero, I don\'t think he would mind if another brave kid who\'s going to become a hero in the future takes his name..", she says turning towards me with a smile on her face.

A gentle breeze flutters past us as she continues on,

"I\'m thankful that you took his name because you\'re carrying his legacy with you...."


We stay silent after that for some time until Lecia once again breaks the silence,

" Oh...I almost forgot....I need a small favor."

" Hmm...what is it ?", I ask still a little flustered from our talk a little while ago.

" Could you ask Max to back off a little ?"


" What did he do ?", I ask starting to get a little angry.

Seeing me fuming, Lecia calms me down by saying,

" It isn\'t anything like that....I just don\'t feel comfortable with-"

I interject and say,

" Say no more...I\'m gonna talk with him right now."

We talk for a while more and then Lecia goes back to continue with her training.


I knock on the door to Max\'s room fighting the urge to knock it down.

The door opens slowly and Max looks surprised to see me,

" What\'s up ?", he asks rubbing his forehead.

I ignore him and barge inside his room.

" Where\'s your roommate ?", I ask curious.

The guy wasn\'t here the last time I was here as well...did this horny shit kill him or something ?

" He dropped out.", Max said seating himself on his bed.


That\'s concerning.

I sit on the other bed and stare at him.

" What\'s up ?", he asks trying to act all innocent.

There was a time that I liked this guy...but he\'s messing with the wrong people.

" I need you to stay away from my sister.", I say making Max confused.

" Why ?", he asks

" Well...because I say so."

" No thanks.", he gets up as if the conversation was over and opened up his door for me and tried to usher me out.

I didn\'t want to hurt his feelings since he\'s the protagonist and all and everything he did was vital to the plot, but fuck it.

" Lecia wants you stay away from her."

" What ?", he looks a little stunned.

" Yup, she hates you.", I say driving it further home.

Max comes back to his bed and sits on it looking lost,

" I didn\'t mean any harm...I just really liked her."


Well...too bad,

I get up to leave, but find it hard looking at Max\'s puppy eyes.

I let out a sigh and say,

" She doesn\'t hate you."

Light returns to his face as he hears me but I continue on,

" But please stop being a creep and treat her like a normal person...she\'s already been through enough already."

" What do you mean ?", Max asks looking a little tense.

I sigh again and say,

" Lecia\'s.... had a very rough childhood....no forget it. It isn\'t my place to speak on her behalf.....just don\'t annoy her anymore,"

Max nods his head and I get out of the room.

As Max closed the door behind me I say,

" I\'ll kill you, if you make my sister part of your harem.."

" Eh ?"

I leave behind a confused Max and head back to my room.


I\'m surprised to see John waiting for me near the door to my room,

" Hey...", he says awkwardly raising up two can of cold coffee in his hands.

" Can we talk ?", he says apologetically handing me one of the cans.

" Sure..", I say taking one of them

We head to the park again since I didn\'t want Eric to see with this guy.

It\'ll be embarrassing.

\'This better be quick.\', I think, it was almost night now.

I take a sip of the cold coffee and wait for him to start speaking but when he doesn\'t speak I look at him.

Seeing how confused I was, he says

" Ah yes....I forgive you...it\'s gonna be fine now."

That\'s a weird apology...


Why do I feel dizzy ?




I look down at the can that he had given me.....it was already opened for me.

\'Shit\', I think feeling myself slowly losing consciousness.

I try to punch John or something but my body feels too weak.

Before blacking out the last thing I heard was his voice....

" It\'s going to be fine now....you\'ll love me just like everybody else..."


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