
Chapter 60 I Love You (2)

" Was I that rude ?", Eric asked while rubbing his head.

I nod my head as mouth was filled with food.

" I mean the way she asked was a little weird but I also thought that you were a little too harsh.", Emilia dropped her thought on the matter.

" Why don\'t you just apologize to her ?", Katherine asks

Eric murmurs something and goes back to eating his food.

" On that thought.... I would like to make an apology as well.", Katherine continues on.

" I\'m sorry for accusing you without any proof, Adam."

Oho, what\'s this now ?

An apology.... a little too late isn\'t it ?

" It\'s all good, you don\'t have to apologize over and over again", I say smiling at her.

Katherine nods her head, but instead of changing the topic and continuing with her lunch she says,

" Still, that was a shitty thing to do so... I want to give you something. I know it won\'t make up for what I did but at least it\'s a start right ?"

I watch as Katherine takes out three envelopes and I instantly know what it is.

An invitation to the Colleen family\'s annual auction.


Fuck Yeah !!

I already had a plan to get inside the auction but Katherine made this whole thing a lot easier.

The Colleen Annual Auction or the TCAA for short was in a word : a treasure trove. It was an auction hosted by the Colleen family [duh ] that displayed a variety of extravagant things. The most important people in the world gathered together for this auction and bid on things.

As this was an world renowned auction, it\'s only natural that it has an impregnatable defense second to none. Nobody could force their way in without an invitation.... well this year would be different though.

Half Moon was going be there and they\'ll steal...a lot. Max and the group tries to fight against this unknow organization but they fail to do anything as the person they had to face was the Enchantress.

This was the actual first time Max faced the organization but it was only when they broke into Unity\'s prison, that he knew that this organization was in fact the infamous Half - Moon.

Since they\'re going steal all the good stuff either way, it wouldn\'t matter if I leech of them a little right ?


" Oh....you shouldn\'t have.", I say as I take the envelope from her hand.

Katherine gives Eric and Emilia one as well, she gets up from her seat and says,

" I\'ll go find Max and give him his as well."

She leaves the cafeteria and I keep the invitation safely in my pocket.

Emilia and Eric open up the envelope and read it\'s contents. Emilia excitedly speaks about how....excited she was and Eric added in some words here and there. I tune out their conversation but stop when I hear Emilia say,

" Today\'s the 30th so the auction\'s in a week, I\'ll have to clear up my schedule."

I pause eating and ask her,

" What did you say ?"

The both of them look at me as if I was a weirdo but I don\'t care.

" That I have to chec-", She begins to answer but I cut her off and ask again.

" No....not that... just tell me today\'s date.", I ask feeling a little stupid.

" October 30.... why ?", Emilia asks confused.



I did mark it on my calendar but with everything that was going on, I forgot.

Today was the death anniversary of Max\'s parents.

In the novel, he pushes himself too hard and then gets a fever. Eric was the one who took care of him in the novel, but I had a feeling that the plot my change because it always does.

" I have....huh a thing to do.", I say while getting up and running towards Max\'s room.


" I\'m a really sorry about...you know ?. I was uhhh... drowsy and didn\'t kno-", Eric continues with his shabby apology until Abigail cuts him off.

" It\'s fine... really. I totally understand.", Abigail says with a gentle smile on her face.

" Okay then.", Eric says before leaving.

The smile on Abigail\'s face never once wavered as she watched Eric move away from her but it wasn\'t that gentle anymore.


I see Katherine waiting in front Max\'s door, I slow my pace.

" Hey....Katherine.", I say making her flinch.

" Oh...hey, what are you doing here ?", she answers back.

" I wanted to talk with Max."

That\'s a lame excuse.

Maybe I shouldn\'t have come, Katherine could have done Eric\'s part...

" Well, I don\'t think he\'s in there.", Katherine says after letting out a sigh.

" There\'s only one way to find out.", saying this I kick open the door cause you know.... that\'s what I do. I\'m a kicker of doors.

" Wha-", Katherine starts but follows me inside once she saw that I was moving inside.

" We can\'t do this, we have to go back !!", Katherine whispers with urgency.

" It\'ll be fine.", I say heading to the training room that was closed.

I open the door to find Max laying on the floor, I could see some blood here and there. Katherine lets out a gasp and I say,

" Is he dead ?"

I mean obviously he wouldn\'t be dead, I mean he\'s the protagonist. I may have been a little late but I\'ve never heard of a protagonist dying from training so it\'s going to be fine....probably.


Spoiler Alert: he didn\'t die.

Katherine and I took him to his bed and cleaned him up, I look around his room.

Where the fuck was his roommate ?

" How\'d you know ?", Katherine asks while bandaging his body.

" Well... I knew that today was the death anniversary of his parents, because I\'m a huge fan... so I just wanted to check up on him."

" Mhmm", she hums back as an answer.

Now that I\'m really looking at her, Katherine looks... beautiful. Of course she was in the main cast, so she was obviously going to be beautiful cause people like everything to be beautiful when in actuality this world is just plain ugly.

I mean she\'s beautiful but I\'m not attracted to her...really, cause I\'m not a freaking pedophile. I like older women either way. MILFS for life !.

But I can\'t help myself but look at her, her white hair was tied in tight pony tail, her eyes were focused on the task before her...

I shake my head and say,

" So.... will he live ?"

She lets out a chuckle and says,

" He\'ll live... I think, I have no idea what I\'m doing."

Hearing this I laugh a little but I stop when Max grunts something.

" Well, it seems like he\'ll live.", Katherine says sighing in relief.


Max made a full recovery in two hours.

That\'s right, he healed in two hours.

That\'s not possible for a normal human, but he\'s the protagonist so...

Katherine and I watched as Max took small sips from the soup that we had made for him... well she made it. I watched.

" Are you okay now ?", Katherine asks Max with concern.

" I\'m fine, thank you for breaking down my door.... and the soup."


Oh God.

Was that sarcasm just now ?

It seems that my son has become an ungrateful bitch.

" That was him...but it\'s good that he did or else we wouldn\'t have found you.", Katherine answers back with a smile on her face.

Max nods his head and continues to eat his soup.

After a minute of silence, I ask him

" So...are you going to tell us why you were hurt ?"

Hearing my question he puts down the spoon and covers his face with his hand,

" I just...want to be stronger."

Hmmm, well I knew that.

" Is it for your revenge ?", Max appears shocked to hear me call him out.

Seeing him so shocked, I scoff and say,

" It\'s kind of obvious.... I mean your parents were killed today and you just happened to almost train yourself to death."

Max says nothing and goes back to eating his soup.

" Max.... it\'s good that your parents are dead, they don\'t have see this pathetic mess they call their \'son\',"

" WHAT DID Y-", Max begins to shout but I cut him of and continue,

" Did I say something wrong..... look at yourself, you were on the brink of death an hour ago... you\'re all alone with nobody beside you.... you\'re a pathetic mess. Your parents were great heroes, Max. They sacrificed themselves because they wanted a better world for their son....but you\'re just...uhhh forget it.", I say getting up from my spot.

I might have exaggerated a little.

He wasn\'t on the brink of death nor was he alone. I sometimes talk too much don\'t I ?

I walk out of the room , leaving behind a dazed Max.

Katherine followed me for some reason.

As we were walking back she asks,

" Did you have to say all that ?"

Instead of saying anything, I wink at her and say,

" Have a good night, Katherine."


I wake up the next morning and get myself ready for class quickly,

On the way out with Eric, I hit my leg on the edge of the table.

" Owwww.", I groan out in pain while jumping around.

My entire day is ruined.

" Don\'t be a baby.", Eric mocks me opening the door to our room.

I\'m not a baby.... hmph.

I\'m surprised to see Max waiting behind the door, he steps inside the room pushing Eric aside and walks towards me in long strides. I try to back away but it was too late, the bastard punches me in the fucking face.

If my day wasn\'t ruined before.... it sure is ruined now.

Eric runs towards my side and raises me up and asks panicked,

" What the fuck just happened ?"

I touch my lips gently and see that I\'m bleeding. A small smile forms on my face as I say,

" Character development."

" What ?!" Eric asks back confused.


" I deserved that...but did you have to punch me that hard ?", I ask as the three of us walked to our class.

" You did, but you were right....so thank you.", Eric had a small smirk on his face as he spoke.

" Wait...I\'m still confused, what the fuck happened between you two ?"

Max and I stare at each other with a small smile on our faces and I say.

" Ehh, it\'s too hard to explain."


As we enter the classroom, the entire class goes quiet and everyone stares at...me ?

" Hey..", Max says while pointing towards the huge ass blackboard in the class,

" Oh."

That\'s all I can manage to say as I see the contents of the blackboard.

It said,


There were also a lot of very badly edited photos of me and Eric doing some....very obscene stuff.

I look at Eric and he\'s frozen, I could see his hands shaking and his eyes tearing up.

Well.... this isn\'t good.


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