
Chapter 151 I Accep

"Who?" The City Lord of Fort Sutner stared at his subordinate in surprise and a little displeasure. The man was one of the local city guards, but should know better than to barge into the central castle without proper authorization, unless it was an emergency. He would need to reprimand the castle guards after this.

"The famed Swordmaster Lord Inigo Montoya, sir! The Black Shade of 7 Blades!" The guard panted as he caught his breath, his body heaving from exertion.

Lord Gabito\'s eyes narrowed. He didn\'t recognize the name, but for the warrior to have such a title, it must be someone of importance.

"Dammit. Why are so many irritating figures popping up now?" The City Lord grumbled under his breath, rubbing his eyes in frustration as he glanced at the two Wizards from the Church of Light.

"Damon!" He waved his hand off to the side. Immediately, a Shade that had been lurking in the background stepped forward. An elderly Shade dressed in a long brown robe, covered in silk ropes and markings. His steward that helped him manage the affairs of the City.

"My Lord." Damon bowed, his long white hair shifting slightly.

"Quickly, put together a reception and invite this Lord Intelgo or Inigo or whatever into the castle and see what he wants. Be respectful about it, though." Lord Gabito waved him off, rubbing his forehead as he turned around back to the Wizards from the Church of Light.

"How long will it take for you two to find this Vampire and get rid of it?"

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Dorian focused his breathing as he waited in a guest foyer within the guardhouse. The Captain of the gate guard was waiting outside, standing at attention. The room was sparsely decorated, with a few wooden tables and chairs. Some swords and other weapons were stacked in the corner, covered in dust.

Several minutes had passed since he\'d been brought here, terrorizing the guard at the gate with his grand presence.

"Oh?" Dorian muttered as he felt Helena pinch him. He was still holding her carefully, feeling her head rest against his chest. He looked down in surprise, seeing her glare up at him. He had thought she was still asleep, recuperating.

"I am your wife now?" She whispered quietly, still glaring. Her cheeks blushed slightly as she said that, lighting up her still withered appearance.

"Shh, quiet my lovey-dovey wife. Remember, you\'re caught up in a magic spell that makes you stay asleep." Dorian simply grinned down at her obnoxiously.

Helena\'s mouth opened to retort, but before she could say anything, the guardhouse door boomed open. She immediately shut her mouth, and eyes, giving Dorian one last glare for good measure.

"Lord Inigo!" The guard that the Captain of the gate had sent off reappeared, his face flushed from exertion.

"A delegation has arrived to receive you!"

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Meanwhile, far from Dorian, on an unusual Exotic World within the Graal Alliance…

A monkey and a man landed atop a giant leaf that came floating down from the sky. The monkey moved smoothly, its movements precise and practiced, while the human jumped clumsily but managed to hold his footing.

"You must be prepared for anything. Battle on unstable ground, on wavering surfaces." Sun Wukong\'s voice echoed out as he lashed out at Will with a long staff, sweeping him off his feet as he tried to balance on the leaf.

Will tumbled backwards, sliding around on the nearly 100 meters long leaf. He managed to flip himself over as he fell, particles of light flowing around him.

"Light Mag-"


Before he could finish casting a Spell, Sun Wukong appeared again right in front of him, knocking him back once more.

A bright, warm Aura of Light covered Will protectively, but failed to stop the attack from the staff. The blow seemed to completely ignore the innate barrier that surrounded Will, knocking him away.

"Do you think your enemies will wait for you to finish casting a Spell? Be faster. Be stronger." Sun Wukong\'s voice was cool,

"Be better."

Will snorted, manipulating Light Energy around him without casting a Spell as he lashed out at Sun Wukong.

The monkey effortlessly dodged the blow, but took a few steps back, just enough for Will to gain his footing.

The strange scene that was playing out had been a very different one just a few days prior.

Sun Wukong had grabbed Will, rescuing him as the Ascension Ruins collapsed. Will\'s mind had gone blank as they seemed to warp about and teleport, moving at an incredibly quick speed.

In what felt like hours but was really only a minute or two at most, Will had found himself standing on a grassy World Bridge, alone with the monkey that had grabbed him.

He\'d sat on the ground for a minute, gathering his thoughts.

To Will, everything had seemed to happen at a million miles an hour, going by so fast. His memories were still vague and scattered. One thing he knew for sure, however.

Dorian had saved him, once again. And now this monkey had too.

\'Wow, people really save me a lot, huh?\' He\'d thought at the time, smiling ruefully. The dragon, or whatever it was that Dorian was, that had done so much for him had once more saved his life.

Will could recall his memories from before he was resurrected. How he had lived in a small city, blinded by his desire to join up with the inner circle of his family. How Dorian had awoken him to the reality of his situation, to how he was wasting his life pursuing something of little value.

\'How foolish I was.\' It hadn\'t been too long since then, yet Will felt as if an eternity had passed.

He remembered keenly the Inheritance he had received from a kindly old Wizard whose soul was on his last legs. A powerful Wizard of incredible skill that had lived hundreds of years ago.

In his mind now was a store of knowledge about Light Magic and the Dao of Light, the unique way the Wizard talked about the Law he studied. It was a Law that was almost identical to the Law of Light, from what Will could understand, but differed in that it was personalized. Instead of a general Law, it was a Law that harmonized his soul, letting him control it more efficiently and with greater impact.

The Illustrious Elder Mage Horhavil had, according to this Inheritance, reached the peak of Angelic Class but failed to Ascend.

Will later found that his soul had been tremendously enhanced. Part of this seemed to be due to living a state of near death. For some reason, the Inheritance in his soul seemed to have interacted with and absorbed some type of foreign energy, enhancing his strength while he lay unconscious in a deathly state.

His soul now inhabited a body that was incredible. His form seemed inherently suited to Light Magic, allowing him to fully adapt to it. Every Spell he cast came out perfectly and the energy flowed within him without error.

It was as if he had been reborn in a body perfectly suited to his needs, a stroke of Fate that was incredibly fortuitous.

All thanks to Dorian. The debt he owed that man… it felt insurmountable. Will had shaken his head as he thought that, the gratefulness he felt hard to put into words.

It was at that moment, as Will\'s mind was clearing, catching up to speed, that the monkey had begun to speak.

"Greetings, young Wizard. My name is Sun Wukong." The monkey said, giving Will a friendly nod.

"Thank you for the rescue, warrior. My name is Will Robel." Will had responded, looking back at him.

The two had talked for a couple minutes as Sun Wukong explained who he was and what the situation Will had been in was. He also explained what happened to Dorian and Helena, the monkey just barely managing to see them escape through a Spatial Fracture.

As the monkey went on, however, Will only felt himself getting more and more confused.

"So you travelled all this way here to rescue me? How would you even know I was here at all?" Will looked at Sun Wukong, not understanding.

The monkey rubbed at the large necklace he wore, giving Will a small smile.

"I have a special pair of eyes. Some would call them a blessing, while others a curse. My eyes allow me to see through Fate itself, for things that relate directly to me." Sun Wukong began, his voice taking on an air of grand power as he spoke.

"And deep within your body, hiding away, is something that relates quite closely to me and my future." Sun Wukong\'s eyes flashed.

"A remnant of a being that must be destroyed." His voice was cold steel, his eyes black iron.

Will shivered as he heard this and saw the monkey stare at him, suddenly feeling incredibly vulnerable. The feeling passed in an instant, however, as the monkey smiled, waving off the gloom.

"However, that doesn\'t relate directly to you, my friend. You, in fact, are in an interesting position indeed." The monkey looked at Will inquisitively,

"You are a student of Illustrious Elder Mage Horhavil?"

Will paused then, sputtering in surprise.

"You know of him?" He stared at the powerful monkey, his eyes wide.

"Of course. He was an incredibly adept Light Wizard that founded his own unique school of Magic, from his unique understanding of the Law of Light. I can recognize a hint of that Law and style coming off your soul." Sun Wukong examined Will closely,

"His death several hundred years ago was an unexplained tragedy."

Will clenched his fists as he heard that, remembering how the Elder Mage had described his death to them.

Betrayed by his comrades, left for the dead.

Just like Will had been left for the dead, forgotten and ignored by a Family he had once thought the world of.

"His death was indeed a tragedy." Will kept his words to himself, for now, not sharing the Elder Mage\'s story. The man\'s last words still echoed firmly in his mind.

"To whoever receives this, know that Fate has decided you be the bearer of my death. I am the Illustrious Elder Mage Horhavil, reduced to death\'s door. After mastering the Dao of Light and reaching the peak of the Angelic Stage of the Soul, I sought to break past the shackles that held me to the 30,000 Worlds and achieve Godhood."

"Alas. I have failed. At the last moment, a cadre of sorcerers from my thieving allies, the Golden Kingdom, betrayed me, and struck me down when I was most vulnerable. Despite my deathly injuries, I managed to escape, striking down two of their Pariah Mages in the process and tearing a hole in the void, ending up here."

"The site of my death lies here, deep within this beast infested forest. Between two shattered mountains, in the darkest pit of this valley, I breathe my last. My treasures are yours for the taking, I only ask that you one day inform Holy Duke Archel, of the Elector Empire, that the Golden Kingdom betrayed me."

"Thank you. The Cycle continues."

Will would keep this secret for now. The monkey in front of him had saved his life and seemed to be incredibly powerful, but there was nothing wrong with being careful. One day he would avenge the fallen Wizard who had helped give him a new lease on life. But that day was not today.

\'So many debts that I owe. But I will pay them all back.\' His eyes flashed,

\'One way or another.\'

Sun Wukong looked at the passionate and driven appearance Will had on, his face slightly awkward.

"Riiight. So. Moving on." Sun Wukong shrugged,

"You are in an interesting position, Will. That remnant soul you have hidden within you is something that even I cannot destroy. Not unless it is fully reformed. I know of no way to remove it, either." Sun Wukong gestured at Will.

"Is it dangerous? Can it cause me harm?" Will asked in return, concern appearing in his voice as he focused on his soul. Internally, he couldn\'t feel the presence of that remnant soul. But he knew it was still there, somewhere, lurking.

"No, no. Not directly, anyway. Your soul is not suited for it, it can do naught but remain in your body, unsatisfied." Wukong shook his head.

"However, just because it can\'t hurt you doesn\'t mean others won\'t. That remnant is only part of a whole. Many other remnants exist, and the owners of those remnants will be searching for you. Beings that are far more powerful than you can imagine." Sun Wukong paused, glancing at Will,

"I don\'t mind helping protect you, but if you go off on your own, you will not only put yourself at risk, but those around you as well."

Will clenched his fists even tighter as he heard this.

\'Am I to be a burden forever? Saved over and over, protected by others, forever unable to stand alone?\' His words bled bitterness in his mind.

Will\'s thoughts were still somewhat a mess. His revival was still fresh in his mind, his soul still adapting to the world around him.

"That said… it would be better for you to learn how to protect yourself."

Will looked up as he heard the monkey speak up, catching his attention.

"Your soul seems to have firmly rooted itself within the \'Dao of Light\' as the Illustrious Horhavil termed it. You should be able to step into the Lord Class quite soon with that understanding. If you are willing, I would be happy to help train you." Sun Wukong finished his offer, clasping his hands together.

"You would do that for me?" Will asked, his voice slightly raw.

Sun Wukong simply smiled.

"Why not? I have as much time now as I will ever have. Remember, your Fate is intertwined with mine now. These eyes of mine never lie." He tapped just below his eyes, still grinning.

Just like that, Will agreed to train under Sun Wukong. The more he got to know the monkey, the more he felt Sun Wukong had nothing but good intentions for him.

The duo travelled quite a distance, moving at such a fast speed that Will was unable to comprehend how truly quick they transversed the 30,000 Worlds. Sun Wukong seemed to make the world around him warp, so that when he and Will took a single step, if transformed into tens of thousands of meters of movement.

In a matter of what felt like hours, they arrived on an entirely different World, very far from Magmor.

A world that was dominated by an enormous, gargantuan tree. A tree that stretched for miles tall, breaching into Chaotic Space, projecting a forcefield to block off the dangerous outside air. It was made of some type of thick brown wood, magically enhanced.

Then and there, for the next several days, Will directly began to train under Sun Wukong.

"Be better, huh?" Will\'s mind snapped back to the present as he stabilized himself on the leaf, particles of Light Energy surrounding him.


Will jumped up into the air, leaping towards one of the thousands of large wooden branches that stuck out from the enormous tree they were falling near. Some branches were small, only a meter or two thick and a few dozen meters long, while others stretched for miles, often acting as both roots and branches at the same time.

"I will be better." Bright white light glowed from Will\'s sockets as a pair of wings appeared on his back, just as he landed. A powerful Aura of Light surrounded Will as he soared into the air, brilliant energy flowing around him. The energy in the air fluctuated as Will\'s understanding of his Dao of Light increased, his power enhancing.

"Excellent progress, young Wizard! Focus on the Law, enrich yourself and your understanding of it." Sun Wukong shouted encouragement as he jumped off the falling leaf to another branch as well. The leaf floated down nearly 500 meters before it touched the ground, a daunting distance.

He smiled, pleased, as he looked up at Will.

"Good, good." Sun Wukong whispered, a sense of pride filling him. Despite the short amount of time he had spent preparing the Wizard, he already felt somewhat attached. He admired the man\'s straightforwardness and determination.

"Is this what it is like to have a disciple, Great Lady?" Sun Wukong looked away from Will, up towards the sky as he spoke.

A stiff breeze was the only reply he got as Will sank into a state of enlightenment, sitting down to meditate.

The monkey sighed quietly.

"I have come so far, Master. I am preparing everything I can." His voice was calm as he spoke, tinged with a hint of sadness. He turned to look at Will briefly.

"I did not lie. His Fate is indeed tied with mine." Sun Wukong\'s eyes flashed.

"Because I saved you, the time I can see through Fate has extended a little more… Just like with the other Anomalies I found." His voice remained calm as he spoke, but underneath, emotion broiled,

"But it seems I cannot escape this Fate entirely. It is still there. The blank spot. A point where I can see through Fate no more, despite these Eyes of mine that are blessed by the Heavens." He continued,

"Everything about me up to that point I can see through… but after that point… nothing." Sun Wukong paused, smiling again,

"Is that death, Wise Lady? To see Fate, my own end. Such cruelty."

A quiet pause ensued.

Abruptly, Sun Wukong laughed,

"But what is life without a bit of suspense, eh? Hahaha! If I am to die, then I will die with good cheer. I will greet death with a smile and a ready fist." He shook off the somber mood, turning his attention over towards Will.

"But before I die and can guard this realm no longer… Let us make of you a great Wizard, young Will. Perhaps you can bear the mantle that I am destined to fail."

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

"Great Swordmaster, I have heard of your legendary prowess. As a practitioner of the sword myself, I have always been devout in challenging myself to exchange pointers with my peers."

"Would you accept my humble challenge?"

Dorian looked back at the speaker, the City Lord of Fort Sutner, his face showing no emotion as he responded,

"I accept."


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