
Chapter 136 - Valor

Chapter 136: Valor

The Law that Dorian had studied, to some basic level, was the Law of Wrath. One of the Seven Great Laws of the Demon Race, and a powerful Law that could empower attacks, among other things.

It was a Law that had been discovered many years ago, one that was once well known when Demons walked the 30,000 Worlds in their multitudes. While it had fallen to the wayside now, and was a Law few would recognize, it was still a strong Law.

When Dorian had rejected Yukeli, something had changed.

For the first time, Dorian had firmly thrown himself off the path that Yukeli had prepared for him. Dorian had chosen to walk his own way, instead of giving up his consciousness and life to merge with Yukeli.

While Yukeli’s goals and dreams were huge, and the man had achieved incredible success in his life so far, they did not match up with who Dorian was.

Perhaps Dorian wasn’t truly the Dorian he thought he was. The memories he held, if Yukeli was to be believed, were merely that. Memories of a life he had never lived.

To Dorian, though… It didn’t matter.

He was who he was and he would be who he would be.

He would not live his life under someone else’s orders or commands.

He would walk his own path.

The moment he realized this and rejected Yukeli, Dorian felt a strange source of energy in the air. A sensation of power that was part of the natural universes, something that had been invisible to him until this very moment.

A sensation that was similar to the feeling Dorian sensed when he focused on the Law of Wrath. A mystical source of energy that flowed invisibly, accessible to only those that could sense it. A concept that existed and could be tapped using one’s force of will.

Dorian had discovered a Law.

Laws in the 30,000 Worlds were mystic concepts. Some Laws were very widespread, like the Law of Fire, the Law of Might, the Law of Cutting. Mastering Laws like these was easier due to wise warriors or Wizards of old having walked them before, leaving behind records of their journey.

Other Laws were far more abstruse or hidden, like Vice-Head Taemin’s Law of Solidity. These types of Laws were often not fully explored, and walking them could be difficult. The power they gifted, however, could be both strange and mighty, varying widely.

There were a virtually infinite number of varying Laws, with most having never been discovered.

The Law Dorian had touched on was an incredibly unique one. It was one that was extremely difficult to even sense, one that required an incredible sense of fortitude and willpower, with a staunch refusal to give in to even the direst of threats, all while having a high level of aptitude and an extremely powerful physical body.

The Law of Valor.


Energy gathered around Dorian as his senses were flooded with a sense of mystical power. The world around Dorian seemed to transform, particles of light flashing.

Energy poured in from the air into Dorian’s body as he experienced a baptism of the Laws of the Universe.

This baptism took only a split second, unlike the baptism Dorian experienced when he first touched upon the Law of Wrath.

Dorian’s understanding of that Law was still at a rudimentary level. However, because he had touched upon a Law to the level of Lord Class, his soul was able to handle the energy of another Law with ease.

In the 30,000 Worlds, it was extremely rare to find someone that practiced more than one Law. This was primarily because of how incredibly difficult it was to even sense a single Law, let alone sense two.

Once you sensed one Law, that Law’s presence on your mind and soul would usually become overpowering. It would make it very difficult to sense other Laws in a direct manner. Picking and choosing what Law you wished to study was an important decision for any being.


The flood of energy vanished, as quickly as it had appeared. At the same time, however, Dorian could firmly sense two stores of energy flowing around him.

One that was angry, raging, full of towering might and unspeakable force. The Law of Wrath.

The other that was steady and calm, full of solid power and unwavering fortitude. The Law of Valor.

Dorian instinctively knew the name of the Law as he felt energy swell within him.

Dorian – Soul Status

Soul Stage: Lord Class (Pseudo-King)

Health: Perfect

Energy: 92,213/108,221

‘Oh my gosh!’ Dorian exclaimed as he hurriedly checked over his status, his eyes widening in shock.

‘My energy level… it basically doubled?! How is that possible?!’

When Dorian first experienced a baptism for the Law of Wrath, his soul had slowly adapted to the Law Energy and gradually enhanced his strength. In terms of raw energy, he had grown substantially stronger, but he had only moved from the Early Lord Class to the Middle Lord Class in terms of power.

Just obtaining a rudimentary understanding, merely the initial baptism of the Laws, from the Law of Valor, however, had massively increased his strength all the way to the Pseudo-King Level.

The difference lay in the Laws, as well as in Dorian’s soul.

The Law of Wrath was a Law that almost entirely focused on attack power and overwhelming force. Dorian’s understanding of it was rather low, but he had managed to glean this much from it.

The Law of Valor, on the other hand, centered around endurance and strength. On building up a being to reach a level of undying power, to the point where nothing could keep them down.

The energy that rushed into Dorian’s soul filled it to the limit that his soul could accept, filling it while at the same time strengthening it with the properties of the Law of Valor.

Dorian’s soul had constantly been undergoing significant growth thanks to his unique Soul Spell Matrix. The constant evolution of forms, growing stronger and stronger, had pushed his physical strength up greatly, and, bit by bit, grown his Soul Spell Matrix and soul.

This meant his soul could handle a large amount of energy. And the Law of Valor allowed for that energy to rush within him and strengthen him, in a way the violent energy of the Law of Wrath could not.

It was similar to Vice-Head Taemin’s Law of Solidity and the Vice-Head’s own abnormally high strength. The Vice-Head had an extremely powerful physical body, partly because of his constant training, but also partly because half of it was made out of a network of Aether Diamond.

This had allowed him to delay entering King Class as he sought to gain a more perfect understanding of the Law of Solidity while also enhancing his power.

The Law of Solidity was abstruse and, like Dorian’s Law of Valor, it focused on physical enhancement and endurance, though in a very different way.

“Hup!” Dorian let out a breath as he felt the rapid increase in strength. At the same time, he snapped back to the present, staring at the situation in front of him.

“Ah, my brethren! Rejoice, for I have come with the Truth! I, Veritas, will share it with you.”

A hooded woman floating half a meter above the ground was the speaker. Her eyes glowed a faint white color, and an almost holy aura seemed to surround her. Instead of a regular pair of legs, her lower half was insubstantial, made up of shimmering clouds of grey light, with a few small wavering tendrils of smoke drifting to and fro.

Species: Veritas

Class – King Class (Early)

Maximum Energy Level: 275,112

‘Veritas? I don’t know the species. She has the same name as her species?’ Dorian looked at her in confusion, not understanding her words. She was an Anomaly like him, however, and seemed a bit stronger.

After meeting all these monstrously powerful beings like the Head of the Diamond Department, Aiden, or even Leader, meeting a being with an Energy Level only in the late 200,000s didn’t seem that frightening anymore.

That said, as Dorian looked at the odd, unsettling being, he got the feeling that the Energy Level of the creature wasn’t what made it dangerous. He was about to look up the description of the Veritas species when his thought process was interrupted as the other Anomaly spoke up.

“My fellow Anomalies! Ah! To meet more of my brethren! Such a delight!” A low, rich voice resounded as the hooded Anomaly took his hood off, revealing a beautiful gold skinned humanoid, with slightly pointed ears and long, gorgeous golden hair. The being’s face was just faintly masculine, one of sheer, utter beauty.

Species: Ancestral Vampire

Class – Lord Class (Pseudo-King)

Maximum Energy Level: 156,221

‘Another strong one, though he is weaker than the girl. His species is one that I obtained, though didn’t evolve!’ Dorian had obtained an Ancestral Vampire Bloodline option, but had decided to go with the Wrath Vampire instead. Perhaps he would revisit the Ancestral Vampire, to see what other combinations he could use it for in the future. It seemed like a powerful one.

“You wish to share the truth with me, brethren?” The Ancestral Vampire turned to look at Veritas with a warm smile. His eyes contained a friendly light, as if he was actually pleased to be speaking to another Anomaly in such an abrupt situation.

“Yes. The Way, the Truth, and the Light.” Veritas nodded, a smile appearing on her face in return. Her eyes were colder, however, almost inhuman.

“Well, you see, I’m actually putting together a team of us Anomalies. We have to stick together in this cruel universe!” The Ancestral Vampire began, nodding cheerfully.

‘Huh… That sounds… familiar…’ Dorian thought, his eyes narrowing.

“If you are willing to join my team, I’d be happy to listen to whatever truth you wish to share with me!” The handsome vampire put on a winning smile as he finished speaking, looking at Veritas expectantly.

Dorian maintained his silence throughout all of this, slowly taking a few steps back until he was in the entrance of the doorway, staring at the two Anomalies. They were ignoring him at the moment, focusing on each other.

“Join a team…?” Veritas’ voice seemed to contain a hint of confusion as she looked at the Ancestral Vampire.

“Yes… a joining will happen. You will join me with the Truth.” Veritas shook her head, warmth and care filling her voice as she spoke. At the same time, a pure, holy Aura began to rise around her.

“Ah.” The Ancestral Vampire’s eyes narrowed as he looked at Veritas, a disappointed expression appearing on his face.

“You’re like those two, huh? First that ridiculous rhyming Eleventhborn, and then that irritatingly stubborn other one that refused to see the reality of the 30,000 Worlds…” Irritation, tinged with a hint of genuine sadness, filled his voice as he spoke. At the same time, an Aura began to form around the Vampire.

One that seemed to multiply exponentially as it was released, an odd, unnerving Aura that gave off a sense of strength that seemed to be coming from multiple sources.

“If it is truth you want, then it is truth you will find.” The Ancestral Vampire smiled, his eyes taking on a ferocious appearance.

“I, Mello, will knock some sense into you, my brethren.”


The two Auras collided, energy running rampant in the small study.

Dorian took one glance at this and then made his decision. The power from the Law of Valor filled his body with internal, tough strength. The brave energy in him ran flush now as he gathered it up, preparing to take action.

“Hup!” He let out a small breath as he concentrated, his body tensing.

Courageously, without even a hint of hesitation, Dorian turned around and ran away.


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