
Chapter 265 265: Clicking [pt1]

“Rita, take hold of Angela and go together with Ur. I will find a way to you.”

Rita only needed to hear those words to follow Aurora’s commands. Her body was moving on auto-pilot to follow what Aurora wanted anyway.

‘It sucks that Aurora will not be with me but I still need to fulfill the duty she left to me.’

Rita was a devoted person and that was why she dove after Angela who was falling without any foothold. Ur had also heard Aurora’s order as he made a dive beneath Angela to catch her.

Once Angela was safely on Ur’s back, Rita also slowed down her fall. She used the falling debris to align herself right and to land softly on the ground.

“Are all of you alright?”

Rita asked as soon as she was on the ground. She was light on her feet so the impact she made did not make any sound. Quince looked a little startled at hearing Rita’s voice before he collected his mind.

“I have no visible injury and neither does Ur. Angela might have grazed her side a little so you should take care of her.”

Rita could see that Quince was trying to be brave when he said that he had no visible injuries. He was favoring his left side more than his right as he walked toward Ur.

Had it been any other situation, Rita would have allowed Quince to save his face by pretending he was not hurt. But right now his tough act was only going to hurt him.

And in such a situation where they were all dependent on each other, one person hiding their injuries was a big deal.

“Sit down and get treated right now. I don’t care how macho you think you are but I won’t allow you to put all of us in danger.”

Rita’s words caused Quince to flare out in anger. But he made a visible effort to calm himself down.

Even he knew that getting angry right now will serve him no good. He needed to hold back and get treated. That showed that he was not entirely gone when it came to the common sense department.

“If you treat me now then I will be useless later on. If we get attacked then it will be up to you and Ur to take care of it.”

Quince finally spoke about the real reason he had hidden his injury. But his answer only jabbed Rita even more.

“Are you saying that I am incompetent and will not be able to save you when the time comes? Are you questioning me?”

Rita was mature in body but her insecurities were very much like a teen. This was something Quince had come to understand in a matter of days.

So he also knew that he needed to handle this conversation carefully. He did not want to leave a bad impression on Rita.

“I am not criticizing you or anything. I just want you to be careful. You need to survive until you can reunite with Aurora.”

Rita’s eyes softened at those words. Somehow, Quince had a feeling that these words would make Rita melt and be nice to him. It was nice to see that it had worked as intended.

“I know you are worried because I am worried as well. But you should not play what your health like that. I want to see Aurora soon but I don’t want to give her any bad news as soon as I saw her again.”

Quince almost laughed at the tone Rita was using. They were getting along surprisingly better than Quince had expected them to.

“Hurry up and come back. I t-think I see some moment in the nearby bushes.”

Angela yelled back to the pair, her voice sounding fearful. Both Quince and Rita turned toward her with startled expressions, only to relax when Ur showed no signs of aggression.

It meant that whatever had startled Angela was not a big threat to them.

“I cannot believe we got startled for nothing.”

“Yeah. In the end, a kid is a kid. We had nothing to fear since the start.”

Both Quince and Rita let out a small laugh that was filled with relief.


Things were going as planned. The tower’s main branch had been defeated and people were reduced to ashes as per plans.

But despite everything going right for Zoe’s side, there was a feeling of wrong she was feeling.

“Hey, you! Do you know where Asami and Clove are?”

Zoe asked as soon as she saw a familiar face. The man was a servant she had seen before loitering at the newly acquired tower but that was all Zoe knew about the man.

However, it did not matter much to her who the man was or what he did. As long as he kept his head down and obeyed orders, he would get to live.

After the tower had been destroyed and the former goddess had been taken captive, the rest of the tower’s allies had kept their head low.

The power gap had been filled by the emerging forces of the south and east in the meantime. But as a result, the resistance shifted their focus from the tower to them.

And for the south, the resistance was a much bigger threat than the tower. They had too much-hidden influence and a goal to strive ahead.

“L-Lady Asami and Lady Clove? I’m sorry but I do not know.”

The man was shivering as he bowed his head in front of Zoe. It was another common scene that Zoe was beginning to hate.

She hated how weak humans were and how easily they fell to power. They were too easy to crumble to their basic instincts.

“Stop stuttering and speak clearly. If you have not seen them then just run away.”

The black-haired man made a quick exit from the room. His defined body screamed that he was a well-trained warrior.

But even such warriors could not do anything when their main source of power was gone. The tower had fallen.

Zoe did not notice a pair of intense eyes looking back and observing her. Nor did she notice as the black-haired man disappeared into thin air after marking her location.

The identity of this ‘man’ was Alexander. He had used what little knowledge he could use to slip into the broke tower and look around.

But his mission consisted of more than simply looking around and marking the place. He was here to look for someone after he had been asked by Lord Alan of the resistance.

According to the information they had gotten, Lady Minerva was kept alive here. Not only she but Lady Seraphina was here as well.

They both were being kept here rather voluntarily and this was what Alexander needed to check.

He walked through the hallways when he froze at the feeling of familiar energy reaching his senses.

He tried his best not to show the discomfort on his face, but Alexander was unable to keep himself in check. He had to turn around and look Seraphina in the face.

“What are you doing here? Do you have a death wish or something?”

Lady Seraphina’s voice was crude and strong. She was letting Alexnader know that she was not on his side and it caused Alexander to swallow nervouslessly

He knew he could take Seraphina if things came down to it but he did not want to. Fighting here would cause everyone to become alert about his presence here.

“Did you join the tower only to betray them? Seeing you so relaxed, this is the only thing I can think of.”

Alexander did not move as Seraphina’s powers lashed out all around her. She was hitting every unrelated surface in her rage.

But Alexander could tell that this anger was a result of her helplessness as well as her frustration. This meant that her son was somehow involved in this case.

“Are you doing all this because of Joseph? Did the south hold him, hostage, again? You should let us know because we can help him out.”

Seraphina did not like those words and she lashed out at Alexander. He had to finally step in and save himself but the clash caused the side wall to fall.

“You and I do not need to clash. This was your last warning to get out. I will pretend that I did not see you but the next time we meet will be different.”

Alexander was surprised to be let go this easily. He had expected the other female to be a little more fierce. But even he could see the effort Seraphina was making to hold back.

Alexander quickly walked away, not looking back in case he was attacked. He decided to trust Seraphina and that was what saved his life.

Now he only needed to find Lady Minerva and his mission would be complete. The rest of this mission would be carried out by the resistance and Alexander would head toward the abyss.

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