
Chapter 265 - 264 - The Power Of The Summons(Part 5)

Chapter 265 - 264 - The Power Of The Summons(Part 5)

Point-of-View: Shiro Blanc


Huh, she didn\'t use her Divine Magic at all...but of course, she still won. Of the four summons we\'ve seen fight so far, none of them are strong enough to be a match for my Demon Mode...nevertheless, they aren\'t weak, they\'re all more or less on par with my Vampire Mode, which means that they\'re stronger than Hacte and Gela...I don\'t know about Druj, but I\'m guessing he\'s not all that strong once you look past the fact that he has both Light and Dark Magic.

Well, anyway, the fourth fight is over, and it looks like Belia has no intention of fighting another round, so I guess I need to tap back in. That\'s not exactly a bad thing...knowing her, she might end up giving away the fact that she\'s obsessed with chaos if she keeps fighting...she yelled out a name for that last attack, I forgot what it was but I definitely remember that \'Chaos\' was a part of it.

I stood up with a sigh and looked at the summons...the two that we were yet to see fight were Skylar, the black haired twin, and Shin, the blonde guy who gave off a \'I\'m the leader of this group\' vibes. He looked pretty relaxed, seems like he plans on going last. Which means that my next opponent is the girl. I\'ll still ask though, I am supposed to act like a good guy, and that seems like something a good guy would do...

"Alright, guess I\'m up again," I remarked, stretching my arms up as Belia returned, before asking, "Who am I fighting next?"

"I\'ll go next," Spoke up Skylar, standing up and brushing off some dust.

She had slender twin blades that were about medium-length, and I have absolutely no clue what they can do...well, I suppose I can just ask, the others were all happy to talk about their weapons before the fight began...even though they\'d have had more of an advantage if they hadn\'t.

"So, what\'s your weapon called?" I inquired in a nonchalant tone.

"Oh, these are the Fangs of the Basilisk," She replied with a smile.

Tch, the others also explained what their weapons could do...I suppose I might as well ask...

"I see...and what do they do?"

"Heh, you\'ll see soon enough."

...okay, so she\'s smarter than the previous four. Oh, well, I\'ll just avoid getting stabbed by her blades and I\'ll be just fine. As we took our places, Belia activated the barrier around us. Let\'s switch things up a bit...I formed a bone spear, extending it out of my palm and breaking it off as it reached an ideal length.

I then entered Vampire Mode as she drew out her twin swords and swiftly flew up, before swooping down towards her rapidly. She crossed her swords above her defensively as I closed in and swung my bone spear straight down at her, blocking my strike. I then used Teleport to slip behind her and drove the spear straight towards her back.

She swiftly spun around and narrowly evaded it, as the edge grazed her left side, before swinging one of her blades horizontally across at my neck. I flew back to avoid it, the tip of the blade grazing my chin as I did. I then got some distance using Teleport, when suddenly, a wave of dizziness hit me. What the...?

My Healing Factor is active all of a sudden...I see, her blades must be coated in poison. I should have figured, she called them the Fangs of the Basilisk, which is a type of snake monster, I think...this poison is strong and fast-acting, but it\'s nothing my Healing Factor can\'t handle.

More significantly, she\'s fast...much faster and more agile than the previous four we\'d seen fight, that much was obvious from that brief exchange...and while her poison doesn\'t affect me for long, my Healing Factor can\'t eradicate it instantly, and just a tiny graze made me all dizzy...it\'s potent enough that it\'d slow me down quite a bit before my Healing Factor can eradicate it.

She\'s too fast for me to fight with a weapon that I\'m not very familiar with...I tossed the spear away and formed a bone short-sword and dagger to replace it, before swooping down towards her while spinning myself across in a rapid blur, slamming my short-sword onto one of her blades as I closed in, one of her knees buckling upon impact.

She\'s a lot faster than the previous four I\'d seen, but she\'s also less sturdy and doesn\'t have as much raw power. I swung my foot down towards her shoulder, she swiftly responded by raising her other blade and pointing it towards my foot as I swung it down...before the blade could go through my heel, I used Teleport to get away.

She swiftly chased after me, slashing at me as she closed in. I blocked her strike with my dagger and drove my short-sword towards her face, which she evaded and countered by swinging her other blade at my right arm, which I deflected by growing out a bone spike to get in its way.

She then sprang back and leapt forward in a flash, driving both blades towards my throat. I blocked with my short-sword but the impact cracked it heavily. I flung my dagger at her face, which she caught with her teeth and leapt back, swinging a rapid kick up at my short-sword, aiming for the cracked spot and breaking it in half.

I began to spring back, when she swiftly dropped and planted her raised foot on the ground and spun herself around in a rapid spin-kick, kicking the broken half of the bone sword straight at me, which pierced into my right shoulder. She began to drive one of her swords towards me, before stopping and jumping away hurriedly as I blasted out red flames from my mouth.

I then used Teleport to go up higher in the air and pulled out the bone wedged in my shoulder, healing the injury rapidly. I then formed balls of swirling water coated in lightning and fired them down in a rapid barrage at her, which she swiftly and narrowly evaded, jumping around nimbly and with great agility. I can afford to drag this fight out, I still have plenty of my time limit left in this form, and I have nearly all of my Demon Mode time limit intact.

"Wanna give up? All you can do is defend if I stay up here!" I yelled down with a taunting smirk.

"Hah, that\'s what you think," She replied confidently, before suddenly tossing her blades and closing her eyes, "Now, then, Aura Basilisk!"

A black aura began emanating from her, before twisting and taking the shape of a snake with two sharp purple spots where the eyes would be, the two blades sinking into the aura and emerging in the upper jaw of the snake shape, dripping with poison. It let out a hiss and locked its gaze on me...she still had her eyes closed and was standing perfectly still...

I see, so her consciousness is controlling that snake-shaped aura...video game logic tells me that attacking the aura is pointless, I need to attack her body directly...and I\'m assuming that isn\'t going to be easy. But I could be wrong, so-...my line of thought was then interrupted as the snake suddenly struck out at me, extending out rapidly and opening its mouth as it closed in on me.

I managed to activate Teleport just in time as it\'s jaws snapped shut, narrowly escaping. The moment I reappeared, it immediately shot towards my direction, reaching me within a second. Crap, this thing is way too fast...before I could use Teleport again, it closed its jaws and sank both blades into my shoulders, my body going numb and my vision blurring almost instantly.

What is this...it\'s not just the blades, the aura itself is tangible. I then used Quintuple to split myself in two, breaking free from the snake\'s jaws, before rejoining as it struck out towards me again. Okay, I can\'t handle that speed in this form...gotta give her credit for forcing me to use Demon Mode...

As the snake shot towards me again, I used Teleport to get to the other side of the barrier and swiftly transformed, my forearms, hands and fingers turning black and tough like a reptile\'s hide, my claws extending further, horns growing out on either side of my head, before my third eye opened and curved spikes extended from my elbows, as a red pattern appeared on my arms.

Not bad, even in this form, the snake\'s speed is a challenge...but not much, I\'m faster than it is now. I fired out a Obliteration Magic blast down at the main body, the snake aura immediately responded by wrapping itself around her in the blink of an eye, a large part of it getting vaporized, but it was just about able to keep her from getting hit...and it\'s regenerating quickly.

Her eyes were still closed and she hadn\'t so much as moved a muscle...no doubt about it, her body can\'t move right now, not while her snake-shaped aura is active. In which case, it\'s time to finish this now...I charged up a massive Obliteration Magic blast, and as the snake struck out towards me again, I fired my blast down at it...oops, this\'ll probably destroy her swords too, but whatever, I don\'t really care...

The blast erased the snake in an instant, before continuing on and closing in on Skylar, the barrier teleporting her out just in time, as my blast formed a deep crater in the ground. Alright, that was a decent fight, I-...as I reverted down to Vampire Mode, I froze in surprised as I spotted the twin swords, plummeting down and landing on the ground with a clang.

No way...that should be impossible. Those things were perfectly intact after taking a direct hit from an Obliteration Magic blast that big? Even if they are from a different world, this shouldn\'t be possible...Belia\'s surprised expression confirmed that, though she quickly straightened her face before the summons could notice.

Well, I guess there\'s no point in wondering about something that I don\'t have the answer to, better play it cool...after all, they probably wouldn\'t appreciate it if they realized that I was surprised by the fact that I DIDN\'T eradicate one of their weapons. Anyway, with that, that just leaves one more of them to go...


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