
Chapter 474 - Conquest Of The Baronies Of Dungannon And Ardee 1/2

Dreide who was in charge of the sniper tower assembly watched with pride as the soldiers worked hard.

"I have to admit that this is a quick way to be able to lay siege to castles, but how fast is it compared to the Christian kingdoms, Einar"

Einar who was sitting reviewing a map that he had drawn smiled "Our methods are fast because in general a traditional siege must take months or years.

When we conquer the kingdoms of Scotland and reach the area controlled by the Anglo-Saxons, you will realize that it will take longer to besiege.

Well, unlike this place, its cities and castles will have much higher walls and many soldiers.

I am almost certain that, unlike Irish kings, Anglo-Saxon nobles will defend all their property to the death.

This is because unlike in this region the nobility system has been progressing much better in those places.

That means that, for example, a count will defend his lands without caring much about the opinion of the King, that will be an advantage and a disadvantage.

The disadvantage is that it may take us a week or two to conquer a castle or a city, however the advantage we have is that we will be catching servants and the population in general.

However, we will have to be very careful, as we are going to be in a region completely hostile towards us, so we have to take many guards around us.

Also, I am completely sure that they will try to attack us in order to end our lives. Although it is a dishonorable method, in war, everything is valid to win. "

Dreide was surprised and looked seriously at Einar. "How are you going to train the guards?"

Einar put the map away and with his finger pointed to the special forces soldiers "We will use the special forces soldiers and hand them revolvers.

All of them have been through hellish training, however when we return I will do more intensive training for them.

With them, our safety will be guaranteed, however that does not mean that we are immortal. A single poisoned arrow can end our life.

But at least we will have a good defense to be able to move. Our spies will also debut, but you will have to wait for you to know all the good things that are coming. "

While this is happening in the Barony of Ardee, the sniper towers had been finished.

As Ansgar gave the order to begin the attack, at that moment, the snipers climbed the wooden towers and began firing at the defenders.

The soldiers on the walls who did not know what the enemies were doing could only fall dead while the bullets pierced their bodies.

This created an irrational fear in the soldiers, who simply stayed behind because they could see that those who ran were the first to be killed.

For the next few minutes, the defenders fell dead until the walls were completely cleared of enemies.

At that moment, Ansgar ordered to enter the fortress so the special forces soldiers climbed the walls to open the doors.

When the special forces soldiers came up, they used their crossbows to shoot the enemy warriors who were hiding in the towers.

Once they were killed, they created a defensive perimeter where they began firing their crossbows at the enemies who were approaching towards the stairs of the walls.

This is why they wanted to effectively protect the soldiers who were opening the castle gates.

The defenders did their best to stop the Norse soldiers, but the crossbow bolts stopped them efficiently.

Because the ability to fire steadily was efficient enough to make them stop, not to mention there were a few how many soldiers.

Which were using explosive bolts, so the shields the defenders were using were completely useless.

When the castle gates were opened, the soldiers led by Ansgar entered and killed the remaining defenders.

Who, when they were completely overcome, ran towards the battlement tower, as it will be the last defense point where they would try to stop the enemy attack.

The Nordic soldiers advanced, leaving the defenders to escape since they could not move to another place.

Ansgar who was looking at everything smiled "Check this place for enemy soldiers, if the whole place is completely free of soldiers.

I want you to place dynamite on the doors of the battlement tower, because I think the time has come to put an end to this, he agreed.

We can\'t keep wasting time in this barony when the capital of the kingdom of Oriel is too close to us. "

The soldiers, following Ansgar\'s orders, quickly searched the castle, however they could not find any defender, so the special forces soldiers took two sticks of dynamite and pine resin.

As they approached the battlement tower, they placed the sticks of dynamite on the doors and, using matches, lit the fuses.

All the Nordic soldiers readied their crossbows and when the wooden doors were destroyed, the soldiers fired their crossbows.

Defenders who were completely stunned by the dynamite blast fell dead from crossbow fire.

Those who did not die during the first few seconds quickly grabbed their shields and managed to successfully block the steel bolts.

However, when the dust cleared, they dropped dead as snipers shot them with their rifles.

Because the bullets went through the shields, killing their lives, the soldiers at the top of the battlement tower prepared their weapons because they knew they had lost the first floor.

Ansgar gave the order that the snipers will enter together with the soldiers of the special forces, so that they could begin cleaning the upper floors of the battlement tower.

Upon entering, the soldiers and snipers stepped on the remains of wood and blood that were on the ground, however their attention was not on those details.

Rather, it was on the stairs where they could see a group of enemy warriors with shields.

The snipers shot and killed the warriors. When the first line of defenders died, the special forces soldiers fired their crossbows, killing the next defenders.

After this, they climbed the stairs, repeating the same process until they reached the roof of the battlement tower.

Where a soldier triumphantly placed the flag of the Nordic nation.

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