
Chapter 556 - Treasures Of Zeus


Inos followed up by saying:

"Anyways, since you\'ve already gained the acknowledgement of a Constellation, then you have a general idea of how it\'ll go from here on out. Just a few reminders for you…"

"How much you got inside the Monument of Stars will depend to you, but whenever you gain the acknowledgement of one constellation, you won\'t be able enter it until a month later. It\'ll be good if your every try will be successful but if you fail, then don\'t sweat it. Just take it easy..."

"Also, make sure to strengthen your link with the constellations that acknowledged you. They\'ll surely give you immense benefits and insights."

"Sure, I\'ll do that." Raven nodded, 

Inos then went on to remind him about few more things before he disappeared. Raven went back to the Cultivation Eden after that to consolidate his gains just now. 

According to Inos, he won\'t be able to enter the Monument of Stars until the same day next month. That works well for him since it\'ll take him a while to completely integrate all of the insights he got and convert it to his fighting capabilities. 

Raven had no plans on recklessly entering the Monument of Stars. He\'s in no hurry and he\'ll take it one step at a time in order to strengthen his foundations. 

Just like that, his time inside the Crown Space was over and Raven returned to the real world. 

He returned just like how he left. The only difference is that Raven has now completely recovered and prepared to do the things he needed to do. 

Raven took a bath and changed his clothes, he then removed the seals on the room and walked outside to get some fresh air. 

Seeing him walking out, Kyrie was surprised at first but when she saw that he looked perfectly fine, she suppressed whatever she has to say. 

Raven walked towards her and gave her a list.

"Kyrie, please fetch me this items. You can deduct the cost using this badge." Raven stared unhurriedly. 

She briefly took a glance at the list and was surprised, however she didn\'t say anything and merely nodded her head: "Sure, Young Lord."

"Thanks." Raven said, "Oh and by the way, do you have any tasks for me? I\'ll take care of them while waiting for you." 

Kyrie smiled and placed several scrolls in front of Raven. He glanced at the unfurled scrolls and felt quite surprised. The scrolls looked ordinary at best but as soon as he saw them, he felt some strange connection between him and this scrolls. He didn\'t say anything and waited for Kyrie to explain...

"You\'ve already finished with all of the mundane tasks Young Lord, and from what I saw during the incident a moth ago, you\'re more than qualified to meet your men and they\'re already raring too meet you."

"For that, we don\'t really need to wait that long. However, I still think that it\'s best for you to prioritize this first before meeting the army." Kyrie gestured at the scrolls she laid on top of the table. 

"These scrolls are the Treasure of Zeus." She stated, "Only those who bear the Mark of Zeus could interact and see what\'s inside this scrolls. You are not allowed to speak of it\'s contents to any outsiders, lest you incur the wrath of the Ancestor himself."

"Young Lord can slowly inspect the scrolls one by one and you\'ll understand how to use them. Once you\'ve made your choice, drop a blood on the seal on the scroll and you\'ll get what\'s inside. Please do remember that you can only pick one."

Raven was a bit startled however he understood what she wanted to say. After saying her piece, Kyrie excused herself in order to fetch the items Raven wanted to buy, leaving him alone to inspect the scrolls by himself. 

"Okay, time to find out what these things are for..." Raven murmured. 

He picked up a random scroll and carefully unfurled it. Once he laid his eyes on it, his pupils immediately constricted and the thunderbolt mark on his forehead started releasing a faint yellow light. 

At first glance, the scroll was empty but under the illumination of the mark, it revealed what it\'s hiding. 

A bunch of text and images could be seen in the scroll. The image depicted a pair of golden arm bangles which has a yellow gem ornament at the middle. The text surrounding revealed it\'s name and uses. 

[Heaven Punishment Thunder Bangles] - Created by the Smith Hephaestus. A treasure that Zeus used to summon and shape Heavenly Tribulation Lightning and Thunder according to how he deemed fit. This item can only be wielded by the Chosen of Zeus and once the Chosen formed a strong bond with it, they\'ll be able to unleash it\'s full potential.

Raven let out a gasp as he read along. 

What a Treasure this was! Without a doubt, this should be ranked as a Divine Spiritual Treasure. Bending Heavenly Tribulation according to one\'s desires, what an absurd power was that? Of course Raven understood that it wouldn\'t be easy to do but still, for an item like this to exist, it was simply astonishing, 

He then went on the unfurl the next scroll...

[Blade of Olympus] - Created and forged by Zeus himself. Using his blood, sweat and time, he forged a weapon that contains the amalgamation of his power. The Blade of Olympus is a treasure that contains the residual will of Ancestor Zeus himself and without its permission, nobody could wield the power of this sword. To the wrong hands, the sword will be a useless hunk of metal at most but to the acknowledged ones, it is a deadly weapon that could decimate worlds with a single swing.

Saying that Raven isn\'t tempted to claim this sword would be a fat lie. From the description alone, it was completely obvious that this was one of the strongest treasures here. Even the one who wrote this very description sounded biased when he wrote this. 

Raven then went on to unfurl one scroll after another, scrutinizing them one by one before thinking. 

Now he fully understood why Kyrie solemnly reminded him that he could only pick one. If it were him we would\'ve loved to claim all of this treasures for himself but for the sake of fairness, he could only choose one. 

This also gave him an idea that since he was given a chance to pick, then it would make sense for the others to have this chance as well. What\'s more is that, they probably gained the full acknowledgement of theirs since they got them earlier than he did. 

Raven was faced with a difficult decision. What should he choose? There\'s at least ten-scrolls here and every single one is a Divine ranked Spiritual Treasure. 

The strongest one of course was the Blade of Olympus, but he could tell that it would be troublesome for him to gain the acknowledgement of the residual will so he crossed it off of the list. In truth, even the weakest artifact here would be of immense help to him. 

"Ha! Difficult choice my ass..." Raven mocked while smiling wryly. "Am I not just making things difficult for myself? The choice was already clear, I\'m just giving myself a headache."

"Granted that I didn\'t really picked it myself...it was more like, destined...yeah, that sounds about right. At this point, I\'m destined to pick this one..."

Raven smiled wryly and nicked a small wound on his finger. He then placed a drop of his blood on one of the scrolls and waited for the magic to happen. 

Seconds later, the scroll emitted a brilliant flash of light. It floated up in the air and glowed with an intense flash of light. 

Slowly, it transformed into a twelve-inch brush. The body was black and seemed to be made out wood. It has a smooth finish and has some profound engravings on the surface. It\'s at least two inches thick with a tapered end. The brush head was made out white-hair with a black tip. 

[Brush of Wisdom] - A mysterious item that was owned by Zeus. It\'s origins are unknown, not even Zeus is aware of it. The Brush of Wisdom is capable of amplifying one\'s spiritual consciousness and wisdom just by holding it. It could also be used as a medium to channel the strength of it\'s holder to another item. Zeus commonly used this to create his Heavenly Decree which contained his strength and aura. However, even Zeus himself admitted that he\'s incapable of bringing out the true potential of this item. Choose wisely...

Raven couldn\'t help but smile wryly when he first read this. In truth, he\'d love to avoid his treasure if possible but in the end, it still turned out to be the most suitable for him. 

Not only that, the feeling of closeness he got when he first touched the brush pretty much settled everything down for him. Raven was a bit disgruntled, helpless but also somewhat excited.

"I guess I should\'ve seen this coming...being given that many seals to study and use..."

"Oh well." Raven sighed, a smile appeared on his face as he whispered, "Let me see what this thing could do then...."

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