avtt 手机版 天堂网

Chapter 135

Chapter 135: And the Oscar Goes to I, Your Father

After reaching the Uzumaki Clan Compound, Wu made his way inside as if it were his own home. The aroma of pork and umami immediately tickled his nose, informing him that they would most likely be having pork ramen and several of Naruto’s favorite foods for dinner.

Having sensed Wu’s approach long before his arrival, a ‘very’ pregnant Karin was waiting for him in the foyer, a wry smile on her face as she held her belly and said, “Good luck tonight…if things go south, I’ll do my best to console him…”

Nodding his head, Wu gave Sarada a gentle smack on the backside, suggesting, “You should go help out in the kitchen. I need some time alone with Naruto.”

Though a nascent flush colored her face, Sarada responded with a curt “Understood” before scampering toward the kitchen. Karin followed suit, but only to give Wu and Naruto some space. She wasn’t a particularly skilled chef, so she and Naruto generally dined at various restaurants or brought home takeout.

With the women out of the way, Wu made his way toward the living room, unsurprised to find Naruto lounging in a t-shirt and shorts as he played a 2D fighting game that was considerably less climactic than actual battles in the Shinobi World. Nonetheless, he seemed to enjoy it quite a bit as he would move about and lean from side to side as his character performed various combos.

Taking a seat on the same couch, Wu picked up the spare controller and asked, “Mind if I tag in…?”

As his mom had already told him that Wu was coming over for dinner, Naruto wasn’t surprised by the former’s presence. Instead, he adopted a cheeky smile as he mused, “It’s your funeral.”

Snorting through his nose, Wu pressed start on the controller, prompting the screen to declare that a new challenger was approaching. It then shifted to a character selection screen, but, as Wu had never played this particular game, he didn’t know who to choose. Fortunately, though it was more than a little annoying, Naruto was happy to explain each character’s unique skills and abilities, completely assured of his victory…



After losing eleven matches in a row, Wu’s left eye twitched while Naruto had the most shit-eating grin on his face. The former was tempted to beat the shit out of the blonde-haired brat but soothed his rage by reminding himself that he was fucking the boy’s mom.

Setting down the controller, Wu surprised Naruto by saying, “You know I’ve always viewed you as more than a friend, right? Ever since I first witnessed you being discriminated against, I did my best to ensure you would be able to live the life of your choosing…”

As he had already been made aware of the fact that Wu was the one who informed Hiruzen of his circumstances, Naruto adopted a smile as he said, “I never did thank you for that. I was pretty self-absorbed before meeting Karin. You were always trying to help me, but I was more interested in just playing around and doing my own thing…”

Adopting a smile of his own, Wu gave Naruto a firm pat on the shoulder as he said, “It’s my nature to want the best for people, even if I can be a bit of an asshole about it. To that end, I want you to know I’ll always be here for you when you need me. Even if you come to hate me, I’ll still lend you a hand if you need it…”

Feeling a little embarrassed, Naruto awkwardly scratched the back of his head as he asserted, “I could never hate you, Wu. Not after everything you’ve done for me, my mom, Karin, and the rest of the village. It’s a little embarrassing to admit, but you’re like a hero to me, you know? Whenever I have doubts, I always ask myself, “What would Wu do?” and everything becomes a lot easier…”

Exhaling a light chuckle, Wu was going to butter up Naruto a bit more, but their conversation was cut short by Kushina entering the room with a ladle in hand, saying, “Dinner’s ready you two. Wash your hands, and then hurry over. Karin and Sarada-chan are already waiting.”

Though he wanted to kick Wu’s ass a few more times, Naruto hopped to his feet, exclaiming, “Alright! I’ve been waiting all day for this! Kaa-chan’s homemade ramen is the best…!” before running to the bathroom. It had been a while since Kushina had returned home to cook dinner for him, so Naruto had been in high spirits all day.

After following Naruto’s departure with a gentle and motherly smile on her face, Kushina’s expression became noticeably less calm as she looked at Wu and revealed, “I’m having second thoughts…”

Since Naruto had already run down the hall and entered the bathroom, Wu walked over to Kushina, habitually grabbing her ass as he responded to her with a deep kiss. She initially panicked but didn’t attempt to break free. Instead, she leaned into him, savoring the kiss as she pressed her crotch against the growing bulge in Wu’s pants.

Waiting until he could hear the distant sound of running water fade, Wu released the burgundy-haired beauty from his embrace and whispered, “There’s no going back, Kushina…”

Swallowing the remnants of Wu’s saliva, Kushina responded with a firm nod before retreating to the kitchen before Naruto could return. As for Wu, he followed in the direction of Naruto, passing the oblivious boy in the hallway as he made his way to the bathroom…



Though Naruto had questioned several times what the occasion was, Kushina waited until he had eaten his fill and had a content smile before revealing, “I have something to tell you, Naruto. Promise me you’ll wait until the end before asking too many questions…”

Blinking in surprise, Naruto asked, “What is it, Kaa-chan? Why are you acting so serious all of a sudden…?”

Adopting an apologetic smile, Kushina asked, “Do you remember when I was struggling a few months ago?”

Waiting until Naruto nodded, Kushina took a deep breath, attempting to shift any potential blame away from Wu by appending, “I was at my wit’s end, feeling lonesome and desperate for someone’s touch. I couldn’t hold back anymore, so I ended up seducing Wu-kun using the excuse of trying to repay our family’s debts…”


Unsurprisingly, Naruto’s previously contented smile morphed into a stoic, nearly stonefaced expression as he realized his mother’s words weren’t a practical joke. Because she had framed it as her being the one to seduce Wu, however, he wasn’t angry. Rather, he felt ‘nothing,’ almost like he had suddenly become hollow inside…

Choosing to support Kushina’s version of events, Wu’s expression became equally apologetic as he said, “Don’t blame your mother, Naruto. Everyone has desires, and losing the ability to feel had placed a tremendous burden on her heart and mind. You should have learned from Karin how ‘powerful’ the instincts of the Uzumaki are…she just wanted to feel contented, and I couldn’t say no…”

Unable to meet the gazes of anyone present, Naruto just stared down at the empty bowl of ramen in front of him. Fortunately, though it was more than a little unfair to the mustard-haired youth, Kushina and Wu had the support of Karin. When he entered a slump, she immediately moved over to his side, embracing him as she whispered, “Everything is going to be okay, Naruto. This doesn’t change anything. Kushina-san and Wu-kun are still the same people you’ve always known and loved. They just happen to love each other…”

Hearing Karin mention the word ‘love,’ Naruto raised his gaze to the duo seated across from him, asking, “Is it true? Do the two of you really love each other…?”

Adopting the most sincere and loving smile Naruto had ever seen on her face, Kushina didn’t hesitate to reply, “Yes…in fact, the reason I’m telling you this is because the two of us decided to get married…”

Feeling like someone had just hit his brain with a sledgehammer, Naruto’s mouth opened, but no words came out. As a result, Kushina was able to rise to her feet, walking over to Wu and standing behind him in a manner identical to Karin standing behind Naruto as she revealed, “Wu and I have been dating for several months. When he discovered a method to bring me back to life, I couldn’t help wanting to entrust it to him. I know this is a lot to take in, Naruto, but Wu fills my life with happiness. Please don’t ask me to give that up…”

Though he originally planned to ask about his father, Naruto was utterly silenced by Kushina’s words. He had already encountered the fragment of his father that protected Kurama’s seal, and the very last thing Minato had asked of him was to cherish his mother and do what he could to make her happy. If Wu provided that happiness to her, did he have any right to take it away? If not for Wu, she wouldn’t have been able to feel anything at all, much less come back to life…

Rising to his feet, Wu surprised everyone present by saying, “If you want to blame someone, you can punch my face as many times as it takes for you to forgive your mother. I won’t resist or try to shield myself…I’ll take all your anger and hatred until you have nothing left to give…”

Recalling his earlier words about never being able to hate Wu, Naruto’s expression revealed extreme internal conflict. He hadn’t felt this confused since the time Hinata broke up with him. It didn’t help in the slightest that Wu was also involved in that event…

Breaking Naruto from his darkening thoughts, Karin placed his hand on her pregnant belly, softly asserting, “There’s nothing wrong with people wanting to be happy, Naruto. Let your mother love who she pleases…all we truly need is each other…”

Shifting his gaze to his hand, Naruto’s expression gradually softened as the warmth of Karin’s belly flowed into his palm. She was ready to go into labor any day, meaning he would soon become a father. That was one of the many things he could accredit to Wu’s influence in his life, so, after a very long moment of silence, he met the gazes of the duo seated across from him, adopting an incredibly awkward smile as he expressed, “As long as you’re happy together…I guess it’s fine…?”

Adopting a ‘very’ happy smile, Kushina narrowed her eyes and replied, “You have no idea how relieved I am to hear you say that, Naruto. As for whether we’re happy…”

Looking down at Wu as he stared up at her, Kushina’s expression softened into a look of unfettered devotion as she softly asserted, “Every day we’re together fills me with such supreme bliss, I can’t even begin to put it into words. The two of us love each other very dearly…isn’t that right…Wu…?”

With a loving expression of his own, Wu placed his hand over Kushina’s as he asserted, “I will love you until the very stars in the heavens burn out…”

Drawn in by Wu’s expression and tone, Kushina was about to plant a kiss on his lips when Naruto awkwardly interjected, asking, “Can you not kiss in front of me? I’m still experiencing a bit of whiplash…”

Since Naruto had already ‘forgiven’ them, Wu adopted a firm expression as he said, “There’s nothing wrong with showing affection to the people you love, Naruto. I would not begrudge you for kissing and holding your wife, so don’t stop me from doing the same…”

Though he was a little taken aback by the change in Wu’s demeanor, Naruto returned an awkward smile as he rose to his feet and said, “Then Karin and I will be in our room. You two, uh…have fun…?”

Feeling perturbed by his words, Naruto grabbed Karin’s hand and gently guided her toward their bedroom. As he did so, the latter gave a wave to Kushin, Wu, and Sarada, mouthing the words, ‘Good job’ before vanishing alongside her husband. In their wake, Kushina’s expression became a lot more sultry as she mused, “He told us to ‘have fun.’ Shall we head back to my place…?”

Without any hesitation, Wu replied, “Definitely.” before immediately rising to his feet. Kushina was also a few weeks pregnant, but she was skilled at using ‘every’ part of her body, not just her monstrous pussy. She had even been teaching Sarada, so the three of them left the veritable mountain of dishes on the table and hurried over to Kushina’s hut to ‘celebrate’…



(A/N: All according to cake…)

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