avtt 手机版 天堂网

Chapter 109: I, Your Father, Have Returned

Chapter 109: I, Your Father, Have Returned

While watching Wu get dressed from her oversized bed, Koyuki asked, “Are you really leaving…?” in a listless, utterly exhausted tone.

Nodding his head, Wu replied, “I can’t govern the Elemental Nations from the Land of Snow, and Konoha is my home. You’re welcome to accompany me, but you’ve known from the beginning that I wouldn’t be staying here indefinitely…”

Without needing to consider her response, Koyuki allowed her body to go slack as she replied, “Pass…I’d rather stay here and wait for you to come to me than force myself to get along with your other women and wives…”

Adopting a slight smile, Wu replied, “Understandable.” before making his way over to the raven-haired woman’s side, sitting down, and adding, “I’ll make arrangements so that I can return at a moment’s notice. Make sure you don’t slack in your training, okay…?”

Rolling her eyes, Koyuki groaned, “It’s always about training with you…” before rising to a seated position and asserting, “Don’t worry…I won’t be like my father and uncle. Now that I know it’s possible to become ‘much’ stronger, I won’t settle for being weak and defenseless…”

Linking her arms around Wu’s body and caressing his chest, Koyuki began to place kisses on his neck and shoulder. She was so exhausted she could barely move, but she wasn’t ready for him to leave her. She had even tried to convince him to leave behind a clone, but, even if he could, Wu refused to do so, stating he would never play second-fiddle to anyone, especially himself…

Fortunately for Koyuki, Wu had anticipated her reluctance, so while he appeared to be getting ready to leave, there were still a few hours until his planned departure. Thus, at least from the lonesome Daimyo’s point of view, he appeared to be making concessions on her behalf as he allowed her to peel away his clothes and keep him to herself for a while longer…



After short stops at both Yokohoma and the ruins of Takigakure, Wu touched down in Konoha for the first time in nearly six months. However, instead of immediately returning to the Senju Clan Compound, he let the girls go on ahead as he went to meet with Hiruzen. He knew the Raikage’s disowned daughter, Aya, had arrived more than three months prior, so he needed to find where she was staying and pick her up.

Unsurprisingly, Hiruzen informed Wu that Aya and her ‘chaperones’ were staying in the apartment-like structure typically reserved for guests from foreign nations participating in the Chunin Exams. Thus, after a very quick debriefing, Wu headed to the location and snuck inside, curious to see his new charge in her natural environment.

Unfortunately, while Mabui accompanied the initial delegation, she was not the one selected as Aya’s long-term custodian. The Raikage needed Mabui’s expertise, so the group chosen to look after Aya was the Team consisting of the remarkably busty Samui, the hawk-eyed Karui, and the lollipop-loving Omoi. The latter two were just lounging about with bored expressions on their faces while the girl Wu was looking for, Aya, sat with Samui at the dining room table.

Since they weren’t really talking about anything interesting, Wu positioned himself in one of the empty chairs before growing to his full size, startling the bronze-skinned teen enough that she fell out of her chair, asking, “Are we under attack…!?” in a surprisingly girly tone.

Reacting to Aya’s words, Karui and Omoi leaped into action, hands on the grips of their swords until they saw who had appeared. The dark-skinned duo had never forgotten their initial encounter with Wu, so they quickly let go of their weapons, raising their hands to indicate they had absolutely no intention of attacking.


Having never witnessed Omoi, much less Karui, surrender without a fight, confusion marred Aya’s face as she picked herself up from the floor to get a better grasp of the situation. It took her a moment, but she recognized Wu from the photo she had been given, causing her eyes to widen as she pointed directly at him and exclaimed, “It’s you…!”

Realizing he was dealing with an idiot, a wry smile adorned Wu’s face as he turned his gaze to Samui and remarked, “You have your work cut out for you…”

Assuming that Wu was referring to the fact she had been tasked with ‘accommodating’ him, Samui exhaled a faint sigh, responding, “I’ll do my best…” before rising to her feet, turning to Karui and Omoi, and saying, “Hurry and pack your things. Now that Lord Senju has arrived, we’ll be relocating to the Senju Clan Compound.”

As the duo quickly retreated to their rooms, Samui returned her gaze to Wu, asking, “I’m not being presumptuous, am I…?”

Shaking his head, Wu responded, “Nah. That’s the reason I came over. Well, that and to see what the Raikage’s ‘beloved’ daughter looks like in person…”

Hearing Wu refer to her as the Raikage’s daughter, an awkward smile adorned Aya’s face as she hugged an arm across her body and replied, “I’m not the Raikage’s daughter anymore…”

Though she almost added that she had been ‘given’ to Wu, the words got caught in Aya’s throat. Even though several months had passed, she was still reeling from the notion she had been sacrificed to ensure the stability of her village. Her father had tried convincing her it was for her own sake, but Aya knew the truth in her heart…


Noticing the depressive aura permeating Aya’s body, the notion she was going to be even more difficult to deal with crossed Wu’s mind. However, as he had already decided she would be the next Raikage, Wu surprised the girl by nodding in ‘approval’ and stating, “Your foundation is weak, but I can tell you have tremendous potential. The only thing you’re lacking is confidence, but we can build that up with time.”


Not believing Wu was talking about her, Aya looked around to see if Karui and Omoi were still present. In response, Wu exhaled a chuckle before walking over to ruffle the dark-skinned brunette’s hair as he affirmed, “I’m talking to you, Aya. There are a few irregularities in your body that have interfered with your growth, but I have a special training method and diet that will help you remedy them. Give me a year or two, and you’ll surpass most of the Jonin in your village in terms of strength.”

Though her instinct was to refute Wu’s words, Aya had been informed, in no uncertain terms, that he wasn’t an ordinary boy. He was strong enough to take on Tailed Beasts and entire villages when he was just twelve years old, so Aya eventually nodded her head and replied, “I’ll do my best…” in a meek tone of voice.

Nodding his head in approval, Wu adopted a faint smile as he asserted, “Then you’re guaranteed to succeed. Now, go and pack your things. We’ll be departing the moment you’re finished.”

Returning a nod of her own, Aya scampered off to her bedroom, leaving Wu and Samui as the only two people remaining. To the latter’s immense shock, the former turned to her and said, “You don’t have to worry about forcing yourself. While it’s true you have an amazing body, I’m not exactly hurting for female companionship. Just do your duty and take proper care of Aya when I can’t afford her the attention she needs.”

Recovering from her brief stupor, Samui gave a curt nod and replied, “I understand…” in a tone that implied she didn’t. Mabui had warned her to ‘steel her heart,’ so she had spent the last three months conditioning her body and mind to endure Wu’s ‘unrelenting passions.’ The notion that he wouldn’t be forcing himself on her seemed so…alien.

Seeing through the busty blonde’s thoughts, Wu adopted a wry smile as he replied, “Time changes all things. When I first attacked Kumo, I was just a brat doing whatever he pleased. I still act without inhibition, but I have several wives and multiple lovers now. You’re going to be staying in the Senju Clan Compound, where most of them live. Why would I lay my hands on a woman who is unwilling when I’m surrounded by people who cherish and desire my affections…?”

Shaking his head, Wu answered his own question, asserting, “I have more than enough strong and capable women at my side. Once Aya has gotten acclimated to living within the Senju Clan Compound, you and your Team can return to Kumo. You’re equally welcome to stay, but if you choose to do so, I expect you to train just as hard as everyone else…”

Before Samui could respond to Wu’s words, Karui emerged from her room with a large rucksack. Most of her clothing and equipment was stowed in a Storage Scroll, so the only things she had to pack were her dirty laundry and bedding.

Adopting a teasing smile, Wu remarked, “That was fast. Are you that keen to begin your training…?’

As they had already been informed of the high possibility of training under Wu, Karui didn’t hesitate to respond, “You bet.” before narrowing her eyes and asking, “Is that blonde-haired bi—chick from the Chunin Exams going to be there…?”

Nodding his head, Wu replied, “If you’re talking about Ino, then yes, she spends quite a bit of time at the Senju Clan Compound. The two of us are lovers. So, while I don’t mind if the two of you butt heads, you can’t afford the consequences if you seriously attempt to kill her…”

Furrowing her brows, Karui looked like she wanted to say something but ultimately decided against it. She had already been warned about seeking or causing trouble during her prolonged stay in Konoha. More importantly, she had been given a secret assignment, so her response to Wu’s warning was to nod her head and remain silent.

Though Karui’s behavior immediately provoked his suspicion, Wu didn’t call her out. He doubted she had been sent to assassinate anyone, and he didn’t care if she had been tasked with gathering information on the Senju Clan Compound. The only person she could assassinate without inviting a catastrophe onto Kumo was himself. However, even if he was kicked back, relaxed, and letting her ride his cock with his eyes closed, she wouldn’t be able to catch him by surprise.

While imagining the bronze-skinned redhead smacking her ass against his hips, Wu’s thoughts naturally shifted toward Tayuya. His expedition to the Land of Snow had lasted much longer than his misadventures in the Land of Water. Upon returning from the latter, he discovered the lonely redhead longingly playing her flute at the entrance of the Senju Clan Compound. If he found her like that again…

Resolving himself to spend more time with everyone, Wu waited for Aya and Omoi to return before guiding the group of four over to the Senju Clan Compound and showing them to their temporary residence. It was pretty late in the day by then, so he informed them he would return first thing in the morning before leaving them to their business and heading over to the main house. There, he found Tayuya standing outside the front entrance, arms crossed and with a severe pout on her face as she said, “So you’ve returned…” in a dull, apathetic tone.

Instead of responding with words, Wu gave a curt nod before closing the distance between them, a teasing smile developing across his face as he snaked his hand around to Tayuya’s ass and asked, “Did you miss me…?”

Though she rolled her eyes, Tayuya didn’t attempt to prevent Wu from touching her. Instead, she leaned in closer to him, intentionally pricking his chest with her ivory horns as she asserted, “The next time you leave for such a lengthy period…I’m going with you…” Then, as she wasn’t the type to simply stay on the receiving end, she reached her hand between Wu’s thighs and began stroking his cock through his pants…



(A/N: Wu really has matured a lot since his first outing o_o…)

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