avtt 手机版 天堂网

Chapter 93: I, Your Father, Erase the Scars of the Past

Chapter 93: I, Your Father, Erase the Scars of the Past

Understanding it wouldn’t be a good idea to introduce himself while Mei was taking a bath, Wu located what he believed to be her office, picking up a few sensitive documents to peruse before kicking back with his feet on the desk. Fortunately, he didn’t have to wait long as Mei, accompanied by a middle-aged man with mousy blue hair and an eye patch covering his right eye, entered the office around twenty minutes later.

As usual, Wu raised his hand and offered a curt “Yo.” while the duo stared at him with more confusion than shock.

Recovering a bit faster than her companion, Mei adopted a faint smile as she remarked, “I wasn’t expecting the famous Senju Wu to show up in my office. Had I known, I would have prepared tea…”

Adopting a smile of his own, Wu teased, “Seeing a beautiful woman smile is treat enough. Now, shall we discuss business…?”

Rising from Mei’s seat, Wu pulled it back for her, prompting the incredibly long-haired woman to take a seat, albeit after a moment of hesitation. He also returned her documents to her, remarking, “It appears the resistance is in a bit of a pickle…”

Furrowing her only visible brow, the other concealed by her bangs, Mei replied, “You’re not wrong.” before looking up at him and asking, “Is that what brings you here? Has Konoha decided to ‘aid’ our cause…?”

Walking around to the front of Mei’s desk, Wu briefly exchanged glances with the eyepatched man before turning around to face the auburn-haired woman, answering, “While Konoha sanctions my actions, I am here of my own accord.”

Raising her brow this time, Mei offered a curious, “Oh?” before adopting a playful smile and asking, “Then should I refer to you as Dadi-sama? If I’m not mistaken, that’s the alias you’ve adopted during your travels…”

Adopting a mischievous grin, Wu replied, “Let me call you mine, and I’ll let you call me whatever you like…”

Blinking in surprise, Mei asked, “Pardon…?” while the man standing behind him added, “You shouldn’t be rude to Lady Terumi.”

Without turning to face the man, Wu replied, “And you shouldn’t take what doesn’t belong to you. Now, piss off before I pluck that eye of yours as a gift for my father-in-law…”

Exuding a tremendous bloodlust, Wu forced the eyepatched man to take several steps back, his right hand instinctually forming a half-ram seal as he prepared to defend himself. However, before the man could even think to retaliate, Mei said, “Leave us, Ao. This is the boy who humiliated Kumo, forced Suna to surrender and launched a one-man assault on Iwa before whisking away the Tsuchikage’s Granddaughter. Even if we were to team up against him, I doubt we would emerge the victors…”

Lowering his hand, the man named Ao reluctantly replied, “Understood, Lady Terumi…” before backing his way out of the room. He didn’t go far, but at least he was out of the way as Wu adopted a smile and said, “I’m serious, you know? I’m currently in the process of unifying the Five Great Shinobi Nations. Kiri is the only village I’ve yet to extend my influence to, and I’d like you to act as both my representative and wife.”

Clenching her hands into fists, largely to conceal the slight trembling of her fingers, Mei’s smile became even more alluring as she remarked, “Oh? Has my beauty managed to catch your interest…?”

Leaving the auburn-haired woman feeling a little taken aback, Wu replied, “Yes, though not as much as your strength and capacity as a leader. You are a stunning woman, to be sure, but the world is filled with beauty if you know where to look. What I need are strong and resolute women who can help me shape the future of the Elemental Nations.”

Narrowing her only visible eye slightly, Mei offered a curt, “I see…” before lowering her gaze and appearing to fall into a state of reflection. The idea of becoming someone’s ‘puppet’ didn’t sit well with her, but the resistance could benefit tremendously from Wu’s assistance. Even if it was only until the liberation of Kiri, she could at least ‘pretend’ to be in accord with the immensely powerful boy…

Interrupting Mei’s thoughts, Wu asked, “Just out of curiosity, how old are you?”

With a visibly cramped smile, Mei looked up at Wu and asked, “Why? Do I look old…?” through slightly gritted teeth.

Shaking his head, Wu replied, “Quite the opposite. I’m just thinking about treating that little scar on your abdomen. The method I intend to use has the effect of revitalizing a person’s body, so you’ll end up looking younger as a result.”

Furrowing her brow deeply, the Chakra within Mei’s body began to boil as she asked, “How do you know about the scar on my body?”

Adopting a deadpan expression, Wu asked, “Do you want me to fix it or not? I don’t really mind, but if it prompts this kind of reaction, I imagine you would want to get rid of it.”

Inhaling a deep breath, Mei took a few moments to calm herself down before replying, “You’re right. As for my age, I just recently turned 27…”

Nodding his head, Wu replied, “Cool.” before reaching into his Storage Pouch to retrieve one ordinary-looking peach and another with only a trace of pinkish-white. The peaches he produced weren’t limited to 20 and 50-year intervals, and a person could also eat as many as they liked. Wu just told people they could only consume one as it would be a pain in the ass if people started asking him to produce peaches that could shave off just a few months or years of a person’s life.

Setting the peaches on the table, Wu explained, “The ordinary-looking peach will revitalize the cells in your body, reducing your apparent age by around five years. The pinkish-white one has a similar but stronger effect, reducing a person’s apparent age by ten years. There are no side effects such as a loss of strength or Chakra. You’ll just live a bit longer than you otherwise would have.”

As just about everyone in a position of power or authority had heard the rumors about Wu’s peaches, Mei couldn’t help staring covetously at the two fruits. Fortunately, she didn’t need to choose between them as Wu exhaled a chuckle, appending, “You can only consume one of them, but I don’t mind if you keep both. Just know that if you try and turn it over to a researcher, the fruit will wilt the moment its skin is broken.”

Reaching for the ten-year peach, Mei only hesitated for a moment before biting into the indescribably delicious succulent. As an unmarried woman pushing thirty, if she had the choice to choose between reducing her age by five or ten years, she would obviously choose the latter. Especially if it didn’t affect her strength or Chakra reserves…

As she was currently wearing a strapless blue dress that hung off her shoulders and accentuated her bust, Mei ended up having a wardrobe malfunction as her sizeable breasts promptly shrank to about half their initial size. Her height also decreased from 174cm to 167cm, but that still left her taller than most other women, as the average was only 165.3cm. As for her hair, it became noticeably glossier while her skin exuded the glow attributed to young women on the verge of blossoming into mature beauties.

Noticing her breasts were on full display, Mei used her right hand and forearm to cover her rosy nipples as she looked up at Wu and playfully remarked, “And here I was thinking I hadn’t changed much in the past ten years…”

Returning a smile of his own, Wu remarked, “To be fair, your face is nearly the same. Your eyes lost a bit of their edge, but I imagine you’ll regain it within two to three years. For now, mind confirming for me that the wound on your abdomen has healed…?”

Without breaking eye contact, Mei removed her hand, revealing her pert and perky breasts before standing up and allowing the dress to fall even further. Her belt prevented it from falling off completely, but it slid down more than enough to expose her unblemished abdomen.

Tracing the spot where her scar once was, Mei’s body trembled slightly as her fingers told her everything she needed to know. Because of her power and intellect, she was deemed too ‘useful’ to be killed during the Blood Purge. The ‘compromise’ was having her womb surgically removed to prevent her from passing on her lineage. The bastard that performed the operation had even taken one of her kidneys in the process, so Mei had ‘a lot’ of resentment toward Kiri and its policies.

Realizing she was ‘whole’ again, a sour feeling built in Mei’s nose, but she managed to suppress it. Instead, she narrowed her eyes and adopted an alluring smile as she asked, “Like what you see…?”

Without missing a beat, Wu replied, “From the moment I first laid eyes on you.”

Covering her mouth, Mei suppressed a soft chuckle before turning around and taking a few seconds to fix her dress. She didn’t mind being seen, but she would rather avoid bargaining with her nipples protruding like the tips of kunai…

After fixing her dress, Mei turned around to find Wu waiting patiently with a relaxed smile on his face. She hadn’t expected him to attack her, but the notion she was dealing with someone older than even herself crossed her mind, compelling her to ask, “Just how old are you…?”

As his birthday was the 22nd of January, and it was currently nearing the end of June, Wu replied, “Fourteen, give or take a few months. But don’t worry, you’re far from the oldest woman I plan to marry. Not that it really matters, considering I have peaches that can revitalize a person up to 50 years.”

Smiling wryly, Mei asked, “You’re serious about getting married, huh? Not that I mind, mind you. It’s just that we’re from two separate villages. How do you plan to make a marriage work when we’re separated by more than five thousand kilometers?”

Without hesitation, Wu replied, “Easily. It only took me five hours to fly here, and that was me pacing myself. If I flew at my maximum speed, I could complete the journey in under two hours.”


Though she had heard Wu possessed the capabilities of flight, Mei hadn’t imagined he could span half the Elemental Nations in just 2-5 hours. That meant he had to be traveling around 2500km/h, and while that wasn’t too impressive across very short distances, it was beyond comprehension for long-distance travel.

Taking advantage of Mei’s silence, Wu explained, “I’ve already reached an accord with Konoha, Suna, Kumo, and Iwa. The next generation’s Gokage will consist entirely of my wives. I don’t mind if you refuse, but that means you’ll be the only one attending the Gokage Summit without my backing. I don’t want to pressure you, but the Elemental Nations ‘will’ be unified. The era of senseless wars and bloodshed is over.”

Hearing Wu mention an end to war and bloodshed, Mei’s singular green eye narrowed slightly. She was also planning to reform Kiri and bring an end to their bloody traditions, so Wu’s ideals aligned with her own. She had also been fretting over finding a husband, so his timing was close to perfect. Not to mention the peach he had gifted her…

Understanding that the next fifty to a hundred years likely belonged to Wu, Mei didn’t hesitate any longer, replying, “I will accept your proposal under the condition I am allowed to keep my family name. I am the last daughter of the Terumi Clan, and I would like to carry on that legacy and pass it to our children.”

Though he had little attachment to his own surname, Wu understood how vital it was to certain people. Thus, without hesitation, he replied, “That’s fine by me. I’m just happy to have another beautiful and capable woman as my wife.”

With Wu continuously complimenting her, Mei couldn’t help feeling just a little gratified. The notion she had agreed to marry someone less than half her age made her feel a little uncomfortable, but she knew Wu’s first wife should be Tsunade, someone more than twenty years her senior. Thus, as ‘unorthodox’ as her circumstance were, Mei was sincere as she narrowed her eyes and purred, “I’m looking forward to working alongside you in the future…Dan-na-sa-ma…”



(A/N: Unfurl the sails, men. This ship is sailing toward the horizon…!)

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