
Chapter 119

My Pet is a Holy Maiden Chapter 119


Jardock and Mil-il had before been split some raw dragon materials.

At the same referral for [Dowies’ Armory], which can use dragon materials, as Tatsumi, they had ordered various arms.

Looking at Tatsumi’s dragon armor and sword, and understanding the high level of processing technology of [Dowies’ Armoy], the two had them make the weapons they specialized in.

Yesterday [Dowies’ Armory] had contacted Mil-il, saying that the ordered weapon was finished, and that they wanted a final tailoring of the weapon.

Jardock had gone for a long-term hunting session along with Mil-il. As the prey they had hunted and sold off presently has their pockets warm, with room to spare even if they get dragon-material weapons forged.

Though, if one got a new specialized weapon, it’s common sense to want to see this weapon as quickly as possible.

While walking on the road toward [Dowies’ Armory], Mil-il held high expectations while going toward the not yet seen new weapon.

While agreeing with Jardock’s light warning of “Be careful”, Mil-il leaves the {Elf’s Resting Place].

The amount of capable people who can forge dragon materials is limited, so it seems Jardock’s ordered weapons will take more time.

While she feels sorry for Jardock, her expectations for her own new weapon are more grand, and Mil-il walks in a cheerful mood along the road.

Levantis’s public order isn’t bad, but dangerous places and dangerous people aren’t nonexistent.

Since Mil-il had met Tatsumi and co., she has grown as a magic best hunter, and as she can’t swing around her customized weapon in town, on the off chance that she gets entangled in a group of weird men, it’s better to just run away.

Buying fruit juice from a food cart and parching her throat, Mil-il heads to [Dowies’ Armory].

More than a year has passed since she left her hometown already. In order to know not to draw near places that would be safer not approaching, she isn’t especially vigilant of her surroundings and continues lightly on her feet.

Sometimes, as she walks in the city, there are groups of men who call out to Mil-il. But, those groups that have the aim to “Pick up women” if ignored and considered to have “No Romantic Interest”, they’ll leave.

“Hey, you got a bit?”

Even now there were people who called out to Mil-il from behind. But, as Mil-il thinks ‘Again huh?’, she ignores their voices and continues walking.

“Hey, wait a bit.”

But, it seems this time the people behind the voices are a bit pushy. Even so, Mil-il stubbornly persists in ignoring them, and compares small thing in a booth.

“You can hear me! Don’t ignore me!”

Mil-il turns around slowly and moves her eyebrows toward the angry voice behind her.

And, the moment she saw the person behind her, Mil-il’s eyes lightly open.

That’s because.

The person who had called out to her was not a man with the so-called aim to “Pick up women”, but a group of women who were seemingly in the same profession as her, wearing leather armor.

“My name is Mira. I’m a magic beast hunter the same as you.”

After going into a properly chosen bar and sitting down, the woman who called out to Mil-il named herself.

“I’m Mil-il. Oh, you must already know my name though?”

“Of course. I know, therefore I called out to you.”

When Mil-il asks so, Mira slowly nods.

Mil-il once again gazes at Mira.

Her height was similar to Mil-il. She has this country’s standard brown hair and same-colored eyes.

Around her nose there light freckles, and the cut-up hair around her shoulders curled lightly around the outside.

Besider her was a two-handed axe leaned against the table. It seems that is her weapon of choice.

“So? What business do you have with me?”

She was called out to known of. It’s reasonable to think that she has some kind of business.

Mil-il’s expression doesn’t change especially, and uninterestedly asks Mira sitting in front of her.

“Yeah, I hate being sluggish and I’m not good with it, so I’ll just say it plainly.”

Mira smirks, continuing to talk as she points her thumb at herself.

“Will you join me? Hasn’t your companions right now made you go through some bad memories?”

The occupation of the magic beast hunter is a violent one, so of course the percentage of men is high.

There are women magic beast hunters that exist, like Mil-il and MIra, but their numbers are limited. In terms of ratios, it’s probably about 1 to 9.

Of course, there are none who seriously aggregated the percentages of women to men magic beast hunters, so the actual numbers are unknown.

However, it’s the truth that there aren’t many women magic beast hunters.

“From what I’ve heard, I’ve heard that you’re with two men right? If that’s so, then wouldn’t you have to go through some unpleasant memories?”

Mira, saying so in a serious face, and Mil-il, tilting her head in puzzlement.

For magic beast hunters there’s a lot of chances to camp on the way to hunting and a lot of times where even in the city one has to stay at a large room in a hotel, paying an extra fee for sexual relations.

Especially for beginner or medium-level magic beast hunters that have just not enough money, in order to save money as much as possible, saving on lodging expenses, staying in a large one rather than a single-person room. At those times, there’s many situations where companions of both sexes sleep in the same room.

“At those times, when you’re changing or something, don’t the men stare at you?”


“I think it can’t be helped if it’s just a small amount like that. But, when they stare at you like that, they can’t restrain themselves.”

Mira, looking for agreement, but within Mira there was none.

Mil-il is definitely companioning with two men. But, as Calsedonia is added in, so in reality it’s two men and two women.

As Calsedonia holds a position as Tatsumi’s personal employee, to be precise, they’re not actually companions. But, it’s good to say that they’re similar to companions.

For that reason Mil-il’s group is a 4-person group of two men and two women, and to classify it minutely, it’s one man, two women, and one with “The mind of a young woman”. In other words, the only real man is Tatsumi. As Tatsumi already is with Calsedonia, there’s no cases of her being looked at by a gaze with an ulterior motive.

Mil-il had before companioned with her childhood friends, but when camping or lodging in the same room, she had changed in front of them. Even so, she had no bad memories of that, perhaps because they were all together from a small age.

Her childhood friends took a glance of her changing, but they had never faced toward her, without restraint staring.

“I don’t think I’ve been through anything like that before......”

“Yo, You’re lying!? Up until now, I’ve had to go through those things that I loathe!?”

“Doesn’t that mean that you just companioned with the wrong person?”

Perhaps Mil-il’s words had given her a great shock, but Mira stood up with a bang.

“When I changed they would smirk at me and watch, and they would touch my body. Lately they would even crawl into my bed. I was so angry, I kicked the crotch of the guy who crawled in, and rushed out of the place where the group I had companioned with was.”

“I get it. And so, you’re searching for new companions?”

“That’s right. I don’t want to go through that again, so this time I want to companion with only women.”

Taking a slice of fruit put on the table and throwing it into her mouth, Mil-il once again gazes at Mira.

As for her ability in magic beast hunting, it’s probably just a bit below hers. For magic beast hunters and soldiers that have an acquired experience, they can grasp their strength from the small gestures and movements.

Mil-il had just reached into the levels of middle-level magic beast hunters, but she can still determine somehow a good estimate of someone’s strength.

“Sorry but......I have no intention of leaving the group I’m with now. Could you get someone else?”

After Mil-il puts a few silver coins on the table, she stood up.

“Wa, Wait a bit!”

Mira stands up in a panic, and closes in toward Mil-il.

“In the first place, why did you call out to me? There’s other women magic beast hunters then me right?”

“We......Well......R, Recently I had heard rumors of a quite profiting magic beast hunters......And even more there was a woman in the group......Surely they would be a well-skilled magic beast hunter......While I’m at it, I want to join up with well-skilled people......”

After the chaos of the dragon, Mil-il had certainly gained all kinds of funds.

In the dragon disturbance, she had gotten a quite large compensation for fighting on the front lines with Tatsumi, and afterward she had earned a substantial amount on long-term hunting trips with Jardock.

For magic beast hunters with similar strength to her, there’s no doubt their earnings are in the top rankings.

“Certainly, I have earned quite a bit here. But, that’s because I cooperated with my companions. By myself I couldn’t do that. In other words, I’m not that great skilled of a magic beast hunter.”

Mil-il is aware that compared to Tatsumi, who is a <Heaven> magic user and was awarded the title of <<Sky Soarer>>, the nearby Calsedonia, called the <<Holy Maiden>>, and the born warrior shade, Jardock, her power is a few levels inferior.

Her magic’s use and conditions used in could make it a powerful trump card, but even so it’s hard to find where to use it, and there are many faults.

Even in the use of weapons, her skill is at the bottom of her companions.

“To be blunt, my power, taking everything into account, is the lowest in my group. Even so, I have no plans to go out of my current group.”

That’s because Mil-il is continuing to put in the work to not slow down her companions.

Even every day, she’s training with Jardock, and she sometimes takes lessons from L or Calsedonia in how to use her magic power more efficiently.

Especially in her being taught the basics of magic from Calsedonia and L, her efficiency in the use of magic power has gotten clearly better.

Her magic <<Fish-Human Morphing>> in a certain sense is just as about as unique as Tatsumi’s <Heaven> magic. Which means that Calsedonia and L can’t truly give her concrete advice for that.

But, as for the basics, that’s not true. If she steadily carves the basics into herself, those effects will greatly show themselves.

Mil-il, who has no intention to go away from her current companions, clearly refuses Mira’s proposal and exits the bar.

“H, I said wait!! What are you doing!?”

As if chasing after Mil-il, who left the bar, Mira too goes outside. And, she forcefully takes Mil-il’s hand, restraining her.

“......Wait so, you’re just some kind of parasite on your current companions......?”

“I don’t mean to do that......depending on how you look at it, that could be true.”

Giving a self-deprecating-like smile, Mil-il shrugged her shoulders.

Certainly she could be seen as parasitizing, relying on her companions while she’s inferior in power. Within those gossipy ones with the same job as her, Mil-il knows that there are also those who flame her with malicious gossip.

“No matter what my surroundings say, I myself don’t mean to depend on my companions. So I will hold my chest high, and continue magic beast hunting with my current companions.”

There are definitely those who spread malicious gossip. However, there are also those on the opposite side, correctly evaluating her effort.

Tatsumi, Calsedonia, and Jardock, her companions. Within L and her regular customers at the [Elf’s Resting Place], there are those who recognize her daily grind.

In order to answer their expectations, Mil-il will continue magic beast hunting with her current companions. That is her dignity.

But, that wouldn’t be able to conveyed to Mira, only now meeting her. Her expression quickly changes.

“Hey, what’s that about! A rumor isn’t just a rumor! There’s female magic beast hunters like you, so other women magic beast hunters get treated weirdly! You say such self-important things, but aren’t you just using the fact that you’re a woman to play up the males in the group?”

Mira points a gaze shut in scorn toward Mil-il.

Using their femininity as a weapon, and currying favour with male magic beast hunters.

That is something that she hates the most, and it’s also true that a certain amount of those female magic beast hunters exist.

And, even though she’s been silent this whole time, Mil-il didn’t stay silent. Lifting her eyebrows with anger, she turns back around toward Mira, and in the very moment that her anger was going to explode.

A voice she knows well cuts in from the side.

“That’s inexcusable. Mil-il will never be that kind of person.”

“It’s just as my husband says. Mil-il-san will never be the type of person to just rely on her friends.”

Reflexively turning her head toward the voice, Mil-il found her companions there.

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