
Chapter 1033: War and Ideals (Part Two)

Chapter 1033: War and Ideals (Part Two)

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Open!” one of the gods shouted with a stifled voice.

He was one of the Prime Deities from a major Void civilization. Though his powers had yet to reach the limits of Legendary, he was still reinforced by the formations set in place behind him by the other dozens of gods from their entire civilization. Every single one of them were sharing the Root’s erosion of the Prime Deity equally, allowing him to exert abilities that exceeded his own and without being consumed by Divine Death within a short period of time—and without letting down the disappointment of everyone else, the god had unleashed his ultimate technique in the very first moment against the millions of Chaos spawns that covered all of the world as well as a single Evil God.

With patterns resembling waves of ripples stirring over the Void, a single illusory divine shrine began to manifest out of nothing. A huge bell stood atop the shrine, and it chimed so resoundingly that all things were left trembling. Within the turn of a split second, the oncoming legions of spawns were shattered by the vibrations of the bell of divine power. At the same time, the illusive shrine enlarged until it finally covered the entire planetary sector, covering thousands of strongholds within.

The deity, whose true name was the God of Permanence and Fleeting, possessed a divinity that represented a protection lasting for eternity, coupled with a destruction under a fleeting moment. That shrine was also the god’s own true form, in addition to the bell which resounded permanently and brought a swift destruction upon all enemies—indeed, not even the Evil Gods could break through the defensive perimeter which the body of the deity had formed at once.

Moreover, he did not have to maintain his attack in the ensuing battle either, for a champion from a different Void civilization was already prepared.

“It is now my turn!”

It was a being resembling an air bubble composed of clouds and mists. Although the gas formations were in reality shaped from countless little swirls in the air, each of those swirls carried certain information, and the assembly of countless information would in turn form a complete lifeform. The race, which was born from a gas giant, assumed form by the grace of raging winds and were actually born as intense and free as the winds itself. Their champion was now laughing heartily as he stirred a fearsome dimensional storm within the Void before lunging out at the Evil God, shattering a World Barrier as he pushed it to an uninhabited planetary realm in another corner.

One could see that stars were being crushed one after another in their onslaught and exchange of blows, with passing gales turning everything into the tiniest of particles—but more than that, beneath the excessive burst of Freedom, every proton core were beginning to split apart before fusing, with no other force able to obstruct their random fission and fusion any longer, before everything became the freest of energies and decimation.

Minutes later, every planet along the way had been devastated: oceans were vaporized, mountains were collapsing, with every single thing reduced to a sea of free particles as if it had been the head death of the Multiverse. Swiftly, the champion of the tempest had driven the Evil God to a massive light blue planetary realm at the center of the planetary system, laughing boldly as he unleashed his true form into a colossal cluster of gases which was larger than most suns, and pressed the Evil God which did not have any time to reveal its special aspect along with the planet itself inside its body, compressing both objects wildly.


A powerful current of energy crashed down to the core of the planet by force, detonating it in an instant as an artificial supernova burst. Infinite cosmic matter hence collided into the planetary core almost at the speed of light before being sent back to where they came on the rebound, with raging power left spreading across all directions. That did not count for much since it was merely a supernova, but the Evil God caught within had also seized the chance to counterattack, maiming the champion of the tempest to the point that the cluster of gas that was his body was looking like it would disperse. However, the God of Permanence sent forth a divine power from across dimensions, stirring his spirits so that he could maintain his compression, crushing the entire Evil God as well as the energy of the supernova.

Finally, as the champion of the tempest withdrew his true form dispiritedly and listlessly as a scattered collection of gases, only a single black hole which was already contracting remained. On the other hand, the Evil God, which was actually yet to be named, had already disappeared without a trace.

Swiftly destroying an Evil God in its entirety at the cost of a grievous energy, hence freeing more powers so that they could reinforce other sectors—such was the choice made by the guardians of this particular realm.

Be that as it may, things were certainly not developing so smoothly in other planetary sectors. Even as the champions intercepted the Evil Gods and some of their more powerful spawns which had reached Legendary-tier, the ordinary fleets still had to face the unending swarm of minions. In the boundless sea of darkness, any individual beneath the level of High Legend—which included Legends—were nothing other than a boat with a piece of leaf for a sail.

“Damn it, the comms is down. The Seven Gods and the others are off to join forces against that ridiculously power Evil God of Distortion, so we are on our own for the time being!”

In the distant, starlight emanated before dying down—that was the radiance of falling fortresses.


On the bridge, Creed was calmly commanding an entire fleet as they battled, after having just punched their way out of a seal that an entire horde of Chaos spawns had set in place, and was now waging a pursuit skirmish against another swarm of spawns.

Naturally, his side was the one being chased, whereas the ranks of the Chaos legion was ever increasing in the course of the pursuit, even to the point that the converged energy fields of the spawns alone could directly deflect the bombardment from the auxiliary cannons of their warships. Moreover, given that charging power for the main battery would slow them down, the pursuit battle which should have allowed Creed’s side to wear down the enemy was now a fleeing across random directions.

“All of them are chasing after us—we must not lead so many hostiles to perimeters that are barely holding up… but I can see that the God of Permanence’s perimeter next to us still has strength to spare, so let’s head on over.”

An entire warship spoke, answering Creed, as Elma flailed her tentacles, using the formidable power of Legends to repel the hordes of Chaos spawns that kept speeding up to their rear. Being an Amos who had obtained a partial legacy from the Ultimate Sublimator Collective, Elma still had strength to spare, but only for escaping and protecting herself. Against a horde that could drown an entire planet, even she had to be cautious and not become an elephant bitten to death by ants.

However, just as both Creed and Elma had decided on where they would be heading, another group of Evil Gods had suddenly made their debut from the Silent Void.

And this time, it was not only the pair’s faces that fell—every other champion and divine being who were in battle also showed astonishment on their faces.

Even if it was just little over a dozen Evil Gods, they would certainly not be able to take down their perimeter, since this wave of assault could be stopped easily by redirecting the other Legendary champions and gods who were on standby to the rear…but the present situation simply did not fit their plans at all! Their original defense strategy, which was devised based on their observation that the previous invasion of the Evil God legions and the intensity of skirmishes to repel them being not too high, could have held the frontlines while continuously strengthening and buying time to build more fortresses to the rear.

Now, however, it appeared that the theory of the war only escalating slowly was entirely mistaken!

What was worse was that understanding that fact itself was simply meaningless, because like before, almost unending multitudes of spawns were following right behind the dozen new Evil Gods! In fact, another whole swarm of champion spawn had just appeared in the perimeter of the God of Permanence—in other words, right in front of both Creed and Elma.

“I say…we might really bite the dust this time.”

Barking orders into the communications channel, Creed steadied his fleet’s morale and decided to take a gamble by turning directions to break through the encirclement by moving through the flanks. Given that the spawns of the Evil Gods were not actually allies to each other, they would still squabble amongst themselves for some time even if the conflict would not last too long. Still, as long as they could entangle the spawns chasing them from behind with the swarm that had abruptly appeared in front of them, neither side would have the effort to spare in chasing them down…but there was no doubt that it was a gambit, and a bold one with minimal chance of survival at that.

Despite that being the case, Creed, who had agreed on his own accord to head out to the frontlines, showed no regret at all. Turning off the general use channel, he turned and quietly spoke to the bridge itself.

“Elma, are you afraid?”

“Of what, death? Of course I’m not afraid,” the warship answered her captain, the Amos voice ever calm and even carrying a hint of laughter. “I’ve never feared any tribulation or obstacle—for I am Amos, and one who would dare rebel against their Imperator.”

“On the other hand, aren’t you actually afraid, Creed? To put it out there beforehand, I really don’t have any regrets: I’ve proven my love for the Amoses, and had already sacrificed all I could give for them. My ideals have hence come to be and now my life belongs only to myself, which is why I have no fear even in the face of death.”

“But what about you?”


Lifting a hand to press down and adjust his captain’s hat, the black-haired human could sense some spiritual body touching his cheek. He then looked towards the position of the Chaos horde where there the bets would place on the gambit with only one chance of survival out of then, before showing an unfathomable smile. “My ideals…even if they have not come to be now, I have no fear either.”

“Because I am protecting something.”

“Because I am needed.”

“Because I am loved.”

“That’s why there is nothing to fear, isn’t that so?”


In the battlefield where the flames of war swirled, a fleet which was pursued by countless spawns of Evil Gods had resolutely rushed towards another larger swarm of spawns.

The streaking exhaust fumes was seeking hope, and they were using their own hands to seize a moment of the future!

Meanwhile, behind the Piroth galaxy, another beam of light which was even more profound, surging viciously and boundlessly, was dragging an inexhaustive trail of radiance and bounding towards their direction!

[You must have an ideal that belongs only to yourself.]

Still, no matter what that ideal would be, regardless if it was to become a parcel man, a taxi driver, a kitchen helper, or even someone who was unemployed, not in school or vocational training and simply living by the day, one must never set war as an ideal.

War was the most horrific and most repulsive thing to exist upon the world. It brought upon death, destruction, as well as the ugliest side of humanity. It represented the collapse of civilization, the unleashing of beastly natures, tearing apart the false image of courteous ethics, allowing selfishness, cruelty, and the lust for destruction to arise from within the darkness.

Therefore, it was a thing that should be reviled and left entirely forgotten.

Once upon a time, there was a middle-aged man who spoke those words to his quiet son in the ruins of a city rebuilt after war. Both father and child who had gone through devastation, slaughter, expedition, and had seen hell should have reached a common understanding in that respect.

[But I like it.

I like the death, the devastation, and the slaughter. I enjoy laying waste and the violent.

I enjoy the battle and war itself.

And that is my ideal]

“It is not a problem that could be resolved through genes or even education. I am born a freak, a single-minded individual who enjoys battle—it is my logic and cannot be helped, nor do I wish to change it.”

“I am unable to forget that I was born for that purpose.”

A world with the combined hues of silver, red, and black was streaking away like a falling star past infinite worlds. Countless residents within those worlds shuddered in fear and suffocated simply because they had sensed his violent presence: it was an annihilation, overflowing with slaughter and wanton vandalism, more frightening than Evil Gods themselves.

But now, that annihilation was fighting for their right to exist.

[Hence, let war and conflict turn me into the madman I am now, and play the other game with other lunatics.

Let the darkness and the Chaos be my eternal foes.

Those are my ideals and my expectations.

Just as it shall be my path]

In the chaotic battlefield laden with gloom of vileness and dull dust of the planets, a single dazzling star had come from the distance, a stunning clap that cut across worlds and shattering the heavy silence.

Within the very moment of its arrival, all of the battlefield seemed to have paused. The clashing champions looked up as if in hindsight, though all of them were showing astonished faces and the vague perception of a familiar presence.


The vast battlefield spanning worlds was instantly traversed, whereas the God of Permanence, who had been mustering his focus and ready to face the oncoming Chaos legions, lifted his gaze to see the divine light which had went past himself in no time at all and headed for the distant depths of the Void. Stunned, he then saw that the swarms of spawns, which were hovering just like star dust around the sun, were at once obliterated with nothing left of them at all. Far away, the thick ranks of spawns were also being split apart like a giant axe that cuts down at the heavens, parting a vast, long, and straight path, a rift without parallel in sheer size.

The rift was also continuously enlarging and extending, with every spawn and Evil God properly reduced to ashes in its wake, thereby vanishing without a trace. In place of them was a light—invigorating, and reviving all life and even worlds.

“It’s Joshua!”

“He’s here! He has revived and joined the battle!”


Heroes instilled courage upon the people, but it was banners that gives heroes a path to strive for.

Even without the encouragement from the warrior, the champions who had seen the path to victory would certainly obtain courage, and in turn bring others even more courage.

“The presence of more than twenty Evil Gods are gone…heavens, that had just been a split second! The entire front of the perimeter is empty!”

“Unbelievable. Is he still in the threshold of Overlords (the term for Legends use amongst other civilizations)?!”

“No…the word I’ve gotten from the Mycroftians is that there is another threshold above the Overlords called the Demi Saints, also the one known as the Sacred Wise Ones…Radcliffe has probably ascended as a Demi Saint!”


Tricolored starlight was no longer darting away. He had paused where he was, the massive world shifting, and the four-armed Giant God eventually appeared at the front of the battlefield. Joshua looked up, his eyes glimmering in fiery scarlet light that conveyed a boundless perception of violence even if his vision was perfectly clear. His body was still glinting in silver light as well, even if there were black patterns spreading around his body.

The Giant God thus spread all four of his arms against the unending darkness before himself, an empty-handed god of devastation laughing and showing his stark-white teeth, saying nothing—not that he needed to, because dozens of Evil God corpses were ablaze right behind him, along with billions of spawns that were reduced to oblivion.


He issued a silent provocation.

Hence, even the Evil Gods, Chaos which had neither sense nor thought, had to respond.

In that very moment, with tremors that seemed to move mountains and seas, the boundlessly dark Silent Void beyond the Piroth galaxy abruptly shone with limitless light, filling even the far-reaching horizon with vibrant hues. Light—dull, radiant, or colorful—shone while carrying inexhaustive might, some of which were not especially bright or conspicuous, but all of them undoubtedly very much existent, filling the entire Silent Void.

As for the people who had been thrilled with Joshua’s arrival…every single one of them went quiet in no time at all.

Because they understood.

That those colors, either dull or radiant or colorful, were the approaching Evil Gods.

All of them were actually Evil Gods.

It one would look out as far the eye could see from beneath their own feet, to the depths of the Void and the unimaginable other side of dimensions, endless Evil Gods were pouring in their direction regardless of their speed.

There were dark nebulae, luminous rings, transforming prisms, broken geometrical bodies.

There were sparse swirls, distorted spirals, burning mist, flowing colors of the stars.

There were fragments combined as one, an assemblage of flesh, halation surging, thick psionic substance.

Everything imaginable or not, lifelike or not, existent or not—the innumerable Evil Gods, remains of civilizations, and destroyed things since the birth of the Multiverse had appeared there.

There was no telling how many corpses of galaxies and cosmoses were gathered upon this place. They were powerful and weak, but every single one of them were Evil Gods, all of which were Chaos capable of destroying worlds and consuming civilization.

But there was nothing to fear.

There was an abnormally powerful Evil God advancing ahead of the endless radiance that was Evil Gods. It resembled a luminous ring, the center of which was a dark cavity, which seemed to be gathering or summoning something in every passing moment. Against the Giant God of Steel who stood against every other Evil God, it immediately prepared for its attack, the very prelude of which prompted a cold shudder amongst the many champions of the Piroth galaxy.

They appeared to be seeing some unreal image of a physical psionic consciousnesses commanding immeasurable power, created by the condensation of the power from all races in a civilization to surpass the gods and their own limits. Inexhaustive convergence and fusion thus finally gave birth to an entity, but not one which broke limits, but instead destroyed everything there was—hence, the civilization’s ambition had been fulfilled over their own dead bodies. In turn, the power which they could not combine as one when they were alive was molded by the Chaos and forged into a permanent center point.

Still, Joshua was not concerned at all. The four-armed Giant God simply swept his hands around him, grasping at one Evil God and reducing it to ashes in a split second as bright red flames burned. Without uttering a single word, the warrior merely threw the burnt light behind him—then, inside the cluster of Forerunner Fortresses, the light condensed into surging Emotion Power, opening a dimensional gate from which the Fleet of Emotion Power appeared.

There were also two gods carrying Divine Rings who arrived beside the fleet.

There was a Tanyan elder resembling a cicada whose entire body was a flame with the scarlet fire of Courage, while on another side was a Takurian who had a single eye, his body overflowing with dark purple radiance of Psi.

And in the end, there was an azure light which shone from the back of the dimensional gateway. Amidst vigorous waves, the veils were tearing apart as the Triple Curtain, which had yet been fully restored, thus answered the calls of allies and had come to the forefront of the fields of battle.

At that very moment, the Evil God of Cohesion was unleashing an attack of its own. It reversed the cavity of darkness which appeared to be gathering something within ever passing second, turning it into a passageway of pure whiteness—soon, a streak of formless bolt that would send chills to the bone of even Ultimate Legends directly struck Joshua’s body, causing tremendous dimensional tremors.

Within that single moment, the battlefield was drowned in radiance, with hearts inside every single person who was watching the scene instantly tightening subconsciously.

Until a wrist of steel which was perfect and unscathed quietened the Void.

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