
Chapter 123 - Want To Be Your Man (4)

He quietly opened the door and walked inside his bedroom. The dim light from the lamp on the table was one. He saw the slender body lying on her side. Stefan tiptoed slowly and quietly to her.

Where should he put it? The big hand paused for a second, but then he decided to ...

"AAA-CHOO!! Aaa-Choo!"

The sound of sneezing suddenly echoed in the room.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The sleepy voice asked. She moved her nose to find the smell of something. The thing was pushed to her nose, spinning back and forth, scratching the tip of her nose unbearably. It tickled and made her sneezed so hard.

Wirata opened her eyes. She saw the tall figure bent over her. There was a rose in his hand and that caused her to sneeze.


He hurriedly said. Stefan did not intend to wake her up. But he would just want to leave the rose on her pillow near her face. Then he was afraid she could not smell it. So, he decided to point it near her nose, wanted her to smell the lovely fragrance and had a nice dream. But obviously, he put it too near.

"Rose ...  For you"

The voice said softly, handed the rose to Wirata. She paused and woke up fully and blinked rapidly. Wirata had never expected this from him in a million years. He looked at her and his eyes were soft. Wirata reached for the rose. She smiled and put it under her nose then breathed in the scent of the beautiful flower.  

"Thank you. It\'s very kind of you."

The sweet voice said and looked at his handsome face. He bent down and kissed on her forehead.

"Do you like it?" He asked softly again.

"Very much." She replied and put the rose to her nose again.

"Good. I\'m glad." He said and smiled to her then the tall body turned and he frowned when looked at his hands.

 "Where are you going?"

Wirata asked and sat up on the bed. She reached to grab his arm and she saw his big hand was red with dry blood.  

"What happened to your hand? Why were you bleeding? "

She asked with concern in her voice.

"Nothing. Just the roses thorns. I will go downstairs to get a needle, will see if I can get them out."

He answered.

Wirata looked up at the tall man before looking down at his hand again. She stepped out of the bed.

"Let\'s go wash your hands first. "

Wirata dragged him to the bathroom to wash the blood off his hand.

"Ouch! It hurts there. Only small thorns but why does it hurt so much?"

The grumbling voice mumbled.

"Don\'t look down on small things ..."

The soft voice said. Stefan smiled, planted a kiss on her cheek.

"I don\'t mean in an insulting way, but just wondering."

He explained. She used the small towel to dry his hands and let him sit on the edge of the bed. The small hands fumbled and pressed onto the big hand.

"Does it hurt here?"

"Yes, ouch! Right there ... Ouch! ... That hurts."

He jerked with pain when she pressed her finger right on the spots where the thorns buried.

"Must use the needle to take them out. Why are you not careful?"

She complained.

"I am stupid. I never cut roses before."

He replied softly. Wirata sighed. What could she say about that?

She lifted her face up and smiled.

"Thank you." She said it again.

"So, do you like it?" He asked again.

"I like it very much." She replied. And her answer made him smiled gladly.

 "My mother planted them herself without the chemicals too so you can put to your nose."

He said in a gentle voice.

"But if we leave it to stay on its bush, it will be more beautiful and can last longer."

Wirata thought the flowers looked the most beautiful when they were alive on their bushes. She felt pity when they were cut. Because they would not last long after that.  

Stefan looked at the beautiful face and raised his eyebrows.

"Does it mean you don\'t like that I cut it from the bush?"

"I like it. Because it\'s from you and I will keep it forever."

She hurried to say with a sweet voice and a sweet smile. Because she was afraid, he would get upset. She knew a man like Stefan would not do things like this often. And he did this for her. She had to give him credit and admitted that she loved the way he was right now.

 "Can you do that? Keep a rose forever?"

"Yes, if you like something very much you will find a way to keep it forever, or as long as you can."

She said with her soft lovely voice. Stefan loved to hear when she explained things to him nicely like this without shouting or arguing.

"I like that."

Stefan murmured. In his mind was thinking, how would he be able to keep her forever…?

"I am glad."

He murmured, kissed her again on her cheek. Wirata dragged him to stand up.

"Let\'s go downstairs to find a needle. I don\'t want the thorns to get deeper. It will hurt so much, and it will not be easy to find afterward."

They both walked downstairs to the living room.

Stefan took the box that his mother used to store sewing equipment. Wirata cleaned the needle with alcohol then used it to gently remove the thorns from his hand until finished.

"Are you still hurt?"

The soft voice asked. She looked up at the tall man sitting next to her on the couch. His handsome face looked so tender and gentle that she had not seen often.

"Yes, still hurt. You might have to kiss it."

He said with a crafty smile. Wirata lifted his hand up and kiss on his palm gently.

 "Better now?"

"Kiss on my cheeks, too. It will help."

He replied as he tilted his face and waited for her. Wirata thought he was so adorable to tilt his face like a little boy like that, and she did not want to disappoint him. So, she gave him a peck on his cheek, considered it was a THANK YOU for the midnight rose he had given to her.

The big hand was holding the small hand and led her back up to the bedroom. He took off his clothes leaving only the boxers then stepped up to the bed, insert himself under the blanket. He pulled her to embrace closely. The spoon position as he liked.

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