
Chapter 1634 - “Negotiation? (1)”

Chapter 1634 “Negotiation? (1)”

Inside an inn that’s located not far from where the Celestial Palace was located, Bai Yan lies comfortably atop of a soft comfy bed as she snuggled with the small meatbun in her blossom.

Di Jin Tian very much enjoyed this intimate moment with his mother of course, but as he blinked and blinked due to the comfortable massage he’s getting, his tummy just had to give in to his hunger and began to growl again and again. This causes his small happy face to pucker into a grieving frown.

“You’re hungry already?” Bai Yan asks with a tenderly smile after hearing the noise.

Biting his thumb as he nodded: “Mother, I am hungry...”

“Go ahead and ask your big brother to take you then, mother here has something to do while you eat.” Loosening her hand around the young baby, Bai Yan didn’t find it disappointing to lose her soft marshmallow.

In return for the freedom, the little glutton did what any child would do and happily smooched the mother on her cheek, thus smothering the face with his saliva. He’s too excited at the prospect of being able to eat all those delicious delicacies.

“Mother, I’ll go find Big Brother then.”

“Hmm, after you’re done come back and be my hug pillow.”

This little guy’s soft body feels so good. Now that Xiachen is older, it’s only normal for him to be the replacement for Bai Yan’s huggies. The premise is that Di Cang’s not around of course....

And sure enough, Jin Tian didn’t disappoint. Even before he left, the way he toddled out of the room was absolutely adorable in the rolling strides he did similar to a baby polar bear.

For a moment, Bai Yan wondered if he’s really a fox or not.

Foxes don’t eat as much as he does and isn’t as silly....

Suddenly, two familiar energy signatures started to draw near, causing the lady in the room to spartan up in the face.

“Come in.”


With a gush of wind blowing the door open, two old seniors appeared before the host. In light of the intrusion, Bai Yan remains lazy looking on the bed like she didn’t have a care in the world.

On the other hand, Keeper Ling and Keeper Zun was less assured despite being the outsider. They were dazzled by how incredibly stunning this woman has become after her return. Whether it be the air of temperament, this demon queen has changed and became more magnificent than ever before.

If only we didn’t do what we did back then. Perhaps.... Bai Yan would already be the Lord’s wife....

“Bai Yan, I heard you’re looking for me.” Speaking first was Keeper Ling. However, his mouth didn’t get to run further than this due to his counterpart shooting him an eyeful to be quiet.

Everyone knows how rude the grumpy elder could get so Keeper Zun wanted to shut that down before they start the negotiation.

Supporting her head with a hand, Bai Yan coldly smirks at the pair before starting: “It seems there is quite a few missing among you, why did they not come out?”

Changing in his face, Keeper Zun inhaled deeply in order to suppress the inner panic: “Your Highness, we are here to talk.”

Without indication, Bai Yan bursts into a derisive laugh: “Talk? Have you mistaken something about me? I came back to get revenge, not to talk.”

Keeper Zun heart clenched into a mass of unease: “Your Highness, I know you will not let us go, that is why we are here to offer our heads. I only hope that once we die, you will forgive the past and protect the Celestial Realm.”

Hearing this, Bai Yan finally pulled herself up from the soft comfy bed and confronted the two Keepers.

“First, my enemies are not just with you two. A thousand years ago, many of you colluded together to murder me and those close to me, what makes you think I will let those people go? Secondly, I can promise to not do anything to the rest of the Celestial Realm, but... you want me to protect them? On what grounds should I do that?”

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