
Chapter 1055 - “Zhong Yu’s Scheme (3)”

Lowering his eyes to hide that frosty glint when they said that, it’s obvious Bai Xiachen’s will to murder these lying bastards has been lit.

“Sisi, let’s go, we need to let him get some rest. I’m sure he’ll slowly come to accept us with time.” Making a small chuckle, Zhong Yu didn’t bother to hide the malice in his voice due to the impression that he’s succeeded.

He has taken the medicine anyways so he can forget about remembering the past in this lifetime….

“Okay.” Sisi nods and released her arms around the boy and got up from the bed, but not before giving one final glance at the sluggish looking kid who only stared at their backs while they departed.

Regaining the light in his eyes after being left alone again, Bai Xiachen restored the cunning look on his face and immediately rose from the bed. He’s scanning his surroundings with vigilance in case those wolves returned for a third time. Once certain they aren’t going to come back, the boy’s first order of business was to locate the leopard boy who’s currently sleeping on the bed next room over.

“Those people must’ve fed Little Leopard some sort of sleeping drug.” Biting his lip like he’s tied between an idea, Bai Xiachen suddenly grew tough in the face when he pulled out a small dagger from out of nowhere. In a flick, he makes a small wound on the tip of his finger and allowed the blood to seep into the other boy’s lip.

“Good thing Mother fed me all those Dan pills since I was a baby, now I’m immune to almost every poison out there and can use my blood to use as a antidote.”

Before long, the leopard kid fluttering those befuddled eyes opened like he’s really confused on what’s happening: “Xiachen!”

“Shhhhhh!” In his haste, Bai Xiachen only knew to cusp his hand around the careless kid’s mouth in order to stop him from making any more noise. “Don’t say anything, those wolves will hear us.”

Startled and confused, Little Leopard didn’t understand what his friend meant by that but still did as told.

“That group of bad people fed us some drug, but they didn’t know I’m immune because I’ve been eating various herbs and medicinal ingredients since I was young. I only needed a whiff to tell so I went along with their plan and used it to my advantage.”

Huffing a snort to gloat, Think they can scheme behind my back? Don’t they know I am immune to all poison?

“Then shouldn’t we make a run for it?” asked the leopard boy with nervous eyes.

Shaking his head: “No, I can’t just leave like this, they must pay for trying to use my against my baddie father.”

“That…” The little leopard sounded worry still.

“I’m going to wait here for Baddie Father! They want to use me so he will definitely come for me!” Evoking a sly smile, he shows off why the foxes are so cunning: “They will work for me whether they like it or not.”

The little leopard boy continues to blink his eyes in bafflement. Although the kid doesn’t understand what his friend’s trying to do, but he knows Bai Xiachen couldn’t be wrong.

“Okay, I’ll stay with you here until your father comes. I’m not leaving without you Xiachen.”

“Don’t worry Little Leopard, they can’t hurt you.” Patting his friend’s shoulder, the little steambun reassures the other boy with his confident smile: “Also, I need you to keep pretending like you’ve lost your memory, otherwise my plan will be exposed.”

“I understand.” The leopard kid solemnly nods to show how much emphasis he has regarding the instruction.

Done with what he needs to do, Bai Xiachen swiftly left his friend’s room like a little ghost that he was. Perhaps its how confident Zhang Yu felt about his plan working, but there were no guards or patrols placed around their rooms so sneaking around was a piece of cake.

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