
Chapter 189

Chapter 189

Jun Zishu saw through Little Fairy that Yue Mingsheng didn’t seem to be in a good state.

A moment later, Yue Mingsheng opened the doors to the bedchamber with her teeth gritted. Then, after entering the room, she gently closed the doors behind her.

“Big Sister,” Yue Mingsheng called out in a hoarse and soft voice.

In reality, Yue Mingsheng could have suppressed the drug’s effects with her internal energy and immersed herself in cold water. If she had done that, she would’ve returned to normal once her body neutralized the drug a few hours later.

However, she didn’t want to do that.

Right now, both her heart and her mind were guiding her toward the person sitting on the bed.

“What happened, Mingsheng?”

Jun Zishu pretended to look confused as if she had just woken up. After seeing Yue Mingsheng’s abnormal state, she quickly got out of bed and reached out to help the girl.

“Xiao Nan’an snuck into the imperial palace and lured the shadow guard on duty away. I went out to fight him, but he used a despicable drug on me when he couldn’t beat me. Big Sister… I…”

When her scorching fingertips came into contact with a source of coldness, Yue Mingsheng looked up at Jun Zishu with a thirsty look in her misty eyes. Immediately, her mind told her to get closer to this person. Closer.

“I’ll call the doctor,” Jun Zishu said.

However, Yue Mingsheng held onto Jun Zishu’s hand tightly and shook her head. Then, she said, “This drug is different. There is no cure for it. Unless… Unless I… Otherwise, my body will explode, and I will die. Big Sister, I can’t bear it…”

It was a lie. She was lying to her.

Yue Mingsheng pressed her face against Jun Zishu’s hand, her eyes revealing an agonizing expression.

“I’ll find someone to…”

However, Jun Zishu frowned and shut her mouth before finishing her words.

Jun Zishu found that she couldn’t help find a man for Yue Mingsheng. When she thought about someone other than her touching her cute little sister…

Jun Zishu’s frown grew even deeper, and she couldn’t bear to continue with her thoughts.

“I don’t want anyone else, Big Sister… Don’t find someone for me… Big Sister…”

Yue Mingsheng held Jun Zishu’s other hand and clasped fingers with her.

The girl’s face was bright red, and her eyes were misted. However, nobody but the girl would know whether it was due to the drug’s effects or because of something else.

Meanwhile, Jun Zishu felt her heart soften when she saw the helpless look on the girl’s beautiful face and heard the girl’s soft voice.


Jun Zishu stroked Yue Mingsheng’s hair and took the girl into her arms.

“Big Sister…”

Yue Mingsheng buried her face into Jun Zishu’s neck, her self-control faltering as she began gently rubbing, kissing, and tasting Jun Zishu’s neck.

Jun Zishu shuddered because of Yue Mingsheng’s actions. Quickly, she removed the passionate girl from her neck and looked the girl in the eye.

Meanwhile, Yue Mingsheng looked back at Jun Zishu, her eyes filled with lustful desire and an inexplicable fire.

“Mingsheng… Are you in love with me?”

Jun Zishu looked at Yue Mingsheng, seemingly asking for a sincere answer.

Yue Mingsheng stiffened when Jun Zishu exposed her true thoughts. She had only intended to use the drug as an excuse to take advantage of Jun Zishu and deepen their relationship. However, she never expected Jun Zishu to point out her thoughts directly.


Yue Mingsheng nodded and suppressed the heat within her body with her internal energy. Then, she lowered her head and behaved like a criminal waiting for her sentencing.

What should I do… What should I do…

How will Big Sister think of me? Will she chase me away?

It hurts so much…

Yue Mingsheng felt herself suffocating a little as she waited for Jun Zishu’s response.

Meanwhile, when Jun Zishu heard Yue Mingsheng’s answer, she couldn’t help but feel that she had expected this answer from the girl.

Placing a hand on Yue Mingsheng’s chin, Jun Zishu forcibly lifted the girl’s head and saw the look of agony on her face. Then, with her other hand, she gently caressed Yue Mingsheng’s face, tracing the outlines of the girl’s face with her fingers.

Is it you? Are you the same person? Jun Zishu wondered. Then, after sighing in her heart, she leaned forward.

When Yue Mingsheng felt Jun Zishu’s cold lips enveloping her own, her eyes widened, and her body froze. Her heart, however, drowned in ecstasy as disbelief filled her mind.

“Big Sister…” Yue Mingsheng called out in a trembling and choking voice when the seal on her lips disappeared.

Jun Zishu found that just like she expected, she didn’t dislike kissing Yue Mingsheng. On the contrary, she found it quite comfortable.

“I’ll help you. Don’t be scared.”


As the canopy bed’s red curtains fell, Yue Mingsheng entrusted herself to Jun Zishu as she watched Jun Zishu reach down to and beyond her waist.

Jun Zishu found that Xiao Nan’an’s drug was quite potent, and she had to help Yue Mingsheng reach climax several times before the drug’s effects wore off. Then, when she retracted her fingers from beyond the pasture of grass, a layer of transparent liquid coated them, the liquid even forming ambiguous silks when she spread her fingers.

After relieving Yue Mingsheng of the drug’s effects, Jun Zishu massaged her slightly sore fingers and wrist. Then, just when she was about to reach for a handkerchief to wipe the dirty stains on her fingers, Yue Mingsheng suddenly pushed her down and straddled her.

“Mingsheng,” Jun Zishu called out, feeling a little ticklish as Yue Mingsheng’s long hair brushed against her face.


Yue Mingsheng’s eyes shone brightly, and she eagerly responded to Jun Zishu’s call by enveloping Jun Zishu’s red and succulent lips.

After Jun Zishu could move her lips again, she said, “I don’t need you to…”

“But I want to, Big Sister. Don’t you also love me, Big Sister?” Yue Mingsheng said in a swift and happy tone.

Yue Mingsheng couldn’t believe what had just happened. She also dared not believe what she was currently doing was true. However, she also had to admit that it was wonderful to have her desires fulfilled.

If this was a dream, Yue Mingsheng felt that she might not be willing to wake up.

“I like you, but I can’t say that I love you, Mingsheng,” Jun Zishu said, straightforward as always.

Immediately, Yue Mingsheng responded by taking a little nib on Jun Zishu’s neck, causing Jun Zishu to moan a little. Then, she said, “It doesn’t matter. I will make you love me, Big Sister.”

Afraid that she had hurt Jun Zishu with her nibbling just now, Yue Mingsheng switched to caressing Jun Zishu’s body with her hands.

Yue Mingsheng didn’t mind that Jun Zishu’s fondness for her hadn’t reached the level of love yet. She was happy so long as Jun Zishu responded to her affection even a little bit.

There would be plenty of opportunities to deepen their relationship in the future.

After tossing and turning in bed for several hours, Yue Mingsheng got up to remove the bedsheets.

Before they began their passionate interaction, Yue Mingsheng had already sent a telepathic message to the shadow guard on duty, telling him to shift his attention away from the room. After all, she didn’t have a hobby of letting others watch her. She especially did not want others to see Jun Zishu’s wonderful appearance.

After passing the dirty sheets to the palace maids on duty outside, Yue Mingsheng instructed the maids to bring some hot water. Then, Yue Mingsheng and Jun Zishu wiped each other off.

Once they were both cleaned, Jun Zishu lied on the bed lazily and curled her fingers around her long hair.

Meanwhile, Yue Mingsheng lied beside Jun Zishu like a loyal dog guarding her master, her heart feeling content as she stuck closely to Jun Zishu.

“You still need to attend morning court tomorrow, Big Sister,” Yue Mingsheng urged Jun Zishu to rest.


Jun Zishu yawned and closed her exhausted eyes.

Meanwhile, Yue Mingsheng did not sleep. Instead, she kept her eyes open, afraid that all of this was nothing but a dream and that everything would return to the way it was before when she opened her eyes tomorrow.

Big Sister actually said she likes me. Why would Big Sister like me? But Big Sister said she likes me…

Yue Mingsheng fell into a sweet affliction of disbelief. Only after dawn was close to arriving did she finally fall asleep.

The next day, Yue Mingsheng woke up to the movements of Jun Zishu getting off the bed, and she quickly opened her eyes and reached for Jun Zishu’s clothes with a panicked expression.

“What’s wrong?” Jun Zishu asked.

Yue Mingsheng shook her head but did not speak.

The thick red curtains had yet to be lifted, so the people outside the canopy bed couldn’t see what was happening inside. After planting a kiss on Yue Mingsheng’s forehead, Jun Zishu rubbed the girl’s face and said, “Rest well.”


Yue Mingsheng nodded obediently, the weight pressing down on her heart disappearing.

Jun Zishu was originally an emotionally indifferent person, so the fact that she managed to respond as such to Yue Mingsheng’s silent hint showed just how much she liked the girl.

Little Fairy couldn’t help but have complicated feelings when she saw this scene in her system space. Should she be launching fireworks to celebrate Lord’s temporary success?

Regardless, it would seem that this mission world would be filled with the fragrance of love once again.

After letting out a sigh, Little Fairy drowned her lonely self in movies.

Jun Zishu made sure to have someone feed Meng Lanxi the weakening pill once a day, the drug causing him to grow drowsier and drowsier by the day.

It was also time for Chu Ying to be let out of prison. Before he left, though, Jun Zishu decided to visit him one more time.

Other than looking a little haggard, it didn’t seem like Chu Ying had suffered much during his time in the dungeon.

It was likely that Chu Meng had bribed the guards there, which was indeed the case in reality. Besides staying in a cramped space and eating slightly less exquisite meals, Chu Ying did not suffer any of the “tradition” prisoners would face.

When Jun Zishu visited Chu Ying, the boy looked much calmer than before. He didn’t say a word even when he saw Jun Zishu appearing before him.

“You can go out now,” Jun Zishu stated.

Chu Ying nodded and patted off the dust on his body.

“Think about what I said to you before. I wasn’t joking, and it’s about time for you to grow up. Or do you still want to be a child who listens to everything his father says?”

Chu Ying remained silent. He had thought about many things these days, and the more he thought, the soberer he became.

When the sunlight outside shone on his body, Chu Ying couldn’t help but feel a little dazed.

After sending Chu Ying out of the palace, Jun Zishu felt that the boy could probably figure out what he should do.

Chu Ying wasn’t stupid. He was simply too young and still required honing.

When Jun Zishu walked away, unbeknownst to her, Chu Ying turned back to look at her figure, a handkerchief gripped in his hand.

Since she didn’t get much rest last night, Jun Zishu decided to catch up on her sleep after returning to her bedchamber. In the meantime, Yue Mingsheng helped her inspect the work documents for the day.

While sitting in front of the desk near the bed, Yue Mingsheng found her work progressing more smoothly than usual. Everything also seemed less of an annoyance to her.

Honestly, the thing Yue Mingsheng wanted to do most now was to accompany her Big Sister. However, as she needed to take care of these documents on her Big Sister’s behalf, she resisted her urges and powered through her work.

Outside of Yue Mingsheng’s expectations, Xiao Nan’an returned a few days after that fateful day.

“I already said I would kill you if you came back.”

This time, Yue Mingsheng had her sword in hand, the blade’s edge sharpened to kill.

“Woah, calm down. What happened that day was a misunderstanding, and I came here to apologize. I didn’t notice that my cheeky junior sister had switched out the drug I had prepared. Are you okay?”

Xiao Nan’an might be a vagabond, but he still had his principles. Meanwhile, using that kind of drug against a girl who hadn’t stepped into the adult world yet was something that went against his moral code. It might be fine if nothing happened to Yue Mingsheng, but he’d condemn himself if he ruined an innocent girl’s purity.

“You dare mention it still?”

“I already taught my junior sister a harsh lesson when I went back.”

When Xiao Nan’an saw Yue Mingsheng’s relatively calm response, he guessed that nothing serious must’ve happened, and he couldn’t help but feel relieved.

“Speaking of which, I guess I should thank you for that incident. If you hadn’t given me that opportunity, my affair with Imperial Sister would’ve never come true,” Yue Mingsheng said, a sweet smile appearing on her face. Whenever she recalled that her Big Sister also liked her, she immediately felt strength filling her body.

“…Wait, what?”

Xiao Nan’an suspected that something was wrong with his ears. After all, he seemed to have just heard something remarkable.

“Is she no longer satisfied with playing with men now, so she’s going to start playing with women?”

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