
Chapter 300 - In the mind of a beast

At first, they were infrequent changes suddenly the eating habits of Nadawi changed from eating cooked meat began to have a preference for raw meat, especially that which came from beings who were still alive and who screamed while he was in charge of eating.

Perhaps one of the cases he liked the most and the food he enjoyed most was one where he murdered a human woman in cold blood and then ate from her body while her children cried.

The children were so annoying that Nadawi had to silence him in the correct way that he could find; he only had to bite their heads while their delicious brains came out.

The woman he had killed was nothing more than a shaman who had helped a long time ago. Unfortunately, his flesh was so delicious and the meat of his children so soft that he was lost in the pleasure of devouring those humans who do not think of anything else.

Another of the changes he noticed was that little by little, he was losing his consciousness suddenly realized that he was no longer Nadawi but a member of a society where he was just a pawn.

Although he did not understand why these things happened if he was the only member of his tribe that could have some awareness of what is happening to his environment, although for him it was completely normal and he saw nothing unusual about it.

Suddenly one day, the cold began to get stronger than it usually was, and this caused his entire tribe to move south to find the warmest lands.

As they descended on their trip, they encountered a large number of humans, which were incredibly delicious for the tribe, but this brought a problem as some members of their tribe died in human-made traps.

Nadawi wondered why the food was being so difficult to hunt, this began to generate anger in his tribe and therefore decided to kill all the humans they could find.

He only found pleasure in killing and gutting the humans who came to see that way, especially for the little children because their little heads were so soft and delicious that they were a delicacy.

On their journey to the south, they also find some controlled beast bears, which had fur like theirs and shared a bond, so they decided to join and create a great community.

Nadawi did not understand how his community began to grow more prominent; the bears seemed to reproduce fantastic speed, but also, his tribe began to have more and more children.

The vast horde did not conform to just killing humans but also began to kill anything that had meat to be able to devour and feed the little ones they had.

On the great trip south through the horde of beasts, there will be cases of cannibalism among them, because there was not enough food to feed them, Nadawi had to eat his wife and children to stay alive.

But he does not regret it because the taste of his family was something that he cannot describe, he even thought that if there were a way to revive them to eat them again, he would do it, the road continues until they began to meet some humans towns that presented battle.

Unfortunately for them, their stone weapons that were broken with great ease were too ineffective, Nadawi personally murdered a few could not kill more because his hunger was too much what was dedicated mainly to swallow all the meat that could not matter that there were bones of through.

This massacre of hundreds of humans continued for weeks until they finally reached a town that seemed to have a lot of people inside but had something they had never faced.

A large number of stones that prevented them from entering to devour whatever was inside, Nadawi could see how the first to pounce on the walled human people were the bears.

His tribe, despite not having a great deal of conscience and only acting through instinct, decided to wait before they could go out and fight, they didn’t want to sacrifice themselves stupidly, they preferred to let the bears die.

Nadawi could see how the bears died without even being able to defend themselves at the hands of those humans who seemed to have weapons that harmed, this time some doubts in Nadawi, so he decided to communicate with his tribe.

Why use stones to fight those humans who were up on their artificial rocks attacking them, the tribe of Nadawi decided that it was the best approach they could have.

From what they prepared and when they could see that the bears were being defeated they decided to attack, Nadawi personally took charge of leading the attack as close as possible to the walls and threw a large stone.

He could see how his stone pierced the head of a human as if it were a dry leaf, this caused loud shouts of joy in the tribe and followed the example of Nadawi.

This continued for some time until the members of the tribe began to be killed one by one, Nadawi realized that those who were the strongest and the most intelligent seemed to be associated.

Nadawi was extremely angry at humans, and what they were doing when he could feel a stabbing pain in his chest when he lowered his head, He can see a kind of arrow buried in his chest.

Before he could do anything, he felt another stabbing pain in his foot and almost immediately felt another stabbing pain in his hand at the end. The stabbing pain ended in his throat.

Nadawi fell to the ground where he began to stop because he couldn’t breathe, he didn’t understand why he was dying, and he didn’t understand why these humans were too powerful.

But deep within his being, he thanked the humans because thanks to them, he would see his family again, and maybe he could taste that flavor that he liked so much.

Nadawi closed his eyes, and little by little, everything started to turn black, it was the first time he could feel free in so long ...

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