
Chapter 448 - New Residence

The parties of the three buyouts, the Inter-planetary Fund, Bu Base and Baiji Military District, had already contacted Fang Zhao and gotten his approval.

After the buyout contracts were signed, the Inter-planetary Fund became rather silent, and there wasn’t much activity. Nobody heard “η” again after that, and Silver Wing personnel couldn’t understand why the Inter-planetary Fund had spent so much money to purchase “η”.

In contrast to the Inter-planetary Fund’s silence, Bu Base and Baiji Military District moved rapidly.

A new round of marketing circulated to the various continents. Planet Bu was like a hardy tough guy rolling up his sleeves preparing to do battle in the fight to recruit talents!

Planet Bu had successfully extricated itself from its poor situation. This time, Planet Bu would reveal its all-new appearance in front of everyone. Although it was a strategic military experimental base and many things couldn’t be made public, just the picture painted by the limited information made many military fanatics tempted.

Planet Baiji also didn’t take things lying down either. Competition between similar level military districts was already intense. Bu Base was a new player trying to grab the limelight in order to recruit talent. Thus, Planet Baiji also put in a lot of effort in marketing.

Planet Baiji’s recruiting propaganda and their talent recruitment video were mass circulated at the same time Bu Base’s publicity campaign started.

So what if there is ore? There are also people!

Planet Baiji: “For talents with specialized technical skills, we will provide high salaries, housing, medical benefits, arrangements for partners, schooling for children, and more. Comprehensive support and subsidies will be given to help you settle in!”

Planet Baiji also looked to the future when scouting for talents.

“Planet Baiji doesn’t only recruit talented new graduates. You’re still wanted! Regardless of whether you are a university, primary or secondary school student, as long as you have a heart that longs to head forward into the ocean of stars and pass our test, we will assist in the procedures for transferring schools!

“People who look to the stars shouldn’t be lonely. Only talents that stay where they are will be lonely! Welcome to Planet Baiji’s construction team, and help create prosperity together with us!”


Aboard an intercity train, a secondary school student was using his personal terminal to chat with his classmates. Advertisements displayed on a screen inside the train carriages formed the background noise that overlapped with the voices of commuters.

Suddenly, a robust rhythm sounded. Commuters aboard vaguely felt as if their souls had been shaken out of their bodies.

That student chatting with his classmates felt as if he had lost control of himself for a moment and subconsciously sought out the source of that sound.

The student couldn’t care less about his conversation and rushed over to the screen. He didn’t even notice what kind of video was being played and turned on his automatic song recognition app on his personal terminal.


He felt as if tears were going to come out of his eyes when he saw the large and coarse words “Military Use”.

At least the original tune could be found if it was “For Non-commercial Use”. However, “Military Use” was a special kind of category, and songs classified in this category were basically impossible to find elsewhere.

The painful part wasn’t because additional money was required to be spent, but rather he couldn’t listen to it even if he spent money!

It would be impossible to find the original song on all the large music platforms! Even Huangzhou Television Station which had the so-called largest music library in the world wouldn’t have it!

What about other means? They could either save the publicity video or extract the sound from the video. However, the extracted music wouldn’t have the same quality as the officially released tune. Those with higher standards wouldn’t accept it.

Despite being dissatisfied, this student quickly did an online search of that publicity video and shared it on his class group chat:

“Godly music I just heard on the train! [Link]”

His classmates who were online all rushed to click the link excitedly: “Recruiting Propaganda”.

A chain of “...” appeared. Then, the group chat became abuzz with activity.

“The heck?! Planet Bu’s new publicity film is so cool!!”

“How domineering! As expected of the third strategic military location!”

“Requesting BGM! Need nourishment for the mind!!”

“Don’t even think about it. This sort of BGM is an exclusive copyright. You won’t be able to find it on any music platforms. Furthermore, it is still for military use.”

“I watched this publicity film over ten times just to listen to this BGM! But, Planet Bu is indeed awesome! I wanna go! I wonder if pilots have a weight limit?”

“What’s the big deal with Planet Bu’s recruitment video? I just saw Planet Baiji’s publicity film [Link]. It feels like destiny! It’s time to fulfill our life’s value! Everyone, let’s meet up on Planet Baiji!”

“From the video it looks like Planet Baiji has already constructed schools. The place is huge and has lots of greenery. I want to go too!”

“I just wanna ask if Planet Baiji has Internet currently. Do they have limited Internet access everyday? Will the power supply in dormitories cut off in the middle of the night?”

The form teacher silently viewing the chat couldn’t help burst their bubble. “Students, calm down for a bit. First, open up your recently released grade reports. Have you passed your tests? Are your results improving? Any outstanding fields? If the answer is no, then have you made preparations to go to a foreign planet to mine for ore and lead a life of hardship yet?!”

Many such similar conversations were happening everywhere, and various forums were bustling with activity.

In no time, topics regarding recruiting propaganda and talent acquisition were trending. And, after confirming that the accompaniment music of Planet Bu and Planet Baiji’s publicity videos were two songs from Fang Zhao’s graduation concert, the intensity of searches became even higher.

While the two foreign planet garrisons were generating a great deal of buzz, Fang Zhao had arrived at a residential area by the sea.

Nanfeng had selected this place after a comparison against many other residential areas. This area was on the fringes of Qi’an City. Many that lived here were celebrities, and one could easily run into A-list Yanzhou celebrities around here.

There was no need to worry about paparazzi here. Every unit had a garage and landing pad so small flying transports could directly land.

Nanfeng had settled on two units, one with a garden close to the center of the residential district, and the other by the seaside with a small private beach.

After viewing them, Fang Zhao was more inclined towards the one overlooking the sea.

“The original owner is a merchant that moved to Huangzhou two years ago. This house has been vacant since then. The owner wants to sell this house and head to invest in Planet Baiji,” Nanfeng said.

The interior decor was excessively gorgeous and would require a few changes if they purchased the place.

However, renovation techniques were amazing now. Even a complete overhaul wouldn’t take too much time. Renovations could finished in just a week.

Fang Zhao’s previous house in the central district of Qi’an City had already been exposed, and there were too many paparazzi camped in the area. Because of the disturbance, Fang Zhao rarely went over there nowadays.

Fang Zhao had started to consider a new place to stay after his previous house had been burglarized. Now, he was rather pleased with this place.

“It’s peaceful enough,” Fang Zhao said as his gaze lingered on the beach before him.

Curly Hair was digging at the sand and looked very excited. He stuck his tongue out, paced back and forth and brushed against Fang Zhao’s legs before looking towards the sea and barking twice.

Fang Zhao removed the leash, and Curly Hair dashed towards the sea. Curly Hair ran and jumped into the sea before dog-paddling towards deeper waters.

Curly Hair had followed Fang Zhao to the seaside back when he had been filming on Planet Bu. Curly Hair had frequently gone swimming in the sea there and had even gone underwater for long periods before coming back.

However, Nanfeng was still worried.

“Boss, should we be watching over Curly Hair out there?”

Planet Bu didn’t have an abundance of species, but the oceans here had quite a few dangers. There were occasional sightings of large fish in the coastal regions. It was fine if Curly Hair ran off alone to play in the water near the shore. But what would happen if he strayed too far from shore and was eaten?

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