
Chapter 273 Evil Crystal Cannon

Chapter 273 Evil Crystal Cannon

“You are so daring!”

Xiao Feng stared at War Spirit Sky and the others, saying in surprise. He came here after he received the message of Liu Qiangwei.

They were at the rear of the Coalition. While moving forward with the Coalition, they also communicated secretly in the military matrix.

The guilds at present were on speaking terms, which either acquainted with Xiao Feng or allied with Midsummer. However, what they said surprised Xiao Feng.

They tried to obtain the City of Gloom!

Somehow they learnt that the City of Gloom was the main city built by the Dark Legion, which might be a tip of the quest. If the Dark Legion was broken through, it would be owner-less. As to the Coalition, whether the Terran Empire or Light Temple, they wouldn’t occupy such a dark land.

That was to say, the City of Gloom would become a deserted city in the end, where the functional buildings and facilities would be divided. The grand guilds were all striving to develop their encampments, so they would never let go of the opportunity to get some benefits.

“But I have been to the City of Gloom. It is empty and there seems to be nothing in the city.”

Xiao Feng thought it over and said. He had been to the City of Gloom when he went the Dark Land for the first time, but he found that it was an empty city with ramparts only.

“Since it is a main city, the ramparts are rather valuable. If the rare materials are applied to the ramparts, any part of the ramparts will be very valuable!” War Spirit Sky said in spirits while War Spirit Ziyi touched her forehead behind him and yet the other guilds’ presidents all nodded their heads with approval.

“Are you all locusts?” Xiao Feng felt shocked again and didn’t know what to say.

“Master Healer, since you are Commander in Chief, you must have a lot of privileges. You must help pull strings for us. If the City of Gloom is occupied, it will be fall into the hands of the Coalition and we are not qualified to get any benefits at all.”

“Yes. I think the Dynasty is well prepared. If the City of Gloom was not in the south, we would not be qualified to take a share of the benefits. Master Healer, please do something to help us. We are the most loyal allies of Midsummer Guild and President Qiangwei is also here.”

War Spirit Sky said while winking at Liu Qiangwei nonstop, but she just turned around indifferently.

“I may not interfere in that. I’ll ask around later.” Xiao Feng said and looked to the rear only to find that Captain Bolton who was executing the guarding duties was not far away. Xiao Feng asked him to come over in a hurry.

“Bolton, come here.”

“Archbishop, what can I do for you?” Captain Bolton came here in measured steps, which made War Spirit Sky so shocked and speechless. This NPC was a faerie-level boss. They were not even qualified to talk to him but he was bossed around by Master Healer.

“Let me ask you this. If the City of Gloom is occupied, who will have it in the end?” Xiao Feng asks.

“Well... The City of Gloom is situated within the Terran Empire and surely belongs to the Empire. The Light Temple cannot interfere in that. Nevertheless, the case with the City of Gloom is a bit special. It is a fortified point of Dark Legion so the Empire will not use this place. Generally, it is either deserted or purified by the Temple in order to stop dark creatures from coming into being around under the influence of dark force.” Captain Bolton thought for a while and said.

Xiao Feng nodded his head. Before he had time to ask more, he saw that War Spirit Sky was winking at him. Xiao Feng just wanted to ask about it when he received a few messages of a private talk.

The messages were from War Spirit Sky. After reading the messages, Xiao Feng was speechless again and said helplessly to Captain Bolton.

“Bolton, can you allocate several quests of guild to them, the ones where they can gain the guild experience points after killing a certain number of creeps?”

Xiao Feng was speechless. These people just took advantage of every opportunity to benefit themselves. They didn’t even let go of Captain Bolton. Upon seeing such an advanced NPC, they just felt like getting the quests.

“Guild quests? It is easy.”

Captain Bolton showed great respect for Xiao Feng. As he waved his hand, the present presidents of the guilds received the notification of quests at once.

“Master Healer, you are so unbelievable!”

After receiving the quests with excitement, War Spirit Sky didn’t sigh until Captain Bolton left.

“Master Healer, do you want to join the Indistinguishable? I will let you be our vice president and raise any requests as you like. I can promise that you will be satisfied!”

The Spirit of Immortality, president of the Indistinguishable Guild looked at Xiao Feng and asked. He should have designs on Xiao Feng but Xiao Feng just turned around and left.

Only War Spirit Sky curled his lips and took a glance at the beautiful Liu Qiangwei in secret, thinking that Master Healer would never join the other guilds.

“Let’s go. Do the guild quests first.” Liu Qiangwei withdrew her eyes from Xiao Feng’s back and said aloofly.

They received the quests of the guild by pulling strings. The reward of guild experience points was irresistible for any guild.

“President Qiangwei, please pay attention to Master Healer. If there is any benefit in the City of Gloom, don’t leave us out.”

War Spirit Ziyi smiled and said to Liu Qiangwei in a lazy and soft voice.

“I won’t.”

Liu Qiangwei wouldn’t stay longer after saying that. She just turned around and left. So did Si Yejing, who had been moving sneakingly with her. War Spirit Sky and the others all didn’t know that.

Led by Midsummer, the several south guilds had formed an alliance. Only if the alliance became stronger could they attract more allies.

Liu Qiangwei understood it well so she would not take possession of the benefits of the City of Gloom if any.

Meanwhile, Liu Qiangwei also understood that the thing that supported the alliance and caused the strong status of Midsummer was resulted from one person.

It was because of Xiao Feng!

Liu Qiangwei suddenly stopped and looked aside towards Xiao Feng, who has gone to the Coalition Headquarters. Her eyes glittered with special light and then she just left.

“Commander in Chief! We’ve found the interception force of the Dark Legion! It consists of tens of thousands of undead corps!”

“Ignore them. Just take a detour.”

“Commander in Chief! A troop of enchantresses is striking sneak attack on us! The leader is a strong Screaming Enchantress!”

“Leave it alone. Let the adventurers handle them.”


As the Coalition went deeper into the Dark Land, they were getting slower and slower, for they kept encountering a lot of scattered troops of the Dark Legion as well as strong bosses.

However, guided by Xiao Feng, in order not to have the Coalition suffer any loss, the Coalition didn’t have any fight of encounter at all and chose to take a detour, which made the Legion Commander Tiger and Presiding Judge Kilo quite speechless.

Yet, they knew that the order of the Commander in Chief was absolutely right, because the Coalition was about to reach the City of Gloom with zero casualty. It was a stunning war result. It was known that the Dark Legion had tremendous military forces and did well in war of attrition. By constant attack, the Light Coalition was made too tired to handle with severe casualties.

However, the battle today was quite easy. It was so easy that these two veteran generals felt quite strange.

For the sake of strength conservation, Xiao Feng would certainly avoid getting into a fight. Unless the boss showed up in front of them and got in their way, they wouldn’t pay any attention to it.

The grand guilds on the top list of the Huaxia District were all here and the main force was around the Coalition. There were more than tens of millions of players in total. The small teams of the Dark Legion were regarded as equipment and achievement points by them. Xiao Feng didn’t believe that without the main force of the Dark Legion, it could cause any impact on the Coalition.

The situation lasted for two hours. The Coalition didn’t stop until the ramparts of the City of the Gloom presented themselves in front of everyone.

This was the central region of the Dark Land. Outside the City of Gloom, the refilled creeps and bosses also stopped showing up. The players of the guilds all converge here, some of whom were quite capable. The unspecified characters saw the crowded people here and also came forward to see what happened.

“Commander in Chief! We have arrived at the City of Gloom!”

An NPC captain responsible for transmitting orders came to Xiao Feng and said respectfully.

Without saying, Xiao Feng also saw that. The City of Gloom was still cloaked in the grey mist of war, just like a huge crawling beast ready to devour others.

The Coalition stopped outside the range of 5,000 meters and observed the situation inside the city. Xiao Feng didn’t start to storm the city in a hurry.

The players of various guilds all stood by nearby, waiting for the critical combat to come.

The creeps of the Dark Legion were refilled in the Dark Land but they were too scattered. The core battlefield was within the Dark Land, where numerous bosses and creep groups were gathered. It was fair to say that the achievement points outside the City of Gloom were of no account compared with those in the City. Maybe all the gainable achievement points in the Dark Land were no more than those in the City of Gloom.

This was also the reason why the guilds stopped themselves from gaining the achievement points outside. If it were not for the bosses, they would not strike attack, for they were waiting for the real big bosses!

Now that various guilds were all here, they were allocated at the rear of the Coalition. They all knew that the NPC Coalition was the main force here. After all, their types and levels were no match for the NPC Coalition’s.

They couldn’t be the main force. Otherwise, if a formidable boss emerged in the City of Gloom and struck a map slaughter, they wouldn’t be able to resist it.

Hence, they could only strike attack after the NPC Coalition charged forward. If they could give a last hit, they would gain a lot of benefits. Now all they needed to do was to go in there after the City of Gloom was stormed. By then a real war would start.

They were not able to fight against the super boss but they could still handle some small bosses or the small teams of the Dark Legion. The City of Gloom was the fortified point of Dark Legion, where the creeps were enough for all the grand guilds to divide up.

The unspecified characters also found the aims of the guilds and felt helpless immediately. They were short of hands. They could make do with killing the left-behind creeps in the Dark Land but they were not capable enough to join the fight in the City of Gloom. Many of them conceived an idea of joining a grand guild. Indeed, it was better to leech on to a powerful force.

“How come there is no noise at all? Is the City of Gloom empty?”

Now whether the NPC Coalition or the players of various guilds, they all stared at the City of Gloom in front of them with confusion.

The distance of 5,000 meters away was not far. Hence the huge outline of the City of Gloom was visible but nothing came out of the City.

It was impossible that the Dark Legion didn’t notice the invasion of the Coalition and players. Just like the huge outline of the City of Gloom, tens of millions of players and NPCs were not less prominent than a major city. The NPC Coalition and the guilds laid a siege at two directions of the City of Gloom. In no way could the Dark Legion not notice the invasion.

“Go to scout about.”

Xiao Feng said to an NPC paladin nearby. This paladin looked quite familiar, who seemed to be a member of the Paladin Squad in the second shrine of the Tianlong City.

“Yes, Archbishop!”

The NPC paladin immediately went towards the City of Gloom with his war horse.


At the moment, the silent City of Gloom suddenly gleamed with a bit of purple light. Afterwards, a purple shooting star came to Xiao Feng with a big sound that echoed to the clouds!

“It is the Evil Crystal Cannon! Archbishop, be careful!”

Bishop Renault nearby shouted. He asked Xiao Feng to be careful while he got away from Xiao Feng quickly. The surrounding NPC Coalition members also all hurried to scatter away!

“Crap! Guard the Archbishop!”

Xiao Feng was shocked. He knew that there were defensive facilities in the main city. For example, the Tianlong City had the city guarding cannons, and the even the guild encampment of Midsummer had two bolts.

However, the Evil Crystal Cannon looked quite strange. Xiao Feng looked around and found that even Legion Commander Tiger and Presiding Judge Kilo were scared to fleeing away!

The question was why the cannon were targeted at him!

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