
Chapter 52 - Azrael

Charlus looked around. There wasn\'t a drop of blood spilt, but nothing was moving. Charlus\' eyes were filled with apathy. He took out a mask from his inventory. He then hid his wings.

Charlus exited the warehouse. He looked around and saw that there were 2 guards at one end and 6 more at the gate. They didn\'t notice him and definitely didn\'t hear him thanks to his passive skill.

Charlus decided to take the 2 guards who were to one end of the warehouse first. He rushed towards them with his scythe in his hand. The guards saw him coming and were frightened out of their minds. They saw a man with a huge scythe charging at them like a mad man. 

Charlus threw his scythe towards the guard who was to the back. the Scythe passed past him. The guard noticed a chain next to him. The chain was connected to the scythe and was in the hands of Charlus. Charlus pulled the scythe, and the scythe passed through the guard and went on to pass through the other guard as well. Charlus caught the scythe that was flying towards him. The chain wrapped itself back around his arm.

[Marconi Family Member Lvl 20 defeated]

[300 Exp Awarded]

[Marconi Family Member Lvl 20 defeated]

[300 Exp Awarded]

Charlus looked back. The guards had made a lot of noise and one of the guards at the gate would definitely come to check. Charlus didn\'t want to spend too much time taking care of these guards.

Charlus ran towards the gate and brandished his scythe.

[Scythe of Death]

[Soul Reaper]

[Soul Shock]

Charlus exhausted all his skills but he was able to swiftly take care of the remaining guards.

[Marconi Family Member Lvl 20 defeated]

[300 Exp Awarded]

[Quest completed]

[Marconi Family]

[Difficulty - C]

[Defeat the Minor Family of Marconi]

[20/20 Marconi Family Members

2/2 Marconi Family Lieutenants

1/1 Marconi Family Leader]


[3 Levels]

Charlus had already levelled up twice from the entire massacre. With the added 3 levels, he reached Lvl 55. He gained 10 SP for each stat.


Name - Charlus Black

Age - 17

Lvl 55

Exp - 0%

Class - Angel of Death Tier 1

Sub Class - None (Unlocks at Lvl 100)

Title(s) - Trouble Maker, Interrogator

Active Skills - Observe, Soul Shock, Death Field, Soul Reaper, Sword of Death

Passive Skills - Shadow Walk, Scythe Mastery, Wings of Death, Strong Body I, Agile Body I, Immortal Body I, Wise Mind I, Smart Mind I, Balanced Body I

HP - 600+100/700

MP - 600+200/800

EP - 600+200/800

Str - 60 + 30

Vit - 60 + 10

Int - 60 + 20

Wis - 60 + 20

Agi - 60 + 20

Lck - 30 + 15


Charlus\' status no longer included the benefits of his equipment added into his stats. They were displayed separately which helped Charlus understand how good his equipment was. He could no longer see how much Exp he needed though. And he definitely did not want to count all the Exp he got every time to check so he left it. he would level up if he levelled up. No need to be obsessed with calculations.

Charlus remembered what the Marconi Family Leader said. He said that they had some children. Charlus went back inside the warehouse. He saw several containers. Charlus went to the entrance of the containers one by one.

Charlus opened the containers by breaking the locks with his scythe. He opened the containers. Most of the containers had ammunition and guns. Charlus stored all of this in his inventory.

The last container that Charlus encountered was blue in colour. Charlus opened the container and saw two dozen children huddled in the back. All of them were cowering in fear and when they saw Charlus enter they became afraid.

They pressed towards the end of the container even more and Charlus saw that.

"It\'s alright. I\'m here to set you all free." Charlus remembered he still had his mask on and took it off.

"See. I\'m like you, a kid. I came to set you all free." Charlus spoke to the kids with a very soft voice.

All the kids were around 6-7 years old and weren\'t specifically limited to a single race. The Marconi\'s didn\'t discriminate when they kidnapped the children. Charlus guessed that they probably took control of a school bus to get these children.

The children moved towards Charlus cautiously. Charlus went outside the container for a second. When he came back, his hands had two water containers.

"You all should drink up. I will pour some water for all of you." Charlus took out a glass from his pocket and gave each child water one by one.

He then took out some snacks for the children. Charlus had a lot of food in his inventory. He was prepared for an apocalypse. 

Charlus saw the children who came out of the container looking at the men who had kidnapped them lying there, dead.

"Shhh. They\'re sleeping. You don\'t want to wake them up. They will be sleeping for a long time as long as you don\'t touch them. Okay?"

All the children nodded. They distanced themselves from the bodies of the Marconi Family Members. They were afraid of them anyway.

After around 30 minutes, Charlus decided that he had to send the children back to their parents. But he didn\'t have the time and resources to do that. So he decided to call someone who did.

Charlus grabbed one of the lying Marconi Family Member\'s phones and dialled 911.

"Hello? There are 26 children at the Marconi Family\'s warehouse. Come quickly." 

Charlus hung up without waiting for a reply. He would leave once he heard the sirens. He planned to fly past the huge wall that separated the Marconi Family Warehouse and the property behind it.

"What\'s your name, big brother?"

Charlus smiled at the boy who mustered the courage to ask him that question. 

"Unfortunately, I can\'t tell you that. But you can call me Azrael."


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