成人无码 国产

Chapter 227 - [Bonus ]

Abigail pov contd.

Did you know how it felt to be able to get what you have desired for so long. It gives you immense joy and pleasure. Seeing him, gritting his teeth was so peaceful.

"There must be some confusion. There was no such parchment circulated here." he replied through gritted teeth. But he did not know that I am better at acting now. Now I would show him what wonderful acting could be!

"Oh, is that so? Then it must have been stopped on time. I am glad to know that. Since, people did not know the reality, they could easily be swayed to believe lies. I am glad that this was not the case here." My words were ambiguous yet the details I have told were so fine that a wise person would realize who was the one swaying the public opinion here.

"You are so wise to trust me, lady Abigail." he added through the same gritted teeth. 

"Thank you, my lord. My father has taught me and Isabella well. We do not fall for sweet words and false compliments easily. Right Bella?" she looked at me with confusion but nodded her head much to my relief.

"Yes! Duke George is a wonderful man. So he must be a wonderful teacher too." we both nodded in a heartbeat at that.

"He has always given me a lot of respect and care. He is a great father." Bella did not understand the comment and replied with a smile. I have to bite my lips to muffle the laughter.

"That is great to know, my lady. I think I shall leave now. You both must have to look at the jewels and buy a few. The show is designed spectacularly." he bowed his head and turned to leave when I added.

"Yes, i think the nobles will soon forget about the boutiques and stores that have caught fire since they have these new designer who is even providing jeelws to them.\'\' I could see his body turned stiff and it felt wonderful. Ah! I really wanted to run and see his face but I hid my expression well.

  He did not turn back but left silently. I think this was enough for now. If i would poke him further, he would plan something evil against my family. I still needed to protect them from this hidden evil.

"We shall go too." she held and gently shook my arms. I finally came back to reality and nodded my head.

"Bella, shall i tell your mother that you are the one who played the piano?" She shook her head like a rattle drum when she listened to my suggestion.

"No! Mother would be angry that I performed here. Or she would be concerned. She always gets worried that I will not get a proper place for a noble lady. If she knew that I performed for dancers or nobles. She would not take it in a good way!" I sighed as I knew they still think that performing on stage is for the lower class. The nobles could only perform for the royal palace.

"Then what is the sense of even learning music?" I shook my head in disappointment and she chuckled.

"We do not need to learn to show off. I learn music because it gives me peace. But I never knew you were so good at it too." 

"No, I just copied your hand movement. I have good memory and agility. I can copy things just by watching them." though it was an old excuse, i would stick to it just in case she wanted a confirmation. I could ask her to confirm it with Noah.

She looked at me susceptible but I just feigned ignorance.

"And now it is time to show the final piece of the jewel. The tears of blue rose.`` We heard the announcement from the stage and I dragged her.

"Come, I want to see the price on which this will be sold!" In my last life, this piece created a sensation as the empress wanted it for herself but the crown prince bought it first.

She had asked the creator to make a better design for her personally but no matter what he made she was not satisfied with it. 

Come to think of it. No one knows how the crown prince was able to offer more than the empress since she was the one who had the keys to the treasure.

But right now I wonder where the real designer will be working. These designs were sold only after my coming of age ceremony which is still two weeks away. 

I did not know where he came from. He was just suddenly brought by Gerard one day. If i would have known his origin, i would have brought him here with me.

I only knew that his way of speaking was foreign. His dialect was different and his features were delicate.

"Oh my, Abi! The cost has crossed 60,000 gold coins. We are going to be rich just by this one piece of jewelry." she jumped with joy in the air as she hugged me tightly.

"Why are you getting so happy over the price. And where were both of you." did she just say both! I don\'t even care about the anger in voice when she addressed both of us in the same line.

"Mother! Where were you? I was looking for you all over.." started Bella with her glib tongue but she just snorted. 

"Do not forget that I am your mother. Not the other way around. Where were both of you?" she asked again as this time her eyes moved from Bella to me.

"We went to the stage. Lady Amayra and Lady Sharron are my friends and I have promised Bella that I will show her all the jewels in advance and dresses too..`` I replied, blowing my head a bit. When she stayed silent, I summoned all the courage and added, "Would you like to have any dress or jewel among them, mother?"

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