成人无码 国产

Chapter 133 - Food Of The Prison

Leonardo pov contd.

"We apologize for our carelessness, your highness. We have never thought that that rude princess would come this far to take a walk." though they were apologizing i could see that they were not at all feeling that they were at mistake.

They were blaming Josephine and circumstances. The annoyance that I was feeling increased 10th fold when they opened their mouths.

I kicked the one who was nearby and the three dagger to the other two. 

"So, you want the owner of the palace to not roam around. So that you can create a tunnel! Ha! And if they see you it is their mistake that they were walking in their palace. But it is not your mistake that you are not careful enough. Seriously! I didn\'t even know what to do with fools\' \'I snarled and they finally shivered and gulped.

"Fill that pit. I am sure Josephine would enquire about it and soon knights or other staff would come to check it. If they found out that a tunnel was being formed their whole plan would be jeopardized.`` I replied but they looked at each other and then they looked at me reluctantly.

"But your highness, it had taken us a month to get the trench done. How will we fill it in a day or two. We did not have many arms. And even if we filled it somehow. A whole month or two would be needed to get this much progress again.\'\' They were trying to find an excuse to save their hard work.

  But i could not believe that they were so fucking dimwit that they think they could save their lives.

"I understand. Fine, I leave the decision to you. Either you want to save your hard work or you want to save your lives. If the knights have found you out. I will not jeopardize my identity to save you. In fact, i will be the first one to move and kill you.\'\' I replied putting all the force in my words.

They finally realized how angry I was and shivered like a broken dried leaf.

They kowtowed me and apologized, 

"I apologize, your highness. We are not wise enough to understand the situation. We will deal with it. The tunnel would be gone before midnight. We assure you, your highness, there would be no proof of our existence either." they continued to kowtow in the mud. Their whole clothes caught mud and their hands and head have bleeding marks due to the thorns here.

But I did not feel an iota of sympathy for them. Their carelessness could have cost a war for which we are not prepared yet.

"Go and hide yourself well after filling the tunnel. I did not want to see even your shadow for the time being. I will come and meet you in the town when things would go back to normal.\'\' I replied and they nodded.

Then without sparing them another look, I walked out from there.

After walking to distance, I whistled and my horse came galloping towards me.

I smiled as I rubbed the mane of the horse. 

"You are best dear" I climbed on the horse and soon rode back to Josephine\'s chamber.

"Did her highness have her snacks?" I asked the lady in waiting who was standing at her door.

She bowed her head in embarrassment and I did not need to ask twice that she was once again on her hunger list.

I sighed as I walked in. She was sitting there on her leather chair with a bunch of books scattered all over the table. Once again she was making maps and writing the tactics of war.

She could be a perfect general and commandant if war happened. Too bad! She was on the enemy\'s side!

Tough was making plans for killing all the enemies without batting an eyelid. She was looking so vulnerable, so defenseless. She did not know how close the enemy was!

"Your highness" I called her to gain her attention.

She looked at me with a smile, but when she realized what she was doing, her face turned hard and cold.

"What is it?" she asked in a cold and sharp voice, trying to hide her smile behind the mask.

And the sympathy in me grew again. Why! Why do I feel so bad for her these days?!

"Your highness, the lady in waiting told me that you did not have your meal? Is the food not up to your liking? Shall I serve you something else?" I asked politely, bowing my head.

Though I already knew the answer. I still had hope that this foolish girl did not starve herself again.

"I am not hungry. I am busy studying. I did not want to get disturbed for the time being." she replied the same words that i was expecting.

"You still need to eat a meal, your highness. How about some tea and snacks?" I bargained trying to sound more encouraging but she just shook her head.

"You can go now, Leo. I did not need your services for today." her words were final and authoritative and i could only sigh and nod.

"Then have a good time, your highness" i walked out of her chamber when i see the maids giggling and looking at her with disdain,

Her own staff is blind to not see the gem in front of her and always pass her comments and gossip about her. If possible I want to kill all of them. I did not know why but I was feeling too angry today. Her image of taking long breaths while holding her breasts and then her riding horse that was about to fall in the trench. Both images were not leaving my mind. 

And each time I saw that image I wanted to burn this whole palace.

"What are you both doing there? Huh?" I shouted at the maids who finally came back to their senses. 

"We were just discussing the meal for the night." They lied blatantly.

"You did not need to worry about that, it will be served well in the prison"


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