
Chapter 53

“It was nice that you can use the slingshot” (Vera + Jeanne)

I answer Vera and Jeanne’s questions by showing a sling shot and explain it’s not a magic or a special weapon, it’s a very simple thing like a toy. And they lose interest.

By the way, “explain this thing need a lot of power to use” is a trick to deal like people like Rena, and this time are Vera and Jeanne.

And just like Rena, when they learn that they can never use it for themself, they quickly lost interest.

The experience with Rena was helpful. After all, Mile is a child who could learn. (TN: O(≧∇≦)O I always love this sentence)

In fact, Hunters are forbidden to pry on other’s past and abilities. Karam, Vera and Jeanne persistent questions were clearly rule violation.

If Mile is concerned, she can demand an official apology from the party 『Dragon Breath』.

In fact, both leaders Bart and Maevis should stop those three, but Bart himself also wanted to know about Mile and the other member of『Red Oath』 as well.

As for Maevis, it was impossible for her to get on with three experienced C rank hunters, and since she knew that was the original sling shot that Mile prepared for when she needs to explain. Maevis thought Mile can handle it so she leave Mile alone.

Of course, other members of the『Red Oath』 are always ready to stop the three of 『Dragon Breath』if they go overboard. But Vera has soon stopped Karam that was having such an attitude. Vera and Jeanne are just like an over excited fangirls and it’s also hard to interrupt. After Mile explained, Vera and Jeanne immediately lost their interest. Mile was released from Vera and Jeanne,so she finally can eat the grilled orc meat.

“Now, bon appetite!” (Mile) [itadakimasu!]

“Lend me it for a moment” (Bart)

Bart has come.

When he saw Mile’s despaired expression, Bart apologize in a hurry.

“No, I’m sorry. You can eat. I was looking when you explain to Vera a while ago ... and I’m curious about it” (Bart)

Tired of trouble keeps coming, Mile silently delivered a Slingshot.

Pashun! (SFX)

That’s a surprise, Bart was able to draw it and the iron ball blowing off a branch of the tree.

If you think about it, it is nothing strange. Back on earth, Sling shots can also be used by ordinary people for hunting. Because the nanotube is stronger than rubber, the one use it need a reasonable power to pull it. Until now. Only weak women have tried it until now.

By the way, even Vera also use bow, but the strength of her arm still isn’t enough to draw it.

Then again, it seems that Bart was a bit abnormal. As expected of a B rank Hunter that use great sword.

Did he think it was interesting or something ? Bart began picking up more pebbles.

Mile ignored him and devoted herself to eat dinner. After that, when she’s trying to get back to the tent ...

“Mile, please!” (Vera + Jeanne)

“Yes, ... I understand” (Mile)

It was a request for hot shower from the women of 『Dragon Breath』.

Next morning.

As Mile wake up, something smells good.

After fixing her clothes, she’s going to the bonfire and Mile saw... Bart was grilling meats.

And behind him, birds and horn rabbits, and foxes.


Apparently, it seemed that he went hunting early in morning.

Bart, a swordsman, was in a good mood, this must be his first experience of hunting small animals at long distance.

“Wow, it is easy to get prey! If you have this” (Bart)

(Oh no, stop it! Don’t say it!)

Unable to understand what Mile want to tell him, Bart smiled and said.

“You do not need bows or attack magic!” (Bart)

(Aahhh, now he’s gone and done it...)

[ED: we got a sword idiot here]

Pon! (SFX)

Bart’s face become swollen. Behind him, 『Dragon Breath』 archer Vera and magician Jeanne were clearly angry.

“Uhm...” (Bart)

Bart-san came to Mile and hand over the sling shot.

“...return” (Bart)

Because his face is swollen, he can’t talk properly.

Today is the third day since we left the capital. If there’s nothing happen, we will arrive to Amuros in the evening tomorrow.

We are far enough from the kingdom capital and it’s still far from Amuros. If robbers plan to attack, they’re probably attacking today. Thinking that way,『Red Oath』are sitting on the coach as yesterday.

The place of the attack can be freely chosen by the thieves. Of course, they will choose a place advantageous to them. Topography, and degree of fatigue on the merchant side.

(Perhaps it will be around the evening, the time when we feel most tired most and relaxed our guard...Will they come during the move or come to attack the camp? ...)

While Mile is thinking, there’s a reaction on her search magic, humans ..., their number are seven people.

(Less than expected, are these people scouts and the main units is separated?

But it is the role of the commander Bart to decide what to do about it. Mile flipped the canopy and reported to Bart on the cargo.

“Seven people ahead, the distance is 300 meters” (Mile)

“How do you know?” (Bart)

Bart has a shocked face halfway though.

“Stop at once, arrange the formation. one group will go checking while one group keep watching forward, backward, in cases of thieves ambush.

when it comes to battle, 『Flame Wolf』 go hiding in the carriage. In preparation for the enemy’s separate force come stealing when we’re fighting with their diversion force.” (Bart)

The merchants said that “they don’t need escorts” but we can’t afford to do that. Unless there were unavoidable circumstances like the bandits was too strong, we had to protect ourselves and can’t spare any hunter to protect.

Mile nods at Bart’s instructions and jumps to the top of the canopy. And she sent a pre-determined hand sign to the carriage behind. Of course, it is just one of several correspondence patterns we decided in advance, so it is only a simple signal.

After finishing sending the signal, when all of horse carriage stopped, Mile moved to the fourth carriage at the back. It’s for changing clothes.

Without time, Mile had to change clothes on the spot, just wear a simple armor over the uniform, or even fight with uniforms. But even if she has time, she will not change clothes. She doesn’t have the service spirit.

When Mile went to the fourth carriage, Rena that sitting on the third carriage also came to change clothes. Pauline was originally on the fourth carriage, Maevis doesn’t need to change, and she is waiting on the coach of the second horse carriage.

“It became more interesting, isn’t it ...” (Mile) (いよいよですね) (Help Shishou)

With the words of Mile while changing clothes, Rena and Pauline become silent.

After changing clothes, Rena, Pauline, Mile headed for the first carriage. And when the Mile returned to the first carriage, all the members of 『Dragon Breath』 got off from the carriage and were on standby.

From here, the escorts will go checking. However, the 『Flame Wolf』 will stay behind in the carriage as a concealed force. One of the 『Dragon Breath』has told the 『Flame Wolf』about their strategy while the Mile is changing clothes.

“Okay, then, let’s go!” (Bart)

“Please wait a minute!” (Maevis)

It’s Maevis block Bart’s departure instructions.

“Can’t you please leave it to us from here?” (Maevis)

“What did you say?” (Bart)

“For now, it seems they are only scouts because they only have seven people. I want to accumulate experience of interpersonal fight for our party. So when we deal with their main force or reinforcements, we will easier to avoid mistakes

Beside if we come alone, the bandits may lower their guard.“ (Maevis)

“... Okay, you can try it, but I will intervene as soon as I think it is dangerous.

Also, if their reinforcements come, we will intervene right away. got it?“

Bert, after thinking for a while with what Maevis propose, and he accept it.

“Yes, I’m sorry to say something selfish.

Let’s go!” (Maevis)

Three people nodded with Maevis’s instruction. This is what everyone consulted and decided in advance.

Finally, 『Red Oath』’s first human battle game.

Six carriages going slower than usual.

Four young girls who are walking ahead on foot.

The five people of 『Dragon Breath』 are hiding in the first and second carriages, and are ready to jump out as soon as there is a signal from Bart.

After a while, the road was blocked with rolled logs. With this, the carriage can not pass, the road is narrow, and it is difficult to change the carriage’s course in this place. When the carriages stopped, the bandits appeared.

“Okay, you guys ... you?” (Thief A) (TN: I bet they plan to say, “surrender everything to us if you want to live”)

The Thieves who appeared looking at the 『Red Oath』.

“No Hunter? Some sort of rich students ...

Damn, lookout guy, what are your eyes for?” (Thief A)

I see, it seems that they picked their prey by watching the highway from a somewhere.

If the lookout think the target was an easy target, he will signal his comrade to ambush the merchant. But the thief seemed to think that the lookout make a mistake in seeing.

“Oh well, at that age, they will be at most D rank, and with this number of people, you can’t do anything, surrender quickly and give me your weapons and armors. When we earn enough money together with what you get from the merchant, I will not do anything more than that.” (Thief A)

A man who seemed to be their leader said so, but when I saw that disgusting face, I could not believe what he said.

“Even you say such a thing, when we hand over our weapon, you will capture all of us. And after you’re done playing with us, you will sell us as slave, aren’t you” (Rena)

With Rena glaring at him while saying that, the thief leader were laughing.

“Heck, in that case I will just capture you by force, the result will not change anyway.” (Thief A)

Follow their leader command, the bandits surrounding Mile.

Maevis and Mile pull out their swords, Rena and Pauline begun casting spells.

“Let’s do it!” (Mile + Maevis + Pauline + Rena)

In order to prevent the magics, four thieves came to attack Rena and Pauline. The last two are attacking Maevis and Mile.

Yeah, it is natural that they should be wary of the magician whose power is unknown than the sword of a little girl. And, with such as the magic used by underage girls, it takes time to cast, also there will be not much power, if they attack quickly, they can easily suppress it before the magic is invoked. But that’s only true with normal girls.

“Stupid, the magician should be in the rear guard, come to the front like this is just asking for ...Gue~!” (Thief A)

“Oh, yeah!” (Pauline)

Pauline’s staff stuck in the thieves’ stomach, and Rena’s staff upheld the other thief ‘s jaw.

“Well!” (Rena)

When the leader back down a few steps from Pauline’s attack, the two who were attacking Maevis and Mile were already lying on the ground and only three people, including him are still standing.

“... 『 Hydrogen Bomb 』 (『水爆』)“ (Pauline) [ED:hydrogen bomb’s meaning in the bottom]

Not wasting even a second, Pauline cast the magic right away.

It is a magic with incredibly dangerous name, it is the magic that have adestructive power that came from 『Waters, Blowing up with an explosive momentum』so there is no nuclear fusion involved . The creator of the magic is Mile.

Besides it, there is a bomb that comes out in manga with a round and a fuse line, which was used in the medieval period in the history of the earth. Mile was thinking about making such a name when reproducing that.

“Medieval history bomb”. (『中世史爆弾』) [ED: is this TNT? The fuse line bomb that they start using in WW1 for war?]

Two thieves were blown away by Pauline’s『Hydrogen Bomb』 (『水爆』) they were hitting the trees and fallen to the ground, respectively, they stopped moving. There’s only the leader left. Rena is casting magic toward him.

“... Flame heat”

“Stop it !” (Mile and Pauline)

Mile and Pauline cried out, Maevis jumped and closed Rena’s mouth.

That’s what it is.

It was a spell that the Rena’s opponent mage used at the time of graduation test that burned the opponent to nothingness.

The thief leader seems has guessed the situation from the state of everyone, he kneeled with his head to the ground on the spot of that place begging for forgiveness.

“... just some loser...”

It seems there aren’t any separate force, and they don’t seems like our target bandits. Perhaps, they are only some ordinary thieves.” (Bart)

Bart come down from the carriage and came to check the situation. And then Mile and Pauline said.

“Is that so~......” (Mile + Pauline) (ですよね~......) (desu yo ne~......)

Rena and Maevis were still struggling.

“Let me shoot him! let me shoot!” (Rena)

“Stop it!” (Maevis)

ED: this is the general idea of it:

Hydrogen bomb or, an H-bomb, employs the fusion of isotopes of hydrogen to create an explosion. The first full-scale thermonuclear test was carried out by USA in 1952. the concept has since been employed by most of the world’s nuclear powers in the design of its weapons.

Basically it is a nuclear bomb as for the name that generally people know. (its from thermonuclear bomb but welp its shorter to call it nuclear bomb)

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