
Chapter 85 - Coming For You

"She was poisoned... with the same substance that killed my father." He said, a tear ran down his face while he wrapped his arms around her. "Wake up."

He gently placed two fingers on her wrists to check if he could feel her heartbeat and miraculously he did. It was slow and weak, but there was a beat.

"Boil some waters and add vinegar and mint on there. Prepare a big pot. Hurry." He said to one maid. Then he lifted her head, placing under it two pillows so that she would lie in a more comfortable position.

He caressed her cheek, which was cold and pale. The maid arrived with a pot full of warm water mixed with vinegar and some mint leaves.

John opened the drawer of his nightstand and grabbed a towel. He soaked it in the substance and then dabbed it on her wound from where was coming from black blood.

The lady jolted so he placed his hand on her forehead as he kept her firm while he medicated her.

After he dabbed the injuries for some minutes, blood dried up and he took a long breath before grabbing her arm with a strong grip.

He closed his eyes and shut his eyes when he felt the excruciating pain he was left in by doing that gesture. He was absorbing the poison from her, as he may have more chances to live than her for his overdeveloped senses and his body\'s capabilities of healing itself.

His body was shaking as the poison he absorbed was stronger than he expected. Yet he didn\'t stop until he saw her face turn rose like her normal skin tone.

John dabbed the towel on her injuries once again gently cleaning her dry blood. Seeing her wounds slowly healing themselves thanks to his cure, he smiled.

"What happened?" Jake voice echoed in the room followed by a slam of the door as he closed it behind him.

"The dark lord attacked us. He injured her and poisoned her." John replied, keeping his gaze on Roselyn.

"Is she alive?"

John shrugged, "I absorbed most of the poison, so hope.."

He felt his grip take him from the collar of his shirt and push him back, glowering at him. "Have you lost your head? Poison can kill vampires."

John groaned at his friend, revealing his long sharp fans. "Never dare to even think I would ever let her die."

Jake scoffed. He turned around to punch at the wall behind him as he released a scream of anger. "I can\'t believe it."

"If you came here to fight, then I suggest you revisiting me tomorrow because right now I have more important matters to take care of." John said after taking a breath and composing himself before turning his gaze back on the lady.

"I didn\'t. I am just concerned about you." Jake murmured as he reached him.

"I was finishing him off before I had to rush to save her. Next time I have the chance to lay my hands on him I want him to die in the worst possible way."

"What are you thinking about?" Jake asked, gazing at John, who smirked at hearing his question.

"The LP He announced, his eyes narrowed as his lips curved up, picturing the scene of his enemy dying.

"The Lethal Poison? It is just a legend you cannot believe it..."

John interjected, knowing where his saying was leading to. He knew his friend enough to know he would claim that substance was just a legend, and he had no certainty about the collateral effects it caused. "Yes, I do. I believe in legends. And if it doesn\'t exist than I will torture him with my own hands until he dies in front of me."

Silence fell in the room when their gazes fell on Roselyn\'s breast, which lifted and lowered in a slow rhythm.

"Rose? Can you hear me?" John murmured as he covered her hand with his own. Touching her fingers, he noticed she was warmer than earlier which was a positive sign as it meant she was alive and recovering well.

She coughed multiple time and effort, opened her eyes blinking slowly. John smiled as he leaned his head on her stomach in a shy embrace. "you are so strong." He said, commotion in his voice and cheerfulness.

"Did you..." she murmured before interrupting her saying to cough a few more times. "Did you kill him?" She asked in an almost unhearable low voice as she took a deep breath.

"No, I didn\'t. But I will." He reassured her. She nodded lightly closing her eyes for the fatigue.

"Why do I feel.." she murmured at each word she breathed out she seemed more and more fatigued. He leaned closer to hear her better and took advantage of the closeness to gently place a kiss on her forehead.

She smiled to his kind gesture, joy wrapped her heart pushing her to find the strength to raise her voice. "I have a bad feeling. I can feel it\'s coming for you."

John\'s eyebrows drawn together to express his confusion. "What is coming for me?" He asked.

She lifted her head slowly as she kept a blank stare on her face. Her pupils widened as she was having an unfavorable vision.

"What is coming for me, Roselyn?" He asked once again as gaze became preoccupied.

His lofty tone of voice made him chocked, and he coughed. Breathlessly dry cough and dizziness made him lose his balance.

He coughed one last time and black blood was spat out. John, scared, glanced up to Jake who had his hand on his head, as he looked even more pale than the usual.

A murmur came out from Roselyn\'s lips, "death is coming for you.." She said in a trembled preoccupied voice.

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