
Chapter 742: The Third Multi-Slap In The Face

Chapter 742: The Third Multi-Slap In The Face

“It is useless! Using the Chinese talisman did not work at all.” Apart from distress, the exorcists also felt regret. Even though they were not among those who had died, that tiny mistake could have caused them to become food for those vampire bats. Furthermore, these vampire bats could not be shaken off at all. They seemed to be toying with them by not killing them all at once but attacking them again and again in waves. It was as if the bats were savoring the exorcists’ fear due to their imminent death.

“What should we do?” Someone began to tug at Xiao Lingyu’s arm. “Master Xiao, we were following your instructions, that was why we used up all our Chinese talismans. Now we do not have a single one left, and we have no way of dealing with those bats. What should we do, what will become of us?”

Xiao Lingyu pushed the person away in one go, the purple jade bell in his hand fell to the ground as he did so. With a reddened face he said, “How would I know what to do? Those bats clearly did not bite me, if you want to blame someone you might as well blame yourselves. You should reflect on yourselves and see if you lit the Chinese talismans the wrong way.” This had to be it, all he needed was one more chance for him to escape!

Yet, what he did not expect was a languid mocking comment reverberated in his ear. “Don’t be too anxious, this time those vampire bats will come for you.”

Hearing this, Xiao Lingyu turned abruptly to look at Helian Wei Wei. As he did not have time to recalibrate, his face was pale as he responded, “What do you mean by that?”

“The bell.” Helian Wei Wei’s voice was very calm, even her expression seemed nonchalant. “The purple jade bell you were wearing has fallen. If I am not wrong, that bell was previously consecrated in a temple. The bell was the only reason those vampire bats did not suck your blood just now. It was not because you were holding a Chinese talisman. Furthermore, vampire bats determine the direction of their movement by sound, yet there you were chanting mantra loudly. Hehe, Master Xiao. It looks like your family’s exorcists are not that competent after all, they do not even know such a mere piece of general knowledge.”

From the moment she began to mention how his bell was consecrated, Xiao Lingyu’s eyes had begun to twitch. He instinctively looked at the purple jade bell by his feet. It was so shattered until the original appearance of the bell could no longer be seen. This also meant that the bell could no longer be used.

Never had Xiao Lingyu regretted his decisions so much. His fingers clung to the shattered pieces and his eyes reddened. Just like everyone else, he was fearful of the next wave of vampire bats!

These people might not have trusted Helian Wei Wei at first, but now they began to realize that she was not an ignorant fool but a true expert.

The exorcists walked toward Helian Wei Wei as if they saw a hope to survive.

Those exorcists who were full of contempt earlier were now filled with modesty. Even the way they spoke became a lot more careful.

Even Xiao Lingyu seemed flustered as he rose to his feet from the ground and looked directly at Helian Wei Wei. “So tell us, what should we do to get rid of those vampire bats?”

The current Xiao Lingyu had lost his previous arrogance, even his voice was urgent, showing his perplexity. He was still unwilling to accept this, after all, he had never bowed down to others. However, this was a matter of life and death, so he had to do this!

Helian Wei Wei glanced at him, her voice was slow. “Why on earth do I have to tell you? Master Xiao, don’t forget you wanted to have us kneel and beg before you just now.”

“I...” Xiao Lingyu noticed the looks he was getting from the others, and he felt his face burn up with embarrassment. But, at this point in time, he had to lower his head in defeat. “That was just a slip of the tongue, I didn’t mean to say such things.”

Helian Wei Wei laughed. “Master Xiao, are you begging us right now?”

“Yes.” Xiao Lingyu’s hands tightened imperceptibly, the smile on his face had frozen. He felt that he had already done everything he had to do.

Yet, the man standing opposite him merely drawled. “We don’t accept it.”

Xiao Lingyu lifted his head abruptly toward the direction of Baili Jia Jue. He still had that evil smirk and he looked exactly the same as he was at the starting point. With his thin lips slightly curved, he was like a devil who emerged from the night.

All this gave Xiao Lingyu a feeling as if these events were all part of the retribution for the words he had said!

Before they set out, he had said he was going to make these two people cry and beg before him.

After they had begun their journey, in less than an hour this had happened but he was the one lamenting now!

There was nothing more humiliating than this!

At the time, the others had even taken his side, yet now everything was different.

Thinking of this made Xiao Lingyu want to dig a hole and bury himself!

He finally had a taste of his own medicine.

Nevertheless, the fear deep within his heart made him care less about all these. He could only focus on escaping the next wave of vampire bats.

Xiao Lingyu shed his nature of egoism and grabbed Zhuge Yun’s sleeve, even his voice was trembling as he said, “Brother Yun, we were playmates who grew up together. When we were young, remember how we promised to never turn a blind eye if the other was in need? I beg you to disregard all the times I was ignorant and made you fodder for entertainment. I will not do that anymore, please ask them to save me, Brother Yun!”

Zhuge Yun knew it was simply impossible for the old Xiao Lingyu to kneel and beg someone.

After all, this person was used to be as arrogant as Ni Hu.

However, he was also slightly different from Ni Hu. Even though he would tease and mock him, he never outrightly bullied the Zhuge Family.

As an exorcist, having a sense of good and evil was of the utmost importance.

Since he had not done anything overly outrageous, he could not just stand by and watch him die.

Zhuge Yun turned his head around and saluted Helian Wei Wei and Baili Jia Jue with his hands folded. “Benefactors, if you have a way, please tell them.”

There was no way they could explain His Highness’ plan. All he had to do was stand there and emanate a whiff of his aura, and all the vampire bats would stay miles away from him.

The bigger fetus in Helian Wei Wei’s stomach agreed readily upon hearing the noises outside. Arrogantly, he pouted as it claimed, “These humans are really too useless, they are even terrified by bats.”

“They are vampiric and they have killed more than a few people just now. Humans aren’t like us, they are scared of such things.” The smaller fetus tried to explain weakly.

The bigger fetus’ blood-like eyes were filled with disdain. “‘What a weak species!”

The smaller fetus felt that he had an obligation to remind him. “Elder brother, our mother is also a human.”

“Mother is different,” The bigger fetus immediately replied. “You and mother, you are both different from them.”

The smaller fetus murmured in agreement, “Mother will have a solution.”

“That’s right, unlike our father who only knows how to use force to suppress people.” The bigger fetus seemed full of contempt as he said that.

The smaller fetus silently moved its transparent hand as he thought to himself. Your main purpose of opening your mouth is just to mock our father right...

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