
Chapter 74

Alex needed to move fast, because once he went out of this room, and the people who were watching from the control room notice he was alone then it would be game over for him, and the hostage .

From this room to the control room, if Alex walks it would take around ten seconds to reach, two seconds to swipe the card, and another two to kill the enemies in the control room . So overall fourteen seconds to move .

After he was done wearing the mask and outfit of the fallen merc, Alex took the dead merc’s weapon . Alex breathed slowly as he left the room .

’One, two, three, four, five . ’ Alex was counting in his head as he walked towards the control room . When he got to the door, he took out the ID card and swiped it . Once Alex had entered the room, he immediately noticed four guys looking at him .

"What the hell are you doing here? What happened to your partner?" Alex didn’t bother to answer, he dropped the rifle he took from the dead merc, and immediately got his handgun with a silencer on .

The four were shocked at Alex’s action and were about to make their move, but before they could do anything Alex as if like magic, using his handgun had quickly dispatched the four without even making a sound .

The final thoughts of the dying mercs were simply ’He was real . ’

Alex on the other hand was thinking something irrelevant to the situation . He was thinking that if the game perfect soldier was as easy as this, he wouldn’t have seen the game over screen as much as he did .

He then contacted the maids in the surveillance team .

"I’m in the control center . I just need to stick this USB in one of the CPU’s here, right?"

"Affirmative young master . After doing that we will be able to hack into their system, and we’ll be the ones in control . "

"Roger that . " Alex placed the USB stick he got into one of the CPU’s . He then proceeded to look at the monitors and he found Eva sitting down in a chair, contemplating something . Even in such a situation she kept her cool, Alex was a bit impressed by her .

Now knowing the exact location of everyone in the building . Alex could easily reach Eva, but something felt wrong, everything just doesn’t add up . Why kidnap Eva? Money? There are many more families, and clans richer than Eva in the nearby cities . Is it not Eva’s family that they need, is it Eva herself?

Alex didn’t feel comfortable with the current situation, so he decided to prepare just in case .

. . .

Eva was still in the middle of her silent meditation, when she heard an irritating electronic voice echoing in her room . She was sure that this was the same voice, as the one who ordered the thugs to knock her out .

"Hello mic test, mic test, do you hear me?" Eva could finally try to negotiate .

"Yes I can hear you . . . So who are you?"

"It doesn’t matter who I am little princess of the Kain’s . I just wanted to talk to you, since you are about to die and all that . . . See I’m a kind captor, I’m going to listen to whatever you want to say . You can scream at me, get angry, curse at me, and any other thing you want, since this is your final moment . "

Eva hearing the electronic voice, talking to her and proclaiming her death, didn’t even made Eva flinch . She calmly continued the conversation .

"Why do you want to kill me though?"

"Hmm, Well I guess it’s alright to tell you since you’re going to die anyway . Your family the Kain’s is one of the oldest family in Berdonia . Your family has been a merchant family ever since the beginning, and you know what kind of business your family runs?"

When Eva heard the electronic voice’s question, she couldn’t answer immediately . Obviously the electronic voice wasn’t asking about the business everyone thinks they run, it’s the real business their family deals with .

"Not going to answer? Whatever, the family business is all about weapons correct? No need to answer that, it’s a rhetorical question . I wouldn’t have cared whatever kind of business your family runs, but your family as Berdonians have done the most despicable thing you could’ve done . Your family actually does business not only with Berdonia, but with the Southern Union as well . Hell you might be doing business with those Granado Empire dogs, you traitors!"

"So you’re going to kill me? Because my family is having dealings with the Southern Union? That’s it? So it could have been anyone in my family, you could’ve kidnap and killed? I was just unlucky enough to be picked . . . " Eva even in the face of such a crisis, was calm and collected, but hearing that she was randomly picked, made her feel a bit depressed . Was she really this unlucky?

"Yes I brought you here to kill you . It was to serve as a warning to your family, that if they continue being traitors, then I will erase your family from Berdonia . Also I did not randomly pick you, aside from being a warning, you also serve as bait . "

’Bait?’ When Eva heard that word, her mind started to think as fast as she could . Bait for who? Who among the people she knows, has the capability to find out she was kidnapped, and attempt to rescue her . It was then Eva came to the only conclusion, the electronic voice was targeting ALEX!

"Hmm it seems like your knight is about to reach this place, I better put you to sleep . It’s better to be safe than to be sorry . " When the electronic voice said those lines, a weird kind of gas started to fill the room .

Eva tried to block her nose, but it was useless . Her consciousness was slowly going, and the final thoughts she had before sleeping were ’Got to warn Alex it’s a trap!’ Even in the end, all she could think of was Alex .

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