
Chapter 35: Girl Talk

Chapter 35: Girl Talk

Exhaling a sigh, Bulma set aside the coffee she had been nursing before stating, "He plucked the sun out of the sky, Tights. Even if he was an alien with advanced tech, he may as well be a God…"

Recalling the incident that had occurred a few weeks prior, Tights\'s eyes widened as she asked, "Are you serious? That was him…?"

Nodding her head in affirmation, Bulma emulated Vahn\'s actions of reaching her hand up, a lazy expression on her face as she grabbed at empty air with her thumb and index finger, saying, "He just reached up and plucked it out of the sky like it was no big deal. If I hadn\'t witnessed it with my own two eyes, I would have thought that the world had gone mad or that the media was pulling some kind of prank…"

Though she was tempted to insist it had been some kind of hoax, Tights had witnessed the Sun\'s disappearance alongside Jaco, a veteran of the Galactic Patrol, and Dr. Omori, the world\'s most preeminent Theoretical Physicist. The latter was brilliant enough to design and construct a Time Machine with the power to temporarily halt the flow of time, yet, even with all his instruments, he was unable to make heads nor tails of the anomalous astrological event. As for Jaco, he received an emergency summons from Galactic Patrol Headquarters. The disappearance of a celestial body the size of a star, even for a short while, wasn\'t something that went unnoticed.


Not sure what else to say, a pensive expression developed across Tights\'s face as her Bulma\'s words gradually settled in her mind. She still found it difficult to believe that Vahn was actually a God, but, as Bulma had pointed out, it didn\'t really matter. If he could pluck stars out of the sky and generate anything he wanted out of thin air, he may as well be.

Setting Vahn\'s status aside for the moment, Tights decided to focus on the more pressing matter at hand, asking, "And you\'re engaged to this guy…?"

Exhaling yet another exasperated sigh, Bulma briefly shifted her attention to Sarina before looking towards the kitchen and muttering, "Yeah…at least, that\'s what we agreed to. To be honest, I\'m not really sure at this point…"

Snorting through her nose, Sarina interposed before Tights could ask what Bulma meant, stating, "If you stopped acting like the entire world revolves around you, there wouldn\'t be anything for you to feel confused about. Like, you knew Vahn was a God before you proposed to him. He accepted your proposal and didn\'t even protest when you took off in the Model Tiamat. Everything wrong with the current situation is the result of you creating drama for no reason."

Showing that they really were sisters, near-identical glowers developed across the faces of Bulma and Tights. To the latter\'s surprise, however, Bulma didn\'t attempt to refute Sarina\'s words. Instead, she slammed the table and shouted, "You think I don\'t know that!?"

Plopping back to her seat, Bulma grabbed the sides of her head as if she were about to have a mental breakdown, violently mussing her hair as she issued a frustrated groan. This left Tights at a complete and utter loss for words, the hateful glower on her expression turning into one of abject confusion as she looked to the only person present who could provide answers.

Noticing the questioning look on Tights\'s face, Sarina rolled her eyes before crossing her arms in a huff and saying, "Bulma is the one that asked Vahn to marry her. He has also been honest with her from the start. Like, she knows he has multiple wives and an ever-growing number of lovers. None of that prevented her from asking him to marry her yet she still expects him to chase her down and ignore all his other responsibilities just to pander to her ego. It\'s ridiculous."

Hearing Sarina\'s explanation, a clearer picture of the current situation began to form within Tights\'s mind. She knew her sister better than anyone, so, while she wanted to take her sister\'s side, it was becoming increasingly obvious that Sarina wasn\'t the \'interloper\' in this particular situation. Rather, if Bulma knew about Vahn\'s wives and lovers before proposing to him, she didn\'t really have a lot of wiggle room to expect anything from him. She clearly proposed to him for a reason, so, if anything, she should be the one making an effort so that she could obtain whatever it was that compelled her to propose in the first place…

Remembering the Model Tiamat and Vahn\'s inordinately handsome appearance, it wasn\'t difficult for Tights to imagine why her sister might want to propose to him. She honestly couldn\'t blame her. Rather, if she had met Vahn before Bulma, there was a good chance she might have accosted him in a similar manner. She had been single going on thirteen years at this point, and, while she wasn\'t exactly desperate for companionship, encountering someone like Vahn couldn\'t even be called a once in a lifetime opportunity. It was the type of event that only occurred when fate was involved…

Looking towards her little sister, a trace of the envy Tights had always felt towards Bulma briefly appeared in her obsidian-blue eyes. She loved her sister dearly, but, as Sarina pointed out, Bulma behaved as if the entire world revolved around her. And why shouldn\'t she? She was born with an incomparably brilliant mind and an appearance that could contend with famous actresses and pop idols.

Though she had graduated from one of the most prestigious Universities on the planet at the age of 16, Tights had never felt proud of the achievement. Everyone was constantly comparing her to her much younger sister, and, despite pursuing the things she was interested in, her teachers had always told her she was wasting her potential by pursuing an MFA in Creating Writing rather than mathematics or science.

While others might have felt a sense of accomplishment upon obtaining their dream degree at the remarkably young age of 16, Tights\'s insecurities had driven her to run away from home when her father failed to show up for her graduation due to attending the closing ceremony of Bulma\'s Pre-school. After that, she abandoned her status as the heiress of Capsule Corp and temporarily cut ties with her family in order to prove she was capable of setting out and succeeding on her own.

In the end, Tights nearly lost her life less than a year later after accepting a contract to become the body-double for a famous idol. It was her chance encounter with Jaco and Dr. Omori that allowed her to make it out alive, so, shortly after the incident had been settled, she restored contact with her family and spent a several years sorting through her insecurities before finally becoming one of the most successful science-fiction writers on the planet…

Recalling the incident where a five-year-old Bulma had snuck into Jaco\'s ship and learned how to pilot it in minutes, the envy in Tights\'s eyes faded from existence as a faint smile developed across her face. For a moment, she had nearly set aside years of therapy and soul-searching. This wouldn\'t have helped anyone, so, after a moment of deliberation, she placed her hand on Bulma\'s shoulder, asking, "What, exactly, is the issue here? As far as I can tell, that Vahn fellow doesn\'t seem to be too upset by your behavior. Just go to him, kiss, and make up. Brooding and throwing a tantrum aren\'t going to fix anything."

Groaning in response to her elder sister\'s words, Bulma muttered, "You wouldn\'t understand…" in a pouty, almost defiant tone. This caused Tights\'s brow to twitch, as, even without Bulma explaining further, she got the impression the latter was referring to the fact she hadn\'t had a boyfriend since college. Even then, a lot of people had told her she was being taken advantage of because the boy was twenty-seven and she had just turned sixteen. In the end, they ended up being right, as, shortly after she abandoned her status as the heiress of Capsule Corp, he abandoned her.

"Listen here you little sh*t…you\'ve made your bed, now lie in it. If you\'re unwilling, don\'t blame me for making myself comfortable."

Without raising her head, Bulma sent a menacing glare towards her elder sister, threatening, "You wouldn\'t dare…"

Raising her hands in a \'what can you do?\' kind of manner, a teasing smile developed across Tights\'s face as she said, "Hey, he\'s already got a boatload of wives, right? If you\'re not gonna get your sh*t together, he may as well be free real estate from my points of view."

Though she didn\'t believe her sister would try to steal her man, Bulma couldn\'t be absolutely sure. After all, Vahn wasn\'t exactly a one woman kind of guy. He had confessed to having multiple wives and more than a hundred lovers. She wasn\'t sure if there were any sisters among that number but her intuition told her there must be. After all, if their situations were reversed, Bulma doubted she would be willing to let Tights monopolize the veritable bounty that was Vahn…

Making matters exponentially worse, Sarina surprised both sisters by saying, "That\'s not a bad idea. I\'ve been having a pretty difficult time dealing with Vahn on my own. With the two of you lending a hand, things would certainly be a lot easier. I don\'t really have experience with other men but I can declare with absolute certainty that Vahn is a beast in the bedroom…"

Without having to go into further detail, Sarina supported her claim by holding up her index fingers and spreading them nearly shoulder width apart. This left the sisters more than a little confused, as, despite their intelligence, both were socially awkward young women. The more obvious something was, the less likely they were to realize it. Sarina had also spread her fingers a little too far apart, so, even though they immediately suspected she was referring to a particular part of Vahn\'s body, they couldn\'t help thinking she was referencing something else…

Recovering a bit faster than her blonde counterpart, Bulma\'s voice was tainted with disbelief as she asked, "Are you serious…?"

Though she nodded her head, Sarina left Bulma and Tights feeling even more at a loss for words as she explained, "The size actually changes depending on the woman. Bulma has already seen it, but Vahn has the ability to change form at will. He can even transform into different people if he really wants to, but, more often than not, he just changes his size in accordance with his partner…"

Recalling that Vahn had, in fact, demonstrated his ability to become a young boy and an old man, a pensive expression developed across Bulma\'s face. As for Tights, she focused on something entirely different, asking, "Wait, does that mean you can…you know…take something that big…?"

Blushing fiercely in response to Tights\'s question, Sarina averted her eyes as a peculiar mixture of pride and shame washed over her. She was the one that had insisted Vahn not hold back on her account, so, while it had been a little difficult in the beginning, she could easily take his \'standard\' size without difficulty. It had been one of her secret objectives ever since she got a good look at it in the bath…


Opening her mouth, Tights looked like she wanted to say something but simply couldn\'t find the words. She couldn\'t be certain but Sarina had easily spread her fingers 25, maybe even 30cm apart. She knew there were people with even larger members involved in the making of porn, especially since the introduction of Animorphaline, but it was still difficult to imagine a girl who appeared to be the same age as her sister taking a meat stick the length of someone\'s forearm. As a result, she couldn\'t help thinking, ("Is it too late to take back my previous statement…?")


(A/N: Alternate Titles: \'Just imagine Vahn walking around with a marble bag filled with stars he has collected…\',\'Being the \'lesser\' prodigy in a prestigious family isn\'t easy…\',\'I kind of feel bad for Sarina if she\'s this desperate for relief. I think her pride had blinded her to the fact that Vahn would readily give her a break xD…\')

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