
Chapter 166

Before the officials could retort, the people’s faces below turned even more pale at her words. They really couldn’t imagine, if such horrendous things fall upon their families, their fields, their buildings, what kinds of consequences will befall them?

Gong Yi Mo looked straight ahead and sighed. “But it can also be used for good. I used it to excavate the canal; sixt to seven years of labor can be shortened by half! That’s why I’m standing here by boat at this time. Not only that, it can be used to build roads, open mountains, dig mines...there are many uses, but it can also cause massacres.”

She looked up at the silent Gong Sheng with a bitter smile. “So, Your Majesty, whether you are afraid, jealous, or angry, what does it matter! This thing, as long as the world isn’t morally prepared for its uses, I refuse to hand it over. Have you considered how many children you have from your countless concubines? You may be able to control this weapon while you’re alive, but what if you’re no longer there? Will their ambitions be smaller that yours? One evil though is enough to split the fertile soil.”

After that, she gazed deeply towards the people.

“In the past, I lied to everyone and claimed I was able to break apart mountains and rivers. In order to continue excavating the canal, I deceived you saying that the canal was built under Heaven’s will! I know that Lou Ye is planning against our kingdom. War is imminent, but I refuse to surrender this over. Everyone urges me to give it up, but I, Gong Yi Mo, stand by my words.”

After speaking, she knelt down, lowered her head, and confessed sincerely.

“Heaven forgive me, this Gong Yi Mo is guilty of grave sins. But I refuse to hand over this weapon and contribute to war. I, Gong Yi Mo, am guilty for involving the crown prince into such a situation, causing even his life and death to become uncertain! I, Gong Yi Mo, am a sinner, but I ask that the Ninth Prince will not suffer for my sins! Please save him!”

The more she spoke, the louder her voice, as if she were reading a ‘Book of Sinners’ to the heavens! She seemed dissatisfied and rebellious! Her every word seemed to be filled with grief and tears! However, her face remained cold, and not a trace of mocking can be found between her words.

At last, she turned her pale face towards the emperor and smiled weakly.

“And Your Majesty, this Gong Yi Mo is guilty, but I am willing to accept all punishment and take responsibility...

And you, are you sure you can retain this weapon?

...Have you ever thought about the consequences of getting what is mine? The ambition of unifying the Central Plains along with the struggles over imperial power are likely to trap countless people in fire and water because of your contentions. Have you really considered these consequences at that time when your ambitions swelled? Do you really deserve the people of this kingdom?”

Gong Sheng’s face turned pale and he couldn’t reply. He looked at the people below. At this time, the civilians seemed to be afraid. The emperor’s direct stare caused them to be guarded, as if his will could determine their life and death.

But emperor Gong Sheng couldn’t help it! He had never seen something as powerful as gunpowder in the past, and he tried to comfort himself saying that those around him were merely exaggerating its might. But now that he’s witnessed it for himself, if he doesn’t acquire it personally, what would happen if those from other countries take it?!

He couldn’t help but think of this issue!

What oath, what commitment can’t he make that a mere woman like Gong Yi Mo can do?

Not unless she dies!

Gong Yi Mo stood up slowly and stared straight at Gong Sheng’s murderous eyes. Her heart ached and she couldn’t stop her tears from falling.

“Father...Do you remember that I am your daughter?!”

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