
Chapter 166 - OBSESSED 5

Chapter 166 - OBSESSED 5

Eyes wide with relief, I continue to stare at my friend, tears falling down my cheeks in abundance. My gaze landed in her chest, the bullets were still there but she wasn\'t fatally wounded like what I initially thought.

Her only alarming injury was the bullet wound in her right shoulder which was still bleeding. The bulletproof vest she\'s wearing underneath her oversized shirt saved her from a life threatening injury.

Hot stream of tears flowed even more from my eyes while she looked at me. "It\'s alright Phoenix," Catherine Grace whispered with reassurance as she slowly made her way towards me.

I blinked several times as I tried to stop the tears but it won\'t stop flowing. Hearing her speak to me again made me feel better and lighter. A heavy burden was lifted off my chest.

She\'s fine…. I almost couldn\'t believe it.

I thought I\'d lost a best friend.

When she reached my side, she let the gun she\'s holding drop on the tiled floor. She grabbed the steel dagger from the holster hidden in her waist before kneeling to the floor and proceeded on slashing the rope that tightly binds my wrists.

Relief surged inside me when the rope fell to the floor like a dead snake. I stretched my hands until blood started to flow on my fingers. It felt good to feel my fingers again.

Catherine Grace closed her dagger and returned it back to its holster. She then held her hand to me. "It\'s all over now, Phoenix… We are all safe… That\'s all what matters."

I took her hand and she gently helped me get up. The warmth of her palms comforted me. I slowly relaxed.

The moment I was standing on my feet, I held her hand tightly.?"Thank you Cat. If it weren\'t for you Ace and I would end up dead." I murmured.

A thousand thank you would never be enough to express my gratitude at the moment. I held her hand tightly instead. That way, she would feel how thankful I am.

"I\'m glad you\'re safe." Catherine Grace said unmindful of her bleeding wound.

"I-I\'m fine…. It\'s you I\'m worried about. You\'re still bleeding." I said, my eyes eyeing her wounded shoulders with worry.

"I\'m fine…. I won\'t die from this." She replied, shrugging her shoulders. She gently tapped my back, urging me to come to Ace who was slumped on the floor, his back leaning on the wall.

I was so relieved to see Catherine Grace alive that I nearly forgot about Ace.

"Ace…" I murmured and slowly walked towards his direction.

I walked past Vince\'s body. I nearly threw up when my eyes landed on the gunshot on his chest and the pool of blood surrounding him. The morbid scene was too much for me to bear so I looked away.

I wasn\'t surprised that I felt nothing when I stared at Vince\'s dead body. I don\'t even feel sorry for him.?He deserved it all. Actually he deserved more than that. I hope he will rot in hell for everything he did for us.

"Ace…" I said softly when I reached his side. "It\'s over." I added and slumped beside him on the floor.

He opened his eyes which were closed. He looked up to me and smiled, "I\'m glad you are safe." He said as tears welled on his exquisite blue eyes.

I mirrored his smile. Tears clouded my vision as I looked at him. I thought I would lose him tonight. I was so damn scared.

"Come here love," He pulled me close then wrapped his arms around me as if he didn\'t want to let go. I rested my head on his strong shoulders and wrapped my arms around his neck.

That moment as he kept me into his arms, my world stopped spinning. I felt safe and secure while he held me as if he would allow no one to take me away from him. It\'s amazing to think he was able to vanish my fears in just a blink of an eye by just holding me.

The moment was so magical that no words could describe the relief we both felt as we held each other. We spent the minutes clinging to one another as if it would be the last time we could be together.

However, the joy we felt was only temporary….

An ear shattering scream filled the four corners of the room.

My eyes fluttered open and my eyes widened in shock when my gaze landed to

Vince\'s. His right arm was raised to the air. The gun in his grip was aimed at my direction.

Catherine\'s warning was all too late. Vince unceremoniously pulls the trigger. The sound of gunshot reverberated inside the room.

Things happened in extreme slow motion. Before I could make a move, Ace pulled me tighter into his arms and covered my body with his own.

Another gunshot fired and I witnessed Vince\'s body drop to the floor. This time he was undoubtedly dead after the bullet from Catherine\'s gun landed straight to his heart.

I was about to ask if Ace was fine when his heavy weight fell on top of me. A horrified gasp escaped my lips when he stopped moving.

"Ace!?" I called his name but there was no response. I called his name over and over again without me realizing I was half screaming from panic. There was no response.

I pushed his body and he landed on the floor beside me. When I looked into my hands, I realized it was filled with blood.

When my gaze shifted to Ace, I saw blood leaking from his head down to his face. A piercing scream erupted from my lips and I cradled his blood stained head into my arms.

"Ace…. Please wake up…?Answer me please." I pleaded in a hoarse whisper but only it was silence that answered back.

Why does it need to happen? I asked myself one last time before succumbing to a heart wrenching sob that shook my whole body.

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