
Chapter 129 - DISCOVERY

Chapter 129 - DISCOVERY

It was pitch black outside when we sneaked inside the Greyson building. The peaceful night was disturbed by the flash of lightning and it was followed by the deafening sound of thunder. The rain began to pour heavily from the sky. The timing is just great. Who would have thought that we would invade the building at a very unlikely time.

Clad in a black overall, we managed to successfully trespass the heavy guarded back entrance after Lucas single-handedly defeated the roving guards. I walked past the bodies lying on the floor. There are ten of them in total. The guards weren\'t dead, only unconscious. Lucas used brute force to knock them down. He then fished a small vial inside his pocket and poured it in a handkerchief.

To make sure the guards wouldn\'t wake up and cause trouble, he pressed the handkerchief into the men\'s nose. Once they inhale the scent, the powerful drug would make them sleep for at least two hours.That would be more than enough time to look for evidence that could be used against Vince.

Lucas signaled me to go ahead. I nodded and left him there to take care of the bodies. I climbed the stairs that would take me to the eighth floor where the CEO\'s office was located. The area was safe since Lucas successfully disabled the CCTV on the stairs but I shouldn\'t let my guard down. \'Expect the unexpected\' I am a strong believer of that saying. I must be prepared when things don\'t go as planned.

When I finally reached the top of the stairs, I was out of breath. I have to lean on the wall for a few short minutes for support. After my breathing went back to normal, I headed for the office of the CEO.

Just like I expected, five armed guards were posted just in front of the door. When I was still the CEO of Greyson Enterprises, only a single guard was assigned to that spot. The fact that Vinced tightened the security proves one thing—he was hiding something that no one should know—tonight I shall find out.

I stood hidden beside an indoor ornamental plant and thought of a plan. I could beat two to three guards all at the same time. However, it\'s impossible for me to handle five men who not only look strong but possess the bulky muscles of a wrestler. What was Vince thinking when he hired the five of them?

My stepbrother made sure that no intruder could walk past his office especially at night.

After taking a deep, long breath, I finally decided to knock them unconscious. Not by force of course, I\'m no match for them. Since I\'m running out of options, I need to use the special gun Lucas had given me. It was supposed to be reserved for emergencies but I have no better use of it than this moment.

The gun was provided by the company Lucas worked as a secret agent. It was specialized to make the target unconscious and then when the target wakes up, he will not remember a single detail of what happened. Very useful, I thought with a sense of satisfaction and groped for the gun hidden behind my back.

The gun will not make a sound. That is another useful advantage when using the gun. The target would not know what hit him until he falls to the floor, unconscious.

I checked the time on my luminous wrist watch and smiled. It\'s almost time for two of the guards to take a thirty minutes break.

Patiently, I stood hidden in my place and waited until I heard footsteps. When the two reached the spot where I concealed myself, I fired the gun twice, and watched the two bulky men drop to the floor. Their strength would be no use now.

Footsteps running sounded on the hallway after the remaining three guards saw their ally fall to the floor. When they reached the unconscious men on the floor, I wasted no time?and fired the gun then watched the three lose their consciousness and lay sprawled on the floor together with their fallen companions.

The men guarding the CEO\'s office were all unconscious.?I took them down without even sweating.

Relieved to settle the matter without blood spilling on the floor, I sighed and headed to the CEO\'s room. I walked casually on the long dark hallways, aware that the CCTV cameras were disabled in that area. Thanks to Lucas handling the matter for me, it\'s now easier for me to wander around the area free of worry.

At last, I reached the door of the office. Using Vince\'s card access, I managed to effortlessly open the door. I couldn\'t use my own pass since the security could track down that it was mine so I used my step brother\'s stolen access card instead. This way, it would be much safer.

I gingey entered the place. The sudden nostalgic feeling I waited to flood inside failed to come. Surprisingly, I felt nothing at all.

It\'s been a while since the last time I stepped inside this place and the office looks so different now. If it weren\'t for my brother\'s name written on top of the table I would even think I entered the wrong door.

Vince did an intense change over the room after he took over as the CEO. Nothing inside the room was the same as the previous arrangements. The old furniture that used to be there were?gone. It was all replaced by brand new ones which must have cost the company a huge fortune.

The office lost it\'s respectable appeal. It now looked so unorganized that watching it gave me a pounding headache. What has Vince done to his office? Not that I care but it was laughable. No respectable employee would want to enter this place.

What is the bed doing inside the office? This room is for business and not for pleasure. I wouldn\'t even wonder If I were to discover the Greyson Enterprises were reaching bankruptcy.

The files on top of the table were in complete disarray. I wonder what Vince hired his secretary for if she couldn\'t even maintain his table organized.

I let go a deep, exasperated sigh. Looking for evidence inside this office never crossed my mind to be this challenging. I have no idea where I should start looking.

The files scattered on top of the table would be the first thing I needed to check.?I followed my instinct and found myself picking the files on top.

The instant my eyes read the first words written, my temples scrunched in confusion. I moved closer to the only light?coming from the ceiling and read the document once more.

A resignation letter? The letter was not from an ordinary employee but from the Chief Financial Officers who had been working in the company for the past five years. The said man is a huge asset for the company. If he resigns, the company would lose one of its best employees.

I returned the paper on top of the table. I released the breath I didn\'t know I was holding and picked the files carelessly tossed on the floor so I could inspect them.

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