
Chapter 361 - You’ve been fooled by him (3)

As soon as he sat down, Old Mr. Shen sighed and said, “Okay, since Ye Zhen is here as well, I am just going to rip the band-aid off. Each one of these pieces of evidence could land you in jail! Have you considered their impact on the Lu Corporation when you commit these felonies?”

If that happened and the CEO of Lu Corporation ended up in jail for trafficking and corruption, the news would spread in a mere few days and the Lu Corporation’s stock price would plummet as well as the morale of their employees. Customers that they have worked with in the past and those considering working with them would give things more thoughts. The Lu Corporation would be hurting for a while.

And, when that happened, those who stood to lose the most were these board members sitting there right now.

“As an elder of yours, I can’t just sit by and watch you commit these felonies. As a buddy of your grandfather, I cannot watch you throw away his life’s work! Beichuan, look at Grandpa Shen and tell me, did you or did you not commit these felonies?!”

Lu Beichuan looked up at Old Mr. Shen coldly.

“Trafficking? Corruption? Tax evasion?” Lu Beichuan flipped open the documents in front of him. Just as Old Mr. Shen had said, the evidence in the document looked solid and unquestionable.

Lu Beichuan flipped through all of them and finally closed the folder back up.

“What if I did? And what if I didn’t?”

“Great if you didn’t commit those. If you did, indeed, commit them, then Grandpa Shen cannot just sit by and watch you drag the Lu Corporation down with you!” Holding onto his cane, Old Mr. Shen looked very authoritative. “The Lu Corporation will still belong to the Lu family, but your spot will be taken over by Lu Shaoyan!”

Little buddies looked up at him. “Where did you get this evidence, Sir?”

“You don’t worry about how I come across this evidence. You just need to say whether you have committed these felonies or not!”

Lu Beichuan pushed the stack of documents over to Old Mr. Shen while he looked at him calmly. His eyes shone like the blade of a knife and sharp like that of an eagle.


“This evidence pointed to the fact that…”

“If I am speculating correctly, you have gotten these from Lu Shaoyan, no?”

Old Mr. Shen paused a little.

Lu Beichuan smiled and sighed. “Sir, you’ve been fooled by him. All these were fabricated.”

“How could they be fabricated!” Old Mr. Shen was enraged. “I have looked into each and every single one of these myself!”

Lu Beichuan did not engage with him further. He placed a call. The door to the conference room opened up and his assistant brought with him two cops as he entered the conference room.

Lu Beichuan handed the documents over to the cops in person. “Someone is accusing me of trafficking and corruption. Here is the evidence. I hope you can look into this matter in detail and prove my innocence.”

Something was off. Cops could not have arrived so quickly.

“If the evidence were real, the cops will come and arrest me. As for the Lu Corporation, you wouldn’t need to worry about that, Old Mr. Shen.” Having said that, Lu Beichuan turned to the others in the conference room, smiled, and said, “It’s now break time. Please take a break and we shall resume our meeting at 2 PM.”

Having said that, Lu Beichuan walked out of the conference room while holding Ye Zhen’s hand.

Those in the conference room whispered to each other and turned to look at Old Mr. Shen suspiciously. Nobody ended up asking him anything but left the conference room in groups of twos and threes.

Old Mr. Shen could barely breathe. His mind was filled with all kinds of questions and shock. As manipulative as he had been for years, he had no idea how things ended up the way that they did!

Had Lu Beichuan not been readied for today, the cops would not have shown up just like that. If the evidence were real, Lu Beichuan would not have handed them over to the cops so confidently. If they were fabricated like he said… then why did Lu Shaoyan lie to him?!

Not to mention that he had sent his men to look into the evidence and they had confirmed to him that they were accurate!

Old Mr. Shen walked out of the conference room with the help of his butler and ran into Lu Shaoyan in the hallway.

“What is going on? Lu Beichuan wasn’t phased by that evidence at all. Didn’t you tell me that…”

“Oh, those?” Lu Shaoyan scratched his head and put on an apologetic look. “Sorry, I fooled you. Those pieces of evidence were fabricated.”

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