
Chapter 26 - Who's Stronger?

Evan didn\'t understand what the phrase meant.

<The first Pillar of Lion Sigil?> He was in shock from the previous incredible scene: the maw of a demogorgon and a huge black lion, and now this strange thing.

<Well, at least I\'ve made some progress in this Sin system, that\'s good enough. I think I\'ll learn more and more over time until I understand absolutely everything>.

Evan slowly got up from the bed and looked at the steam that filled the room.

<Is this all because of me? By the way, why did I see my past body in that dimension?> Evan had died in a past world and had no chance of survival. He was well aware of that. But that\'s also why he was so shocked by what he had seen.

"Eh, the longer I\'m in this world, the more mysteries and questions become, and there are almost no answers."

Evan shook his head and headed for the exit of his room. To his surprise, he felt just fine. The marks from Zak\'s attack were completely gone and there wasn`t any pain at all. On the contrary, he felt even better than before.

Evan couldn`t look at himself from the side since there was no mirror in his room. But if someone had seen him, they would have been very surprised at how much Evan had changed.

His body was even thinner than before, but it was muscular, as if Evan had trained for years on end. Every muscle in his body was sculptured quite well. His hair had grown back slightly and was much thicker, and even his height had increased by a few centimeters.

Despite the steam that filled the room, Evan easily reached the door and touched the handle.


"What!?" It took only a little effort for Evan to pull the door off its hinges.

<What? I`ve become several times stronger while I was sleeping...> While Evan was thinking about it, one of the maids ran up to him.

As soon as Evan came out of his room all the steam abruptly escaped outside, which caught the girl\'s attention.

"Mr. Evan do you have a problem?" The girl stared in amazement at the outgoing steam, the broken door, and Evan\'s changed appearance.

The young man came to his senses upon hearing her voice and carefully placed the door on the floor trying not to break anything else.

"Don\'t worry. I`m okay. Do you know where Commander Zak is?" It felt like Evan had only slept a couple of hours, so by his calculations it should be lunchtime by now.

Strangely enough, he turned out to be right.

"Oh, Mr. Zak is having lunch right now. Would you like me to take you there?"

Evan shook his head in response and said calmly: "Don`t bother yourself" After these words, he headed toward the dining hall.

<Hmm? What\'s wrong with my hands?">. Evan noticed how his arms had visibly thinned out, but were also much more muscular.

<Okay, it\'s not that important. I have to meet Zak.>

Evan walked into the dining hall a few minutes later and saw Zak. Unlike the last time, he was all alone now. There was no Margaret or any maids, just Zak and a mountain of food that was rapidly disappearing in his mouth.

"Oh, Evan. You\'re finally awake!" Said Zak, tearing a large piece of meat off the bone.

"Yeah, you`ve certainly hit me hard."

"AHAHA, don\'t be mad, I only did it because I thought you were dangerous. Which means you outdid yourself. And as I see it, the pill did its job to the best of its ability. Except I don\'t understand why you slept all day."

"All day?" This news was shocking to Evan.

"Okay, never mind. Sit down and eat, I think you`re very hungry."

Evan nodded and walked over to one of the seats. He slowly sat down on a chair, but immediately a loud crackling sound was heard.


The chair broke apart and Evan fell to the ground in surprise. He wasn\'t the only one surprised, Zak didn\'t understand what had just happened either.

"Did they really sell me a defective chair?!" Zak thought he had been cheated and slipped some fake furniture, made of cheap materials.

"I don\'t think it was the seller\'s fault." Said Evan and walked over to the next chair. As soon as he pressed down on the seat...


Just like the last time, the chair just fell apart.

Zak looked at Evan in amazement, not understanding how Evan could have such power.

Evan shrugged and answered simply: "I don`t know. When I woke up, there was a lot of steam around me. And as soon as I tried to open the door, I broke it out of the opening."

Zak put the cutlery aside and looked intently at Evan. His gaze stopped at Evan\'s suddenly muscled muscles, and Zak came to a definite conclusion.

"Maybe it\'s all because of the pill I gave you. Maybe, because your, such a serious wound healed so quickly, then your whole body got stronger. You\'re like an anomaly."



While Zak pondered Evan\'s unusual transformation, he had already begun eating. The young man didn`t sit down in the chair and was very careful to take food from the table. He understood that he needed to get used to his new power so he wouldn\'t break everything.

"Commander Zak, I assume you had a rough night?" Said Evan pointing to the bandage on Zak\'s neck.

"AHAHA, yep. Margaret and I got a good night\'s rest. You can pick any maid you want and brighten up your evening, too."

"Thank you, but don\'t. I don\'t like it when my partner has no reciprocal interest and desire. It\'s too boring and uninteresting."

Zak stared at Evan and said slowly: "And I\'m not talking about those who have no desire. We\'re not barbarians after all."

Evan smiled weakly in response and continued eating. He loved women, but at that moment, training was more important to him. Evan wanted to get stronger and get deeper into the world of magic as quickly as possible.


Evan ate to his heart\'s content and drank half a clay jug of wine.

"Evan, since you\'ve gotten stronger, would you like to spar, just not the usual one? You need to take a break from fighting and work your magic hard. How about a quick arm wrestling?"

The young man was interested in the proposal and easily agreed, but one thing bothered him.

"Commander Zak, can this table really hold our strength?" The chairs had broken very easily so Evan thought the table would suffer the same fate.

"No need to worry. This table is a gift from my good friend. It\'s made of Crystal Oak. A very rare and incredibly strong wood. This table will easily withstand at least ten of my blows at full force." Saying this, Zak had a big smile on his face. He was obviously very pleased with his table.

"Well, since you say so, let\'s get on with it."

Evan, along with Zak, struck a pose and squeezed each other\'s hands together. Naturally, Evan knew there was no way he could win this contest against Zak. But he certainly wanted to test his strength.

"Ready? Then on three. One, two, three!"

As soon as the signal sounded, their arm wrestling battle began.

In the first instant, Zak felt Evan\'s incredible strength.

<What\'s wrong with this guy? Only a day ago I could have easily handled with him, without any problems>

Zak was surprised by Evan\'s strength.


Their battle was over in one second. For as soon as Zak felt Evan\'s strength, he instantly put in some effort and defeated the young man.


Evan smiled and sighed. He wasn\'t surprised by the result. At least he got Zak to strain in a duel of pure physical strength, which pleased him a lot.

"Well done, Evan. You\'re still a long way from me, of course, but you\'ve really gotten a lot stronger. I think you should concentrate on magic for now and leave some time for training." Zak decided to praise the young man to boost his morale.

"Commander Zak, I\'d like to show you one thing."

Evan had been putting it off earlier. At that moment, he thought it was the right time to find out what kind of root he had taken from the merchant.

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