
Chapter 148 - The Arrival of An Imperial Edict

Chapter 148: The Arrival of An Imperial Edict

Translator: DragonRider

“An imperial edict is going to be delivered to your family tomorrow morning. Please get prepared to welcome the edict bearer.

Marshal, His Majesty also specially sent a message to you, so please get prepared as well.”

The one who had come to Ling family was responsible for informing them beforehand that an imperial edict was about to be delivered to them, so that they could make preparations for welcoming the edict bearer.

Ling Zhaowen, on behalf of the whole family, expressed gratitude to the messenger. The man then told Yuwen Tong about the message from the emperor.

“I see,” replied Yuwen Tong.

“Then I think it’s time for me to leave. I still have to go to the Prefecture Yamen and the Prefecture Encampment to inform them,” said the man.

Ling Zhang saw that man out of the residence. At the gateway, the man declined Ling Zhang’s kind offer to walk him further and then left.

The arrival time of this imperial edict would be neither too early nor too late. It would be the exact time that Ling Zhang and Yuwen Tong had anticipated.

“Once the imperial edict arrives, we shall depart for the capital city,” observed Yuwen Tong.

Ling Zhang inclined his head. Though having been prepared for this for quite some time, the thought of leaving home still made his heart ache.

Because of the imperial edict that was going to be delivered to them, people of Ling family started bustling again.

The next morning, the team responsible for delivering imperial edicts arrived in Tanyang. They came to the residence of Ling family first, so people of Ling family had not waited long.

The day before, when the messenger told people of Ling family there was an imperial edict for them, they thought that the emperor just sent them a short message in passing, that the edict meant for Yuwen Tong was the more important one.

Unexpectedly, in the first imperial edict, the emperor complimented Ling family?–Ling Xingzhong, to be precise. The general meaning was that the early resignation of Ling Xingzhong had been quite a pity, that if it weren’t for the old age of Ling Xingzhong, he would have recalled Ling Xingzhong to the capital city and reinstated him. After that, the emperor praised Ling Zhaowen and motivated him to work hard, saying that he would grant Ling Zhaowen a promotion as long as he passed the test two years later. After praising Ling Zhaowen, the paid Ling Zhang a compliment, saying that since Ling Zhang was intellectually talented and moral, he had decided to specially offer him a place at the Imperial College. The last part of the edict was about a handsome reward granted to Ling family.

At first they were confused, but afterwards they understood what was going on.

The emperor’s compliment was nothing but fancy words. The place at the Imperial College granted to Ling Zhang was the only thing with practical meaning, and there was nothing else.

But even if Ling Zhang had not been offered this place at the Imperial College, he could still go to the Oriental Proprieties Academy, which was just as good as the Imperial College. Since the academic atmosphere had raised some concerns during these years, Ling Zhang believed that by comparison, the Oriental Proprieties Academy was actually a much better choice.

Ling Zhang felt rather awkward but still had to respectfully express his gratitude and take the edict with both hands.

Yuwen Tong also had a slightly cold look in his eyes in the knowledge that there had been a lot of scandals concerning the Imperial College over the past few years, that the emperor’s offer to let Ling Zhang study in that college was by no means a kind one.

In the second imperial edict, which was meant for Yuwen Tong, the emperor praised him for his great victory in the battle in the north-west against the Wan Kingdom, asked him to returned to the capital city to accept his reward, and also ordered that Yuwen Tong was to depart within three days.

All of them were very reluctant to obey the orders of the emperor written in these two imperial edicts. It was just that they didn’t show their reluctance on their faces.

The eunuch who had delivered the imperial edicts seemed to be well acquainted with Yuwen Tong. In a joyous tone of voice, he congratulated Yuwen Tong on the great victory he had secured as well as his enviable engagement, his smile so big that the wrinkles on his face deepened considerably.

“Then I shall wait for Marshal’s further notice at the courier station after I deliver another two imperial edicts.”

Yuwen Tong blandly gave a bob of his head. “Thank you for your trouble.”

Ling Zhang saw that Yao Yi secretly stuffed a signed check into the hand of the eunuch when he was leaving, which Ling Zhang believed was definitely of a large denomination.

Ling Zhaowen also had a servant do the same thing.

The money that this eunuch had received during this visit to Ling family to deliver imperial edicts was more than the yearly overall expenses of a common squire.

Yuwen Tong, who noticed the puzzlement on Ling Zhang’s face, explained to him, “These eunuchs stay in the imperial palace serving the emperor almost all year around, which means that they can easily make trouble for you if they intend to. This money is just a small price to pay. There’s no need to offend them for such a petty matter.”

Ling Zhang replied, “Oh.” He felt that he had learned yet another piece of finesse.

After the incense burner table was removed, people of Ling family returned to the ante-room, sat down and had the servants leave.

“Exactly what did His Majesty mean by having Zhang’er go to the Imperial College to study?” asked Ling Xingzhong with a frown on his face.

“Tao Yi once told me that the atmosphere in the Imperial College had been rather questionable these years, that there had been intense wrangles between factions. If Zhang’er suddenly goes to the Imperial College just like this...” Ling Zhaowen also knitted his eyebrows.

“Then what should we do?” asked Fu Caiwei in a worried tone of voice.

“Grandfather, uncle, aunt, what’s done is done. No matter how bad the situation is in the Imperial College, sooner or later people will sort things out. It’s just that His Majesty’s wording in the edict was somewhat obscure, and I don’t know what his true intention is,” replied Ling Zhang.

“That’s true. Though the imperial edict...” Ling Zhaowen gave a little cough and then continued, “but almost every remark was suggesting another possibility.”

No matter what the true intention of the emperor was, he had not categorically stated his stand in the imperial edict, neither expressing his displeasure with this engagement between them nor offering to directly promote any members of Ling family to higher positions. He had just been ambiguously describing some possibilities, so people of Ling family were somewhat confused about what the emperor truly had in mind.

Ling Zhang looked at Yuwen Tong, and so did the others.

“Marshal, you should know His Majesty better than we do. What do you think His Majesty meant?” asked Ling Zhaowen.

After a few moments’ silence, Yuwen Tong responded, “His Majesty dislikes others conjecturing his intentions. No matter what the purpose of this imperial edict is, it’s not making life any more difficult for you. I’ll figure it out when we are in the capital city. Old Master Ling, Uncle Ling, rest assured, since I’ve decided to take Ling Zhang to the capital city, I promise I’ll keep him safe and no harm will come to him.”

Ling Zhang sitting beside him gave a slight frown. ‘Why is this guy being so conservative? He definitely has already come to understand what the emperor meant.’

When they returned to the Green Bamboo Mansion, Ling Zhang asked Yuwen Tong, “Why wasn’t you being honest just now?”

Yuwen Tong took his seat and replied, “I didn’t want your grandfather and others to be worried. What else could the emperor possibly mean? He likes speaking ambiguously the most, because he wants to hide his true intentions from other. Given that the engagement between us was disclosed quite suddenly, there were definitely many of his plans in the capital city that were upset. The emperor is taking a wait-and-see attitude. He is also uncertain about where he should stand with Ling family, so he wants us to go back to the capital city as soon as possible, since only after we go back to the capital city will he be able to make a final decision.”

After hearing this, Ling Zhang felt even more uneasy. “Plans? What else does he want to do?”

The expression on Yuwen Tong’s face was a little strange.

Ling Zhang fixed him with a stare of suspicion and slightly squinted his eyes. “What? You can’t tell me?”

Yuwen Qi gave a cough and replied, “Haven’t you already heard it from Yuwen Qi?”

Ling Zhang was reduced to speechlessness.

He stared at Yuwen Tong for quite a while and suddenly sneered.

“Were you referring to the emperor’s intention of marrying the princess to you?”

Yuwen Tong lapsed into silence in the realization that it was dangerous to speak at this moment.

“That’s good. Isn’t it amazing to marry a princess? It’s the kind of marriage most people only dream about.” Ling Zhang kept gazing at him.

Yuwen Tong immediately observed, “Those princess? They are either obstinate and wilful or terribly calculating. Even if?–and that’s a big if?–there is one of them who is an exception, she would definitely be someone...” Yuwen Tong gave a cough and continued, “Had I wanted to marry a princess, I would have done it years ago. You are the only one I want to marry, and I will say so to any other woman, no matter she’s a princess or a goddess.”

“Is that so?”

“No matter what, if I am to fall for anybody, that person will definitely be you. And if I am to marry anybody, that person will also definitely be you. If you forsake me, I’ll have to die a bachelor?–no, that’s a little too sad?–I’ll follow in your wake for the rest of my life.”

Ling Zhang was reduced to speechlessness.

‘Alas, this guy didn’t even pause for breath while saying these words. What a thick-skinned guy.’

“Since it has already come to your knowledge that the emperor wants you to marry the princess, what do you plan to do after returning to the capital city?”

Yuwen Tong gave a tap on the surface of the table and replied, “Isn’t you who are supposed to think about what to do? You should at least try figuring something out. I mean, I’m your future husband.”

The last remark brought an involuntary twitch to the corner of Ling Zhang’s mouth. “Husband? Ha. It’s hard to say who will be who’s husband.”

Yuwen Tong subtly gave a brief pause and then responded stubbornly, “Even so, you should also try to figure out a way. Surely you are nervous about it, aren’t you? I mean, someone’s been coveting me!”

Ling Zhang cocked an eyebrow at him. “If you choose somebody else, I’ll forsake you. Why should I let this thing bother me?”

Yuwen Tong fell speechless.

He felt a little upset.

And he believed that he had to do something to console himself on an occasion like this.

So he reached out his hand, drew Ling Zhang into his arms and said, “I fear that it might be you who chooses somebody else.”

After saying this, he kissed Ling Zhang.

An astonished look flashed across Ling Zhang’s eyes and eventually, he stretched out his hands, held Yuwen Tong’s back and kissed him back of his own accord.

This reaction dissolved Yuwen Tong’s composure, leaving nothing but how to kiss in his mind which was smart enough to lead the whole Northwestern Army...

After quite a while, Ling Zhang, whose lips had swelled due to the long vigorous kiss, had no choice but to push him away and, panting for breath, reprimanded, “That’s enough!”

With a fervent expression in his eyes, Yuwen Tong adjusted some part of Ling Zhang’s body and said in a husky voice, “That’s far from enough.”

This remark made Ling Zhang’s blood freeze. His body felt as though it would explode.

Naturally, such a long kiss had brought a normal reaction to his normal body. When Yuwen Tong did that, his waist instantly fell limp.

Yuwen Tong immediately held him tight and whispered something into his ears.

A pink flush spread over Ling Zhang’s cheeks. “No!”

After quite a while, Yuwen Tong heaved a sigh. “You are being so cruel.”

Ling Zhang pushed him away and didn’t dare to hug him again for fear that something bad might happen.

It took the two of them quite some time to calm themselves down. Then Ling Zhang said, “Just now my uncle sent someone to tell me that he’d like to talk to me. I’ve got to go there.”

After saying this, he adjusted his clothes and then left.

Yuwen Tong watched him leaving and then sat down, a cold look in his eyes.

The eunuch, who had come to deliver the imperial edict this morning, had clearly been unenthusiastic to people of Ling family, which Yuwen Tong believed was definitely because the emperor had given the eunuch some kind of order.

‘He’s not dealing Ling family a head-down blow at the first encounter. He’s trying to face me down.

This is ridiculous. Has he any idea to whom he owes his throne?’ Yuwen Tong thought.

Originally, Yuwen Tong had had no intention of taking any action in the next few years, but after what happened on this day, he felt that he should carry out the plan ahead of schedule to spare himself some bad moods.


On the other side of the residence, Ling Zhang went to see Ling Zhaowen.

“Uncle, is there anything particular that you want to talk to me about?” asked Ling Zhang.

Ling Zhaowen inclined his head and produced a letter from behind his desk. There was no words on the envelope.

Ling Zhang cocked an inquisitive eyebrow at Ling Zhaowen and took the letter.

“You grandfather wants me to keep the matter of your mother secret from you, but after some thinking, I feel that you deserve to be informed of it. Don’t open the letter when you are still at home. You may read it after your departure,” Ling Zhaowen told him, a serious look on his face.

Startled, Ling Zhang held the letter tight. “Uncle...”

“Don’t blame you grandfather. He did it out of his own concerns,” said Ling Zhaowen. “You’ll come to understand after reading the letter.”

Ling Zhang put the letter into his inner pocket. “Thank you, Uncle.”

“Do take care of yourself during this journey to the capital city,” said Ling Zhaowen.

Ling Zhang inclined his head with a solemn face. “I will.”

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