
Chapter 415: Confidence In His Love For Her

Chapter 415: Confidence In His Love For Her

A while later, she found herself in the condiment aisle, consumed in a tough debate between two types of mayonnaise. Lost in thought, it startled her when something landed in her cart with a clanking noise.

She looked up to find Mo Qingchen smiling at her. He had been roaming around the shop while she got straight to what she needed. She peered into the cart to see what it was and felt her eyebrow shoot up as she turned to him.

"Lube? Really?"

He smiled. "You know me. I am always thinking of my wife first."

She rolled her eyes. "Is that right?" she teased.

"Forty-eight hours of sex, Qian Meng. We don\'t want any chaffing."

"So, you don\'t plan to eat or sleep?" she questioned lightly.

"Nope!" He was as chirpy as always.

"Guess I can just put these things back."

He laughed as he came up behind her, reaching around her to grab the mayo he knew I liked, and tossed it into the card.

"Take it," he answered as his hands found her hips and he dipped his head down to kiss her cheek. "We can always use it for more lube if we run out."

"Ew…" I drawled out, shuddering despite her laughter. "You\'re really something else. You know that?" she mused, reaching to place the other pack back into the shelf.

"I do."

Qian Meng started to push the cart back down the aisle and he fell in step with her. "Perfectly designed for you."

He rubbed his hand across her shoulder and there it was again. It was the urge to melt into his touch. But then, his phone rang, a reminder that it wasn\'t time for that yet.

"I am surprised you have reception out here."

"I won\'t at the house. I made sure."

"Answer then."

He reached into his pocket and silence the device without looking at it. "Whoever it is can fuck off," he replied. "At least for the weekend."

That made her smile. She wasn\'t na?ve to think he could reject all calls, but the fact that he was so dedicated to their weekend together warmed her heart.

It solidified her resolve to finally reveal her feelings to him about the baby thing before the weekend was over. She didn\'t plan to tell him while they were away, just in case he reacted less than favorably, but she did plan to tell him before they went back on Monday. The reminder of her confidence in his love for her definitely helped put her at ease.

"There\'s a liquor store next door," Mo Qingchen commented as they rounded a corner. "Should I grab some wine while you finish up here?"

Apparently, those words meant that Mo Qingchen was independently studying every bottle he came across. She had finished shopping, paid for everything, and made her way over to the liquor store. Mo Qingchen was still browsing. She was content to let him do his thing, though.

He was a man of excellent taste in food and beverage.

She scrolled through social media while he selected his favorite brand. She only looked up when his phone started to ring again.

"This is the fourth time that number has called," he muttered as he looked at the screen with a frown.

"Just answer it."

He sighed as he swiped his finger across the screen.

"Mo Qingchen."

She smirked to herself, loving the sound of the authoritative bite in his voice that was always present when he took a business-related call. She loved that shit. "Yes," he continued. "I see."

The frown on his face deepened, and she began to wonder if something bad had happened. "Thanks for letting me know."

"Is everything okay?" Qian Meng asked as he ended the call.

He looked over at her and for a moment, he just stared blankly.

"Bai Ye Qing is dead."

- - - - - -

They didn\'t speak for the rest of the way to the cabin. It wasn\'t a tense silence, but it was clear they were both lost in thought. She hadn\'t even noticed Mo Qingchen put the car in park and staring at her.

"What are you thinking about?"

She frowned as she turned to him, unsure how to put into words exactly what she was feeling.

"Is it wrong of me to be sad?" she asked in a tiny voice that took her by surprise. "I mean… after everything…"

"It\'s not wrong," he assured her, reaching over to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "That feeling is what separates you from Bai Ye Qing. You are a good person, Qian Meng."

She thought that over for a moment. "What about you?"

"I feel bad for Mr. Bai. How can I feel back for Bai Ye Qing after he… what he did?"

Qian Meng felt tears threatening to prick her eyes and blinked them away defiantly. She would not cry for that man.

"Because loss is hard, even in the darkest of circumstances. And you like Uncle Bai."

Qian Meng thought of everything that man had done to her and Uncle Bai. She remembered Bai Wenxi\'s funeral and Uncle Bai\'s tears. A wave of anger and resentment filled her. And maybe a little nausea, too.

"Can we go inside?"

He nodded and they both released themselves from the seatbelt and gathered their bags as they got out of the vehicle.

"It\'s beautiful here," Mo Qingchen commented, making her realized she was so distracted that she hadn\'t even looked around.

She glanced up at the clear skies and massive trees around them. She nodded in agreement. "Yes, it is."

"Still don\'t plan on leaving the bedroom?"

She looked over at him, at his teasing, boyish grin, and she was envious of the way he seemed to let new information roll off his back.

She laughed as much as she could muster and trudged off toward the front door. As she pulled up the email with the lock code, she noticed that she had lost reception on her phone. That was the whole point.

To be secluded with Mo Qingchen.

Only… at that moment, her thoughts were interrupting.

The cabin was large, probably intended for a family, but it still held charm with soft lighting and dark woods. Mo Qingchen carried their luggage into the bedroom while she put away the groceries, spacing out as she did.

As hard as she tried, she couldn\'t seem to think of anything except Bai Ye Qing. Waves of anger and anxiety-filled her as she replayed moments in her head. In some ways, it felt like so long ago, yet the emotions were so raw at the same time.

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