
Chapter 114 - Eternal Flame of Sunrise

Chapter 114 - Eternal Flame of Sunrise

Once the dance was over, even more people approached her, but this time to compliment and fawn over her footsteps or the way her dress swayed.

They were even more careful with their words, most likely realizing the King was deeply smitten by her. None of their compliments mattered, it went through one ear and out the other.

Adeline had smiled whenever needed and laughed whenever necessary. The only time she was in her truest form was when the Claymores came to visit her, with large, genuine smiles.

The Mardens hadn\'t come. Neither did Asher.

"Okay, Addy, I only have five minutes to tell you this." Lydia turned in her seat when everyone wasn\'t looking, especially her parents. The King was occupied by the twins and some foreign embassy.

"You know what happens during the wedding night don\'t you, my dear, innocent friend who reads too much e.r.o.t.i.ca but has experienced nothing."

Adeline\'s mouth dropped open a bit, her face turning bright red. "Don\'t incriminate me like this, Liddy! You were the one who gave those books to me, claiming I need more knowledge."

"I was hoping those books would make you curious enough to experience it with another man, but seeing how you remained a prude…" Lydia trailed off.

Adeline warily glanced left and right, hoping no one heard Lydia\'s slip of tongue. Sure enough, they didn\'t. She hoped to the high heavens they truly didn\'t. What would they think of them?!

"I did nothing more but read the books," Adeline said.

"Then tell me, did you gain more knowledge?" Lydia whispered.

Lydia leaned closer, grasping upon Adeline\'s hand, her fingers brushing upon the ruby ring. She had witnessed many lavish jewelry in her lifetimes and owned quite a few pairs whose combination could probably buy out a small kingdom.

But the one on Adeline\'s hand was unlike anything Lydia had ever seen. She was left speechless by its sheer beauty, the bloody red ruby seated upon petals of diamonds, with two bands lined with smaller diamonds as decoration.

Lydia\'s heart raced at the sight of it. "Oh my goodness, Addy, you\'re wearing one of the nation\'s treasure!" she squeaked out in disbelief, finally recognizing where she had seen it before.

"I practically did zero reading in school, but even I know the historic importance of this ring! It\'s in history books you know, about the Wraith Empire. They said the First Queen of Wraith wore this after helping the King seize the throne. It\'s said—"

"You\'re boring my wife," Elias muttered.

Lydia gasped at him. What kind of irritating, loud-mouthed, jerk of a King was this?! "I am giving an important history lesson about your own Kingdom—"

"Darling, don\'t worry about the significance of this ring." Elias grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles, bringing her attention back to him.

"I didn\'t know it was such an important artifact. I thought you had it custom made or something," Adeline admitted. "It\'s a beautiful ring, truly. I was at a loss of words when I saw it."

"Now that Liddy mentioned it, I know a bit of its origins," Adeline said to both of them. "Isn\'t this ruby called \'The Eternal Flame of Sunrise?\' It was named after a poem the first Queen of Wraith wrote after her husband seized the world, bringing back absolute power to royalty."

Elias raised a brow. "I see you\'re fond of reading things other than your fictional stories and autobiographies."

Adeline laughed at his foolish joke before wrinkling her nose at him. He always liked to poke at her and tease her. Was that his favorite hobby from now on?

"It\'s said the poem was dedicated to the first sunrise after their victory, where the skies looked like flames," Adeline concluded.

Before anyone could speak, Weston opened his mouth. "It seems the reports of your tutors weren\'t mindless flattery, but the truth. Though, I had expected for you to recognize the importance of this ring a lot sooner, Your Grace."

"You\'re always so mean, like a school teacher, Weston," Easton loudly sighed.

He slung an arm around his older brother, shaking his head in disapproval. "Let\'s cut our Queen some slack, she was probably caught up with anxiety during the wedding vows. Right, Your Grace?"

Easton offered her a friendly smile, but was met with her cold stare. His smile slipped a bit.

She must\'ve remembered his betrayal in the council room. He thought she\'d make a great Queen, truly, but at that time, he wanted the Golden Rose to win. He thought the Golden Rose was the key to His Majesty\'s problems.

"Get off of me, you\'re heavy and fat," Weston hissed, shrugging his brother\'s arm away from his shoulder.

"I am not fat!" Easton cried back, placing a wounded hand upon his c.h.e.s.t. "I—"

"The wedding ceremony is coming to an end now," Elias suddenly said. He saw the time and had enough of the festivities.

The twins quieted down.

Elias grabbed Adeline\'s hand and together, they rose from their chairs. Instantly, the chatter stopped.

The King had a presence to silence people, even on the other side of an enormous room. His aura was frightening, and his stance was intimidating. But his face was pleasant and handsome, flaunted by rare amiability.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we\'d like to thank you for your generous time in attending the wedding ceremony. Your presence was highly welcomed and much appreciated. It\'s with reluctance that I announce the ceremony is coming to an end," Elias spoke in a loud, commanding voice, forcing every pair of eyes onto him.

Adeline breathed through her nose, calming down her nerves. She knew what was the next part of the speech. "As honorable guests, we\'d like to invite you towards the center of the gardens where a lovely surprise awaits you."

Elias was pleasantly surprised by her composed voice and confidence. Her hand was moistened with anxiety sweat, but she didn\'t stutter nor did her tone quiver.

Adeline gracefully smiled, reaching her eyes as butlers came forward and began guiding people out of the banquet hall. She took a seat with Elias and watched as everyone slowly left.

"Miss Claymore," one of the butlers said, appearing beside her just as another servant gestured for the twins to leave as well.

Lydia narrowed her eyes. She had a suspicion this was how the King planned to steal Adeline. Thus, she turned in her seat and suddenly leaned into Adeline, her lips upon the latter\'s ears.

"Listen, a man likes it when you take the tip into your mouth, it\'s the most s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e spot, they usually can\'t feel anything lower than that, so remember, the tip—"

"Someone has to wash that mouth of yours with soap!" Elias growled, yanking his wife towards him.

Lydia scowled. For once, she was trying to help him! She was teaching her innocent friend how to please a husband. Was that so sinful that he had to grab Adeline like that?!

She glared at his protective arm, one wrapped around Adeline\'s c.h.e.s.t, the other settled upon her stomach. What a frightsome, possessive ruler he was. Everyone could tell Adeline belonged to him, like the mate of an animal. His protectiveness was revealed today.

"Hmph, ungrateful!" Lydia hissed. She rose from the chair and made eye contact with Adeline whose face had filled with shock.

"I-is it true?" Adeline whispered, but even she seemed hesitant of who it was directed towards.

Lydia opened her mouth. "It\'s—"

"Lydia Claymore, there you are!" Mrs. Claymore deadpanned, accompanied by her husband.

Lydia bowed her head and glanced towards the ground.

Seeing the tension in the room, the Claymores pressed her lips together, already knowing her daughter had caused troubles, yet again. Duke Claymore debated the idea of stepping forward, but his wife beat him to it.

"Your Majesty," Mrs. Claymore stated. "My daughter has wronged you again."

Mrs. Claymore stopped directly beside her daughter. She subtly nudged the girl to quickly apologize before the King came for their heads.

"It\'s fine, Mrs. Claymore," Adeline blurted out. "Lydia was just informing me of something crucial, that\'s all."

She felt Elias\'s arm tighten around her, his muscles digging into her fragile collarbone. He was not pleased. But Lydia was just trying to help. It wasn\'t like he was going to tell her.

Mrs. Claymore loudly sighed. "You\'re always so sweet, Adeline. Just like your Mother. She would\'ve been so happy to see you in your white dress, and your Father would\'ve bawled like a baby when he walked you down the aisle."

Adeline weakly smiled at Mrs. Claymore\'s words. She knew as well, her heart prickling. It had been a while since she last cried over her parents, but the pain was always there.

"You\'re such a breathtaking sight," Mrs. Claymore added on, gently grinning. "Now, I won\'t steal any more of your time with the King. My daughter has disrupted you enough."

Mrs. Claymore grabbed her daughter and began pulling her away.

"It\'s not my place to say this, Your Majesty," Duke Claymore said to the King. "But please, keep Adeline safer than a national treasure."

Elias loudly laughed. "Believe me, I would\'ve done the same even before your advice."

Duke Claymore let out a small sigh of relief, his strict face softening for the slightest bit. He nodded his head and took his leave, placing a beckoning hand behind his wife\'s back.

"Come, darling." Elias loosened his grip on her and turned her around. He grabbed her hand and whisked her to her feet.

Seeing as he was no longer angered, Adeline nodded her head. She allowed him to pull her in whichever direction he d.e.s.i.r.ed.

"But this isn\'t the way to the gardens for the fireworks…"

Elias chuckled. He continued walking, this time, sliding his hand upon her lower back. "We\'re not going to the gardens, my sweet."

"But people are waiting for us in the gardens."


"If not the gardens, where are we going?"

Elias\'s gaze flickered, his features turning mysterious and dark. "To the bedroom."

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