
Chapter 356 Hold on, boss!

As Hinari was crying without tears, she was reflexively moving herself to the corner most side of the back seat of the car. She had never been scared to this extent of Zaki before, probably because every time Zaki’s mood turned dangerous, Hinari would always play her mischievous tricks to divert his attention and extinguish the terrifying aura coming from him. However, now that she was banned from flirting and touching him, what was she supposed to do now?

After some moments, the car finally moved, but Zaki remained in this terrifying state. The silence that enveloped the car was deafening and Hinari who was not used to this kind of situation was getting more and more restless as time went on. She could hardly stand Zaki being like this. She’d rather have him scolding her than him being this unusually silent and cold. She badly wanted to do something about this suffocating atmosphere so Hinari started by clearing her throat softly.

She observed Zaki’s reaction but the man didn’t even bat an eyelid.

The next moment, Hinari breathed in deeply as she gathered what was left of her courage and opened her mouth.

"Uhm... Beauty, have you thought about my punishment? If you already decided what it is, let me know so I can prepare myself---"

"Shut up."

Upon those words ’shut up’, coming out of Zaki’s mouth, Hinari’s mouth hung open again. Zaki’s voice was chilly as he said these words and it sent a shiver down Hinari’s spine.

E-err... what exactly happened to this man? Has my beauty really turned into a beast now?! He actually told me to shut up?! Wait... don’t tell me that this was his punishment for me! Are you serious?! First, he banned me from flirting and touching him, now he was forbidding me from talking? Aren’t you being way too heartless to me?


Meanwhile, in the other car, fast travelling back to the Chen mansion, Davi, who somehow managed to crawl into Sei’s lap, was murmuring to no one in particular. Her head was currently resting on Sei’s shoulder, with both her arms flung around his neck. She was like a big baby in Sei’s arms.

"Don’t worry, Little Shin. Mommy’s right here. Mommy’s not going to leave you again... wait for me okay?" Davi was still sniffling as she said these words and Sei couldn’t help but feel a slight tinge of pain in his heart as he heard Davi speaking weakly to herself.

Sei understood that her pain from leaving her son was still carved through her heart. He understood that it wasn’t going to be easy for her scars to fully heal and that was why she was saying these things subconsciously.

As Sei was holding her so tightly, he wanted to take all her pain away but he didn’t know how. All he could think of to do was place a hand on Davi’s head and slowly pat her while whispering the words, "It’s ok. Everything is going to be ok now."

Sei’s soft words and gentle voice seemed to have pierced through Davi’s consciousness as she slowly stopped sniffling and just laid her head on Sei’s shoulders.

He could see her slowly closing her eyes, as if she was about to fall asleep. He could feel her warm breath on his neck as she breathed in and out, making him feel content and relaxed, knowing that she was calming down again.

However, this feeling didn’t last for too long because a certain someone was getting more and more uncomfortable by the minute. Davi’s warm breath on his neck and having her body so close to his was stirring up the desire that he kept in check within him. ’This was not the time’, he firmly told himself, but somehow... it seemed easier said than done.

At the same moment that Sei was strengthening up his defenses, Davi took a deep breath and something triggered inside her mind. Her brows knotted as she asked herself. That scent, where have I smelled that before?

The scent that was like hypnotic incense because it just felt so familiar and comforting that it made Davi wonder what it would taste like. So, without hesitation, she poked her tongue out of her mouth and she licked him.

Sei instantly stiffened as his eyes widened. The hand that was stroking her head stilled, hanging in the air as he inhaled sharply. The sound of giant walls crashing down echoed in Sei’s mind as he imagined his defenses being torn down like they were nothing. The area of his neck that Davi licked felt like it was burning especially when her breath fell on it.

Just as he was about to regain his self-control, Davi licked him again! But this time she wasn’t content on stopping there, eventually placing her mouth on his neck and sucking on it. Sei’s mind was thrown completely into chaos. What little self-control he had left had now been thrown out of the car window and was left lying on the road behind them, waving them goodbye.

"Davi..." Sei uttered as he gritted his teeth but the girl didn’t stop.

The driver, Ryou, of course, noticed that things were getting a little heated in the back seat even without seeing what was happening (he didn’t dare to look!), so he immediately sped up the car to go as fast as he could before his boss lost control in his presence.

Damn it! Why is my life so tough?! Please stop forcefully stuffing dog food in my mouth...! Hold on boss, just a little bit longer. We’re going to arrive soon...

As Ryou continued praying silently, crying without tears, Sei finally took action. He suddenly pinned Davi down the back seat, covering her entirely with his body and as soon as Ryou noticed this, the car flew like a bullet, uncontrollably.

Damn! Didn’t I say you need to wait just a bit longer? We are about to reach the mansion, boss! Stop acting like a beast devoid of any self-control!

"Davi..." Sei uttered again when Davi pulled Sei and she continued licking his neck. She started sucking his skin hard and biting him, causing Sei to finally lose his mind entirely. Before he knew it, he was already kissing her hard, as naughtily as ever.

Sei felt like his desire could no longer be restrained. His longing for her which had lasted for more than five years was so intense that it was like a volcano getting ready to erupt.

When their lips eventually parted, Sei immediately started kissing Davi’s nape. The passion was already unstoppable, however, just as Sei was about to slip his hand under her dress, Davi suddenly spoke.

"Darling... there’s something hard poking me..."

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