
Chapter 456 - Rejoice!

Listening to the deafening yet appealing sound, Virus took a deep breath of relief while pondering, \'It must be the riddle version. That\'s great!\'

"It means it will only attack and kill us if we get the riddle wrong." Murmuring that briefly, Virus turned toward Henna and the veiled lady as he explained how this trial was going to work.

As Virus was finished elaborating the situation, both women stared at the sphinx with gaping jaws. There was no doubt they were greatly nonplussed by the strange test where it didn\'t involve any type of battle whatsoever.

In fact, it was an extremely straightforward test, one either answers the riddle correctly and is rewarded, or that person answers it wrong and dies!

There were no other alternatives like answering it wrong and then escaping, fighting, or even perhaps killing the Sphinx since the monster in front of them was too strong for any of that to be an option!

"Really?" The veiled lady asked again, wanting to make sure she had heard right.

"Yeah. You two don\'t need to be worried though, I\'m pretty good at this game. All you two need to do is remain silent and let me do the talking, is that clear?" Frowning a little, Virus reassured and warned them at the same time.


"No buts! Just trust me and leave everything else to me."

Seeing the two finally nodding their heads, Virus no longer delayed the matter as he turned toward the Sphinx and declared. "We understand, please ask the first riddle."

"GOOD! HERE\'S THE FIRST ONE! TELL ME THIS, WHAT IS IT THAT GIVEN ONE, YOU\'LL HAVE EITHER TWO OR NONE?" The ear-splitting voice of the Sphinx reached the trio at once.

On the other side, catching the question, both women started feeling extremely anxious because no matter how hard they contemplated the question, they could not think of any possible objects that when given one turns into two or none.

Virus, however, didn\'t even need to think before answering the riddle, "It\'s a choice."

"…" Promptly, a deep silence descended upon the aquarium corridor as the Sphinx silently watched Virus\' expression for quite a while.

Beside him, droplets of sweat were rolling down the two ladies\' faces as they anxiously awaited the Sphinx\'s judgemental response.


"REMEMBER, YOU CAN ONLY BRING ONE ITEM BACK WITH YOU! IF YOU BRING MORE, THE GAME IS OVER AND YOU SHALL BE SENT ON A JOURNEY TO THE AFTERLIFE." The resounding warning of the Sphinx reverberated in all directions, reminding them to not be uselessly greedy and die a dog\'s death as a result.

Truthfully, its voice was so thundering and loud that the two ladies were feeling a sharp pain in their eardrums every time it spoke.

Following that, magically, four doors appeared in front of the trio in the very fabric of space itself while the Sphinx announced, "THE FIRST TREASURY HAS FOUR ENTRANCES AND FOUR SEPARATE ROOMS, ENTER!"

After that, the women and Virus briefly gazed into one another\'s eyes before Virus finally opened his mouth, "Just select whichever entry you desire, just don\'t choose the one I do, I\'ll also follow that rule and avoid yours, see you."

With that, turning around, Virus casually picked one before vanishing into it while leaving behind a harrumphing cheeky woman who screamed, "I don\'t wanna follow you too! Hmph!"

Entering the treasury, the first course of action Virus took was to inspect his surroundings. Currently, all around him, he could perceive hundreds of books neatly arranged. Each book was stationed above a platform as there were hundreds of such platforms visible at sight.

Ambling beside a platform, Virus casually picked a random book and looked at its title.

[Movement Technique Name: Dancing Lover, Class: Early-Human]

\'Huh? What\'s this shitty book?\' Putting it down Virus picked the second book from the second stand closest to him.

[Attack Technique Name: Qi Blade of Yitian Sect, Class: Mid-Human]

"Huh?" Furrowing his brows more, Virus quickly rushed to the other stands as he checked one book after another.

Alas, after half an hour of inspecting the various books, Virus noticed the highest-ranked was a mere High-Human class technique and that was in fact the only technique that had barely reached the High level.

"Such a worthless treasury." Feeling greatly annoyed by this shitty treasure room, disappointment overwhelmed Virus.

\'If it was a Human-class technique I desired, I have shit tons of that, why would I even bother myself with these trashy techniques in this fucking room?\' As this notion went through Virus\' head, he was just about to turn around and leave the treasure room empty-handed, when suddenly, his attention was drawn to a certain corner of the treasure room where a skeleton had long died at.

\'I wonder how this person died here…\' Having already deliberated regarding this mystery earlier, Virus\' focus was now garnered to a certain object shining beneath the palm of the corpse. It was something he had missed previously due to standing in a different position.

Thus, rushing to the skeleton, Virus quickly picked up the unknown object and began scanning it. It was a metal container with the size and a shape just like that of a tube which is usually used in order to contain blood for testing in laboratories.

Casually playing with the small finger-sized container next, Virus tried making heads or tails of the tool in his grasp.

A few seconds later, abruptly, Virus\' eyelids jumped open as he unearthed a fact, "Don\'t tell me it\'s…"

Immediately transmitting some of his energy from one of his liberated pathways into the tiny container, Virus discovered a change.

The moment he did so, amazingly, Virus sensed a connection establishing itself between his awareness and the container itself while he located two square meters of space within the tool in his palm. It was also precisely at that time when Virus yelped in recognition, "A Spatial Container!"

Indeed, just as Virus was claiming, what he was holding right now was something called a \'spatial container\' which was something that\'s commonly used in the Cultivation Multiverse of Qi.

However, on this Cultivation Earth, truthfully, spatial containers seemed to be much more sparse in comparison.

Examining inside the spatial container, Virus\' eyes were already glowing while a grin of joy crept over his face. "Nice! This is a good find. Even though it\'s just two square meters of space, a least it\'s better than leaving with nothing at all."

Next, no longer wanting to remain in this trashy room, Virus left without any further ado.

The instant he left, the four magical doors vanished on their own. At the same time, probing the faces of the two women who were already back, Virus could hardly detect any traces of happiness on their expressions.

Apparently, they were also quite let down by the treasures in the first treasury. Still, they had each chosen a High-Human class technique since they didn\'t want to return empty-handed.

"DO YOU WANT TO LEAVE OR PROCEED TO THE NEXT RIDDLE?" The blaring yet charmingly feminine voice of the Sphinx reached them once more.

Based on its words, Virus knew they probably had two options after each riddle was over, either to leave or continue risking their lives.

Of course, considering Virus\' identity, saying he was risking his life in this trial would be nothing but an exaggeration. To be honest, Virus had already determined this trial of the Sphinx to be the easiest one so far.

Beside him, hearing whether they wanted to proceed to the next question or not, both the veiled woman and Henna felt very worried.

"Hot face, I think it\'d be better if we leave. I mean that clearly wasn\'t the treasure room I was expecting… it doesn\'t make any sense to risk our lives over a bunch of Human class techniques, let\'s just leave, okay?" With her lips firmly pressing together beneath the veil, the cheeky woman proposed.

"Yeah, Vee! Let\'s just leave already, tell the Sphinx we don\'t want to proceed with the riddles please." Henna also remarked in a concerned tone.


Surprised by its unexpected interference, Virus gazed into the Sphinx\'s eyes and tried detecting the emotions that were currently exhibiting themselves on its face.

Soon, realizing something, a vicious grin crept over Virus\' face. \'It\'s slightly clenching its jaws while its tone was unusually sharper just now. This Sphinx is obsessed with riddles just like an addicted gambler that keeps gambling until it loses everything. It believes it will win as long as the game goes on.\'

Now feeling entertained by the Sphinx, while unconsciously licking his lips in anticipation, Virus was even more steeled to play with the Sphinx as much as it wanted.

"Let\'s hear the second riddle." Therefore, ignoring the two upset women, Virus urged the Sphinx to go on.

"GREAT!" Puffing out its chest, the anxiousness seemed to leave the creature\'s expression as smugness replaced it.

"WHITE BIRD, FEATHERLESS. FLYING OUT OF HEAVENS. FLYING OVER SEA AND LAND. DYING IN MY HAND. WHAT IS IT?" Even more pleased with itself, the Sphinx confidently awaited Virus\' answer, apparently, it was much more self-assured this time.

Gently poking Virus\' hand, the veiled lady brought its face closer to Virus as she whispered into his ears, "I think it\'s talking about an ice dragon. I mean think about it, a snow dragon could be considered a white bird. Dragons also don\'t have feathers, they have scales. Moreover, they can probably reach and fly out of heavens, fly over sea and land easily, and they may even die in that sphinx\'s hand if it is indeed strong enough!"


Promptly putting his index finger over his lips, Virus glared at her while signaling her to stay quiet and not say anything else out loud. Who knew if the addicted riddler would hear it and insist that was their reply. In case that truly happened, Virus would feel wronged even in death!

At the same time, directly looking into the titanic monster\'s eyes, Virus vocalized confidently, "It\'s definitely a snowflake. A featherless white bird that flies out heaven over lands and seas which eventually dies and melts in the hands of anyone that catches it."

Subsequently, after catching Virus\' statement, a chattering noise resounded in all directions, which quickly brought a broad smile over Virus\' face as he wondered, "Huh, it\'s annoyed right now because I\'m right again."


"Ah!" Covering her mouth using her slender fingers, the cheeky woman cried out in some trepidation while imagining their current situation in case she had carelessly opened her mouth earlier.

Briefly afterward, out of nowhere, four gates popped into existence, urging the three participants to dive in and decide their prize for this round.

Before that, however, throwing a simple glance at the countenance of the veiled woman who was still a little edgy regarding her previous close-call error, Virus reassured her, "Just trust me, okay? I\'ll get us out of here alive, go pick your reward now!" Harshly slapping her back right above her butt area, Virus tried easing some of her tension.

"Ahhhmm, you slapped my ass!" Blushing, the cheeky woman moaned in an excessive manner.

"No, I did not!" Feeling irritated, Virus denied. Nonetheless, seeing she was back to her normal state, a triumphant half-smile showed itself on his lips.

"Ah, okay, see you soon, hot face. Thanks for the ass slap by the way."

"Just shut up and go!"

Seeing her eyes curve up and narrow exotically, Virus understood that she was smiling behind her veil right now.

A few moments later, after the two women entered the same door together, Virus once again decided to launch into another one altogether.

To be frank, he preferred being alone without any distractions around while he was busy collecting his rewards, and that\'s why he entered another gate.

The instant he was inside, however, Virus noticed he was astonishingly facing a room filled with all types of weapons!

To be accurate, he was witnessing a wide range of cold weapons proudly displaying themselves over the various panels and platforms. There were knives, daggers, blades, swords, axes, spears, bows, crossbows, longswords, heavy swords, etc.

Nearly all kinds of weapons could be spotted beautifully placed above platforms and panels all around the treasure room.

Strolling toward the closest stage, Virus stared at an ax that had been put on display while checking its short description below.

[Ax Name: River Hacker, Power: 1st Tempering Item.]

With those few words, Virus shook his head as he felt quite let down with the said weapon.

Just as monstrous beasts were classified from the first to the tenth Order according to their level of cultivation and strength, all equipment in the world such as weapons, armors, helmets, etc. were also ranked.

The ranking for the equipment began from the \'First Tempering Items\' to the \'Tenth Tempering Items\' and Equipment.

Based on that, ordinarily, when a cultivator enters the Disentanglement Stage, the weakest weapon that would suit the cultivator needs to at least be a First Tempering Item.

At the Liberation Stage, the equipment of First Tempering would no longer be suitable to the said cultivator as that individual would be required to replace it with a Second Tempering Item at the very least.

And obviously, in the Sublimity Emergence stage, the bare minimum equipment that\'s necessary for wielding increases to the Third Tempering.

Why it\'s called \'tempering\'?

The reason why the items and equipment were ranked as such mainly had to do with a subsidiary job called \'Blacksmithing\' which many talented cultivators pursued.

In the Blacksmithing cultivation occupation, the level, durability, might, and other characteristics of the equipment were all determined based on the number of temperings the blacksmith was capable of achieving in that particular item.

For example, when a blacksmith succeeds in tempering a sword once, in addition to the types of material utilized, the energy of that blacksmith would also triumphantly influence the sword to an extent as the sword would be considered a sword of First Tempering.

If that blacksmith succeeds in tempering the sword twice in a row, the sword would naturally be elevated to the state of Second Tempering Item!

Of course, the issue of how many times exactly a blacksmith could temper an item was all dependent on the skills and proficiency of that specific blacksmith.

Nevertheless, after throwing a brief glimpse at the ax, Virus adjusted his eyesight to another weapon and its description

[Spear Name: Maim Spearposh, Power: 2st Tempering Item.]

"Nah… too weak." Whispering that, Virus referred to one weapon after another, and before long, he was finished checking all the weapons available in the treasure room as he successfully put together a list of the ranking of the weapons.

Subsequently, that information was automatically put on display.

[The number of each tempered item is as follows. First Tempering Weapons: 167, Second Tempering Weapons: 32, Third Tempering Equipment: 3.]

"I don\'t need the First or Second Tempered Items, which leaves me with these three."

After briefly inspecting the only three Third Tempering Weapons in this treasure room which happened to be a dagger, a longsword, and a sword, Virus referred to their description next.

[Dagger Name: The Quiet Killer of East, Power: 3rd Tempering Item.]

[Longsword Name: Great Reacher, Power: 3rd Tempering Item.]

[Sword Name: Steel of Darkness, Power: 3rd Tempering Item.]

\'Which one should I choose?\' Despite currently asking himself that question, from the moment his eyes had landed upon the Steel of Darkness, Virus had been reminded of his own \'The Darkest Night, The Shining Moon\' which awakened many nostalgic memories for him.

Thus, grabbing the sword, Virus closely scrutinized its shape. The pitch-black cross hilt was followed by the graphite gray blade of the sword which was currently reflecting Virus\' own image much like a mirror.

Moreover, from the hilt itself to nearly the tip of the sword, the middle section of the blade was chiseled by absolutely eye-catching marks that transmitted an emotion of luxury and chivalry to its wielder and foes alike.

"Rejoice! For you have been fated to a great master!" As Virus was finished uttering that sentence full of pride, the humming Steel of Darkness vanished as he stored it within his spatial container.

{A/N: The sword\'s picture is attached both here and in our Discord.}

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