
Chapter 428: Frenzied Creation

Chapter 428: Frenzied Creation

But no matter what Solomon did, Fang Yu did not budge on her decision to keep the pendant. She kept the fang pendant on her storage, with her expression telling everyone that she will not return it.

This resulted in another round of sobbing from Solomon. Upon seeing this, both Wang Mei and Tang Li swooped in to appease him. “There, there, Sis will also return the pendant back ok? So do not be sad ok?” Tang Li said as she hugged Solomon.

“Hmph, she better be, or elshe, I will cut her down!” Seems like Solomon’s mouth is still foul even after he was being appeased by his twin. “Jusht you wait Fang Yu!”


The others just shook their head as they left Solomon under the mercy of Tang Li and Wang Mei.

Whatever happens to Solomon now will be up to these two. Poor Jorm was also included, as he and Solomon were dragged off by Wang Mei and Tang Li to God knows where.

As she watched the four kids having their ‘playtime’, Fang Yu sighed as she thought to herself, “Now that we have done this... Its time to prepare for the trip to the Underworld.”

Because of what Wang Hao did earlier, all the sects in the Immortal God Continent went into seclusion in an attempt to preserve themselves.

After all, what the Immortals saw was something that made them extremely fearful. There is no way they will just show themselves to Wang Hao after all that he did! As for the God Continent, they are in a much worse condition. With the deaths of the Fifth and Sixth Stage Practitioners here, the over-all power of the whole God Continent dropped.

Just like the Immortal Continent, many of the powers of the God Continent also went into seclusion. They also sealed off their borders, not allowing any outsider to enter.

With the depletion of their power, it will be long time before the God Continent will open up themselves again. To Fang Yu this is a good news, as at least she would not have any worries when she joins Wang Hao in the Underworld Realm.

After all, Wang Hao mentioned that the length of the final trial is not constant. It could be as short as a day or as long as a millennia. How long the trial will last will depend on its participants.

With that kind of time frame, Fang Yu has to make sure that there will be no problems when she leaves the Planet Thrae. Fang Yu then looked at the cocoon that was covering Yao’er. She could see that Yao’er’s body was being strengthened by the cocoon, raising her power for every second that she was in there.

With her estimates, Fang Yu determined that the cocoon will open up 2 days from now, just before the start of the final trial.

That ensures that Yao’er can join Fang Yu in the Underworld Realm. As for the Immortal God Sect, the Fang Clan, and all of her acquaintances in the Immortal Continent, Fang Yu decided to not meet them for now.

Fang Yu still had complicated feelings inside her, and she felt that she needed more time to sort it out. Because of that, she decided to talk to them once she comes back from the Underworld Realm.

After sorting these things, Fang Yu went to Old Man to tell him about her Nascent Soul Breathing Technique.

Old Man’s expression brightened as Fang Yu told him that she can make more than one Nascent Soul with the Nascent Soul Breathing Technique.

“Hahahaha! Having you as my disciple is one of the best things that happened in my life!” Old Man laughed as he slapped his thighs.

He was extremely joyful as he realized that the path Fang Yu was treading was a new path that could lead the practitioner world to a new age!

“So... should I just continue creating more Nascent Souls?” Fang Yu asked as she gave Old Man a wary look. “Nothing bad will actually happen right?” Right now, Fang Yu had comprehended 6 Duality Concepts.

These concepts are: Ice-Fire Duality Concept Male-Female Duality Concept Life-Death Duality Concept Space-Time Duality Concept Creation-Destruction Duality Concept Up-Down Duality Concept.

Out of these 6 concepts, the only concept that Fang Yu converted as her Nascent Soul was the Ice-Fire Duality Concept due to the lack of her time. But now that she is here safely at Planet Thrae, Fang Yu felt that she can proceed on creating more Nascent Souls!

With just two days left before the Final Trial, Fang Yu knew that she had to find a way to raise her strength as fast as possible.

Having a breakthrough with her Cores right now is impossible, as Fang Yu just reached the Third Stage recently.

Not only that, but she also blasted through 3 Sub-Realms consecutively. That led to her foundation being slightly unstable Fang Yu knew that forcing herself to have another breakthrough with her cores will be a bad choice as this could worsen her unstable foundation.

What Fang Yu needed to do with her cores was to consolidate them until they become stable enough for her to start breaking through the 4th Sub-Realm. But until that time comes, Fang Yu will not do anything on her cores.

The only way that Fang Yu can increase her strength now was to create more Nascent Souls, as she already had the needed insights completely comprehended. She only needed to absorb the Essences to proceed!

Of course Fang Yu decided to consult Old Man first before she attempted on increasing her Nascent Souls. She needed to know from him if their will be any hidden dangers if she gets more than one Nascent Soul.

She sighed in relief as Old Man said that there is none. “Hehehe, with your talent, creating all your Nascent Soul within 2 days is possible!” Old Man feverishly said as he rubbed his hands in excitement. It was quite obvious that he wanted to see how strong Fang Yu will be once she succeeds on creating more Nascent Souls.

“Will there be any special effects? Hehehehe, I will know the answer to that 2 days from now!” Old Man then swiveled his gaze to Wang Hao, who was watching their conversation the entire time.

“Hey, even if you are slightly estranged with Fang Yu right now, you should still help her get stronger.” Old Man said with narrowed eyes as he stared at Wang Hao. “You know that you need Fang Yu’s strength for your Final Trial at the Underworld, so you must do everything to make her stronger!”

“Of course I know that!” Wang Hao quickly replied. His gaze then went to Fang Yu as he said, “Fang Yu, you need to absorb Essences to breed your Nascent Soul right? Well I am here to provide the energy for that!!”

“Hey, I am also here!” Old Man angrily muttered as he gave Wang Hao a challenging look. “What you can provide for Fang Yu, I can provide that too! Fang Yu just have to enter the space inside the tablet, and there she can access many resources that can provide her the Essence that she needs!”

“Ha?” “Ha”?

Wang Hao and Old Man’s face then went near each other, as if they were trying to bash each other’s head off.

It’s obvious that they will not yield the rights to provide Fang Yu with the Essences that she needed.

“Sigh.” After seeing this, Fang Yu stopped her urge to facepalm. She then took a deep breath as she said, “Hey, I can just get the Essences from both of you right? That will be better in my opinion instead of just choosing from either one of you...”

Both Wang Hao and Old Man stopped their arguments as they realized that what Fang Yu said was right.

“Yeah, you are right...” Old Man said as he slinked back to his original spot. He glanced at Wang Hao, who gave him a nod in return. “Ok then.” Fang Yu clapped her hands upon seeing that both Wang Hao and Old Man had calmed down now. “Let us start breeding more souls!”

2 days later.

“Boom!” “Hahaha, I did it!” Fang Yu whooped in delight as her body started to release a frightening power.

Fang Yu clenched her fists as she felt that the current her right now is almost unstoppable!

She looked inside her soul space, and there she could see the fruits of her non-stop labor for the past 2 days.

“Hehehe, I made them all just before the deadline. How lucky of me!” Fang Yu said merrily as 6 Nascent Souls went out of her body.

They flew around her as they let out dazzling glows that made Fang Yu extraordinarily beautiful.

Old Man, who saw the current scene, was trembling in excitement after seeing Fang Yu’s current form.

“Take that Odin! My created technique is not s**t! Hahahaha!” As for Wang Hao, he just shook his head wryly as he remembered everything that Fang Yu needed just to breed her Nascent Souls.

For the Male-Female Nascent Soul, Fang Yu needed to absorb the Male and Female ‘Essences’. Of course, these ‘Essences’ refers to that kind of essences... Obviously, Wang Hao and Old Man did not watch Fang Yu obtaining the “Essences’ from her Male and Female Bodies. They also did not ask how Fang Yu obtained these ‘Essences’. Fang Yu however, assured them that she did not do anything immoral to obtain them.

[[[Author’s Note: That means that there is no self-cest that happened. Fang Yu would not do that to obtain the ‘Essences’. And do not ask me how she did it, it’s a secret.]]]

Once she successfully created the Male-Female Nascent Soul, she proceeded on creating the Life-Death Nascent Soul. For this one, Wang Hao provided the Death Energy that Fang Yu converted to Death Essence.

As for the Life Essence, Old Man butted in as he gave Fang Yu a branch of Yggdrasil that was being kept inside his tablet. Fang Yu did not act shy as she immediately absorbed the rich Life Essence inside the Yggdrasil branch. Fang Yu then proceeded on creating the Space-Time Nascent Soul, and for this one Wang Hao just used his Space-Time Gyroscope to provide the Space and Time Essence that Fang Yu needed.

Old Man, not wanting to look stingy, decided to help Fang Yu with regards to the creation of the Creation-Destruction Nascent Soul. For this nascent soul, Old Man showed Fang Yu two of his treasured items. One was a sword, while the other was a spear. Both of these weapons were filled with a unique type of power that made Fang Yu somewhat wary of them. According to Old Man, the sword was created with the Primordial Energy, which only appears at the birth of a Galaxy. As for the spear, it was created from Ruin Energy, which only appears at the death of the galaxy.

The sword with its Primordial Energy was rich in Creation Essence, while the spear with Ruin Energy in it was the perfect object to get the Destruction Essence from! As for the Up-Down Nascent Soul, both Wang Hao and Old Man were stumped as they tried to think on where they can get the Essences for this Nascent Soul. Even with their wide knowledge, they realized that the Up-Down Duality Concept was too abstract to find its material representation.

They were about to tell Fang Yu to skip this concept when Fang Yu suddenly had a bright idea for this concept.

“If there is nothing that can give off the Up and Down Essence, then I will just use myself to create the Essences!”

Fang Yu then proceeded on using the power of the ↑ and ↓ symbols on herself. As she did this, her body started to emit the Essence of the Up and Down Concept. Realizing that this indeed worked, Fang Yu continued on spamming the ↑ and ↓symbols on herself. Fang Yu had no worries on her Origin Core Energy running out as Wang Hao helped her on that matter.

Wang Hao just provided Fang Yu with Core Mana and Core Qi Energy which Fang Yu converted to Origin Core Energy inside her. But because the Up and Down Essence that she emitted with this method was miniscule, Fang Yu had to do this method thousands of times just to get the right amount of the Essence that she needs.

Because of that, Fang Yu almost failed to create the Up-Down Nascent Soul before the deadline.

It was a good thing she managed to gather the needed amount of Essence before the deadline, or Fang Yu will be left behind by Wang Hao. Fang Yu then hastily created her Up-Down Nascent Soul, which luckily went without a hitch for her.

With the creation of the Up-Down Nascent Soul, Fang Yu reached her goal of creating 6 Nascent Souls!

With this power, Fang Yu knew that her quest to revive Xue’er will be easier now!

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